
839 lines
30 KiB

//! High-level overview of how `fix` works:
//! The main goal is to run `cargo check` to get rustc to emit JSON
//! diagnostics with suggested fixes that can be applied to the files on the
//! filesystem, and validate that those changes didn't break anything.
//! Cargo begins by launching a `LockServer` thread in the background to
//! listen for network connections to coordinate locking when multiple targets
//! are built simultaneously. It ensures each package has only one fix running
//! at once.
//! The `RustfixDiagnosticServer` is launched in a background thread (in
//! `JobQueue`) to listen for network connections to coordinate displaying
//! messages to the user on the console (so that multiple processes don't try
//! to print at the same time).
//! Cargo begins a normal `cargo check` operation with itself set as a proxy
//! for rustc by setting `primary_unit_rustc` in the build config. When
//! cargo launches rustc to check a crate, it is actually launching itself.
//! The `FIX_ENV` environment variable is set so that cargo knows it is in
//! fix-proxy-mode.
//! Each proxied cargo-as-rustc detects it is in fix-proxy-mode (via `FIX_ENV`
//! environment variable in `main`) and does the following:
//! - Acquire a lock from the `LockServer` from the master cargo process.
//! - Launches the real rustc (`rustfix_and_fix`), looking at the JSON output
//! for suggested fixes.
//! - Uses the `rustfix` crate to apply the suggestions to the files on the
//! file system.
//! - If rustfix fails to apply any suggestions (for example, they are
//! overlapping), but at least some suggestions succeeded, it will try the
//! previous two steps up to 4 times as long as some suggestions succeed.
//! - Assuming there's at least one suggestion applied, and the suggestions
//! applied cleanly, rustc is run again to verify the suggestions didn't
//! break anything. The change will be backed out if it fails (unless
//! `--broken-code` is used).
//! - If there are any warnings or errors, rustc will be run one last time to
//! show them to the user.
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{self, Command, ExitStatus};
use std::str;
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Error};
use cargo_util::ProcessBuilder;
use log::{debug, trace, warn};
use rustfix::diagnostics::Diagnostic;
use rustfix::{self, CodeFix};
use crate::core::compiler::RustcTargetData;
use crate::core::resolver::features::{FeatureOpts, FeatureResolver, RequestedFeatures};
use crate::core::resolver::{HasDevUnits, ResolveBehavior, ResolveOpts};
use crate::core::{Edition, MaybePackage, Workspace};
use crate::ops::{self, CompileOptions};
use crate::util::diagnostic_server::{Message, RustfixDiagnosticServer};
use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
use crate::util::{self, paths, Config};
use crate::util::{existing_vcs_repo, LockServer, LockServerClient};
use crate::{drop_eprint, drop_eprintln};
const FIX_ENV: &str = "__CARGO_FIX_PLZ";
const IDIOMS_ENV: &str = "__CARGO_FIX_IDIOMS";
pub struct FixOptions {
pub edition: bool,
pub idioms: bool,
pub compile_opts: CompileOptions,
pub allow_dirty: bool,
pub allow_no_vcs: bool,
pub allow_staged: bool,
pub broken_code: bool,
pub fn fix(ws: &Workspace<'_>, opts: &mut FixOptions) -> CargoResult<()> {
check_version_control(ws.config(), opts)?;
if opts.edition {
check_resolver_change(ws, opts)?;
// Spin up our lock server, which our subprocesses will use to synchronize fixes.
let lock_server = LockServer::new()?;
let mut wrapper = ProcessBuilder::new(env::current_exe()?);
wrapper.env(FIX_ENV, lock_server.addr().to_string());
let _started = lock_server.start()?;
opts.compile_opts.build_config.force_rebuild = true;
if opts.broken_code {
wrapper.env(BROKEN_CODE_ENV, "1");
if opts.edition {
wrapper.env(EDITION_ENV, "1");
if opts.idioms {
wrapper.env(IDIOMS_ENV, "1");
.borrow_mut() = Some(RustfixDiagnosticServer::new()?);
if let Some(server) = opts
server.configure(&mut wrapper);
let rustc = ws.config().load_global_rustc(Some(ws))?;
// primary crates are compiled using a cargo subprocess to do extra work of applying fixes and
// repeating build until there are no more changes to be applied
opts.compile_opts.build_config.primary_unit_rustc = Some(wrapper);
ops::compile(ws, &opts.compile_opts)?;
fn check_version_control(config: &Config, opts: &FixOptions) -> CargoResult<()> {
if opts.allow_no_vcs {
return Ok(());
if !existing_vcs_repo(config.cwd(), config.cwd()) {
"no VCS found for this package and `cargo fix` can potentially \
perform destructive changes; if you'd like to suppress this \
error pass `--allow-no-vcs`"
if opts.allow_dirty && opts.allow_staged {
return Ok(());
let mut dirty_files = Vec::new();
let mut staged_files = Vec::new();
if let Ok(repo) = git2::Repository::discover(config.cwd()) {
let mut repo_opts = git2::StatusOptions::new();
for status in repo.statuses(Some(&mut repo_opts))?.iter() {
if let Some(path) = status.path() {
match status.status() {
git2::Status::CURRENT => (),
| git2::Status::INDEX_MODIFIED
| git2::Status::INDEX_DELETED
| git2::Status::INDEX_RENAMED
| git2::Status::INDEX_TYPECHANGE => {
if !opts.allow_staged {
_ => {
if !opts.allow_dirty {
if dirty_files.is_empty() && staged_files.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let mut files_list = String::new();
for file in dirty_files {
files_list.push_str(" * ");
files_list.push_str(" (dirty)\n");
for file in staged_files {
files_list.push_str(" * ");
files_list.push_str(" (staged)\n");
"the working directory of this package has uncommitted changes, and \
`cargo fix` can potentially perform destructive changes; if you'd \
like to suppress this error pass `--allow-dirty`, `--allow-staged`, \
or commit the changes to these files:\n\
fn check_resolver_change(ws: &Workspace<'_>, opts: &FixOptions) -> CargoResult<()> {
let root = ws.root_maybe();
match root {
MaybePackage::Package(root_pkg) => {
if root_pkg.manifest().resolve_behavior().is_some() {
// If explicitly specified by the user, no need to check.
return Ok(());
// Only trigger if updating the root package from 2018.
let pkgs = opts.compile_opts.spec.get_packages(ws)?;
if !pkgs.iter().any(|&pkg| pkg == root_pkg) {
// The root is not being migrated.
return Ok(());
if root_pkg.manifest().edition() != Edition::Edition2018 {
// V1 to V2 only happens on 2018 to 2021.
return Ok(());
MaybePackage::Virtual(_vm) => {
// Virtual workspaces don't have a global edition to set (yet).
return Ok(());
// 2018 without `resolver` set must be V1
assert_eq!(ws.resolve_behavior(), ResolveBehavior::V1);
let specs = opts.compile_opts.spec.to_package_id_specs(ws)?;
let resolve_opts = ResolveOpts::new(
/*dev_deps*/ true,
let target_data = RustcTargetData::new(ws, &opts.compile_opts.build_config.requested_kinds)?;
// HasDevUnits::No because that may uncover more differences.
// This is not the same as what `cargo fix` is doing, since it is doing
// `--all-targets` which includes dev dependencies.
let ws_resolve = ops::resolve_ws_with_opts(
let feature_opts = FeatureOpts::new_behavior(ResolveBehavior::V2, HasDevUnits::No);
let v2_features = FeatureResolver::resolve(
let differences = v2_features.compare_legacy(&ws_resolve.resolved_features);
if differences.features.is_empty() && differences.optional_deps.is_empty() {
// Nothing is different, nothing to report.
return Ok(());
let config = ws.config();
"Switching to Edition 2021 will enable the use of the version 2 feature resolver in Cargo.",
"This may cause dependencies to resolve with a different set of features."
"More information about the resolver changes may be found \
"The following differences were detected with the current configuration:\n"
let report = |changes: crate::core::resolver::features::DiffMap, what| {
for ((pkg_id, for_host), removed) in changes {
drop_eprint!(config, " {}", pkg_id);
if for_host {
drop_eprint!(config, " (as build dependency)");
if !removed.is_empty() {
let joined: Vec<_> = removed.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
drop_eprint!(config, " removed {} `{}`", what, joined.join(","));
drop_eprint!(config, "\n");
report(differences.features, "features");
report(differences.optional_deps, "optional dependency");
drop_eprint!(config, "\n");
/// Entry point for `cargo` running as a proxy for `rustc`.
/// This is called every time `cargo` is run to check if it is in proxy mode.
/// Returns `false` if `fix` is not being run (not in proxy mode). Returns
/// `true` if in `fix` proxy mode, and the fix was complete without any
/// warnings or errors. If there are warnings or errors, this does not return,
/// and the process exits with the corresponding `rustc` exit code.
pub fn fix_maybe_exec_rustc(config: &Config) -> CargoResult<bool> {
let lock_addr = match env::var(FIX_ENV) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => return Ok(false),
let args = FixArgs::get()?;
trace!("cargo-fix as rustc got file {:?}", args.file);
let workspace_rustc = std::env::var("RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER")
let rustc = ProcessBuilder::new(&args.rustc).wrapped(workspace_rustc.as_ref());
trace!("start rustfixing {:?}", args.file);
let fixes = rustfix_crate(&lock_addr, &rustc, &args.file, &args, config)?;
// Ok now we have our final goal of testing out the changes that we applied.
// If these changes went awry and actually started to cause the crate to
// *stop* compiling then we want to back them out and continue to print
// warnings to the user.
// If we didn't actually make any changes then we can immediately execute the
// new rustc, and otherwise we capture the output to hide it in the scenario
// that we have to back it all out.
if !fixes.files.is_empty() {
let mut cmd = rustc.build_command();
args.apply(&mut cmd);
let output = cmd.output().context("failed to spawn rustc")?;
if output.status.success() {
for (path, file) in fixes.files.iter() {
Message::Fixed {
file: path.clone(),
fixes: file.fixes_applied,
// If we succeeded then we'll want to commit to the changes we made, if
// any. If stderr is empty then there's no need for the final exec at
// the end, we just bail out here.
if output.status.success() && output.stderr.is_empty() {
return Ok(true);
// Otherwise, if our rustc just failed, then that means that we broke the
// user's code with our changes. Back out everything and fall through
// below to recompile again.
if !output.status.success() {
if env::var_os(BROKEN_CODE_ENV).is_none() {
for (path, file) in fixes.files.iter() {
paths::write(path, &file.original_code)?;
// This final fall-through handles multiple cases;
// - If the fix failed, show the original warnings and suggestions.
// - If `--broken-code`, show the error messages.
// - If the fix succeeded, show any remaining warnings.
let mut cmd = rustc.build_command();
args.apply(&mut cmd);
for arg in args.format_args {
// Add any json/error format arguments that Cargo wants. This allows
// things like colored output to work correctly.
exit_with(cmd.status().context("failed to spawn rustc")?);
struct FixedCrate {
files: HashMap<String, FixedFile>,
struct FixedFile {
errors_applying_fixes: Vec<String>,
fixes_applied: u32,
original_code: String,
/// Attempts to apply fixes to a single crate.
/// This runs `rustc` (possibly multiple times) to gather suggestions from the
/// compiler and applies them to the files on disk.
fn rustfix_crate(
lock_addr: &str,
rustc: &ProcessBuilder,
filename: &Path,
args: &FixArgs,
config: &Config,
) -> Result<FixedCrate, Error> {
// First up, we want to make sure that each crate is only checked by one
// process at a time. If two invocations concurrently check a crate then
// it's likely to corrupt it.
// We currently do this by assigning the name on our lock to the manifest
// directory.
let dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR is missing?");
let _lock = LockServerClient::lock(&lock_addr.parse()?, dir)?;
// Next up, this is a bit suspicious, but we *iteratively* execute rustc and
// collect suggestions to feed to rustfix. Once we hit our limit of times to
// execute rustc or we appear to be reaching a fixed point we stop running
// rustc.
// This is currently done to handle code like:
// ::foo::<::Bar>();
// where there are two fixes to happen here: `crate::foo::<crate::Bar>()`.
// The spans for these two suggestions are overlapping and its difficult in
// the compiler to **not** have overlapping spans here. As a result, a naive
// implementation would feed the two compiler suggestions for the above fix
// into `rustfix`, but one would be rejected because it overlaps with the
// other.
// In this case though, both suggestions are valid and can be automatically
// applied! To handle this case we execute rustc multiple times, collecting
// fixes each time we do so. Along the way we discard any suggestions that
// failed to apply, assuming that they can be fixed the next time we run
// rustc.
// Naturally, we want a few protections in place here though to avoid looping
// forever or otherwise losing data. To that end we have a few termination
// conditions:
// * Do this whole process a fixed number of times. In theory we probably
// need an infinite number of times to apply fixes, but we're not gonna
// sit around waiting for that.
// * If it looks like a fix genuinely can't be applied we need to bail out.
// Detect this when a fix fails to get applied *and* no suggestions
// successfully applied to the same file. In that case looks like we
// definitely can't make progress, so bail out.
let mut fixes = FixedCrate::default();
let mut last_fix_counts = HashMap::new();
let iterations = env::var("CARGO_FIX_MAX_RETRIES")
.and_then(|n| n.parse().ok())
for _ in 0..iterations {
for (path, file) in fixes.files.iter_mut() {
last_fix_counts.insert(path.clone(), file.fixes_applied);
// We'll generate new errors below.
rustfix_and_fix(&mut fixes, rustc, filename, args)?;
let mut progress_yet_to_be_made = false;
for (path, file) in fixes.files.iter_mut() {
if file.errors_applying_fixes.is_empty() {
// If anything was successfully fixed *and* there's at least one
// error, then assume the error was spurious and we'll try again on
// the next iteration.
if file.fixes_applied != *last_fix_counts.get(path).unwrap_or(&0) {
progress_yet_to_be_made = true;
if !progress_yet_to_be_made {
// Any errors still remaining at this point need to be reported as probably
// bugs in Cargo and/or rustfix.
for (path, file) in fixes.files.iter_mut() {
for error in file.errors_applying_fixes.drain(..) {
Message::ReplaceFailed {
file: path.clone(),
message: error,
/// Executes `rustc` to apply one round of suggestions to the crate in question.
/// This will fill in the `fixes` map with original code, suggestions applied,
/// and any errors encountered while fixing files.
fn rustfix_and_fix(
fixes: &mut FixedCrate,
rustc: &ProcessBuilder,
filename: &Path,
args: &FixArgs,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// If not empty, filter by these lints.
// TODO: implement a way to specify this.
let only = HashSet::new();
let mut cmd = rustc.build_command();
args.apply(&mut cmd);
let output = cmd.output().with_context(|| {
"failed to execute `{}`",
// If rustc didn't succeed for whatever reasons then we're very likely to be
// looking at otherwise broken code. Let's not make things accidentally
// worse by applying fixes where a bug could cause *more* broken code.
// Instead, punt upwards which will reexec rustc over the original code,
// displaying pretty versions of the diagnostics we just read out.
if !output.status.success() && env::var_os(BROKEN_CODE_ENV).is_none() {
"rustfixing `{:?}` failed, rustc exited with {:?}",
return Ok(());
let fix_mode = env::var_os("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO")
.map(|_| rustfix::Filter::Everything)
// Sift through the output of the compiler to look for JSON messages.
// indicating fixes that we can apply.
let stderr = str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).context("failed to parse rustc stderr as UTF-8")?;
let suggestions = stderr
.filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
.inspect(|y| trace!("line: {}", y))
// Parse each line of stderr, ignoring errors, as they may not all be JSON.
.filter_map(|line| serde_json::from_str::<Diagnostic>(line).ok())
// From each diagnostic, try to extract suggestions from rustc.
.filter_map(|diag| rustfix::collect_suggestions(&diag, &only, fix_mode));
// Collect suggestions by file so we can apply them one at a time later.
let mut file_map = HashMap::new();
let mut num_suggestion = 0;
for suggestion in suggestions {
// Make sure we've got a file associated with this suggestion and all
// snippets point to the same file. Right now it's not clear what
// we would do with multiple files.
let file_names = suggestion
.flat_map(|s| s.replacements.iter())
.map(|r| &r.snippet.file_name);
let file_name = if let Some(file_name) = file_names.clone().next() {
} else {
trace!("rejecting as it has no solutions {:?}", suggestion);
if !file_names.clone().all(|f| f == &file_name) {
trace!("rejecting as it changes multiple files: {:?}", suggestion);
num_suggestion += 1;
"collected {} suggestions for `{}`",
for (file, suggestions) in file_map {
// Attempt to read the source code for this file. If this fails then
// that'd be pretty surprising, so log a message and otherwise keep
// going.
let code = match util::paths::read(file.as_ref()) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(e) => {
warn!("failed to read `{}`: {}", file, e);
let num_suggestions = suggestions.len();
debug!("applying {} fixes to {}", num_suggestions, file);
// If this file doesn't already exist then we just read the original
// code, so save it. If the file already exists then the original code
// doesn't need to be updated as we've just read an interim state with
// some fixes but perhaps not all.
let fixed_file = fixes
.or_insert_with(|| FixedFile {
errors_applying_fixes: Vec::new(),
fixes_applied: 0,
original_code: code.clone(),
let mut fixed = CodeFix::new(&code);
// As mentioned above in `rustfix_crate`, we don't immediately warn
// about suggestions that fail to apply here, and instead we save them
// off for later processing.
for suggestion in suggestions.iter().rev() {
match fixed.apply(suggestion) {
Ok(()) => fixed_file.fixes_applied += 1,
Err(e) => fixed_file.errors_applying_fixes.push(e.to_string()),
let new_code = fixed.finish()?;
paths::write(&file, new_code)?;
fn exit_with(status: ExitStatus) -> ! {
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
if let Some(signal) = status.signal() {
"child failed with signal `{}`",
fn log_failed_fix(stderr: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let stderr = str::from_utf8(stderr).context("failed to parse rustc stderr as utf-8")?;
let diagnostics = stderr
.filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
.filter_map(|line| serde_json::from_str::<Diagnostic>(line).ok());
let mut files = BTreeSet::new();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
for diagnostic in diagnostics {
for span in diagnostic.spans.into_iter() {
let mut krate = None;
let mut prev_dash_dash_krate_name = false;
for arg in env::args() {
if prev_dash_dash_krate_name {
krate = Some(arg.clone());
if arg == "--crate-name" {
prev_dash_dash_krate_name = true;
} else {
prev_dash_dash_krate_name = false;
let files = files.into_iter().collect();
Message::FixFailed {
/// Various command-line options and settings used when `cargo` is running as
/// a proxy for `rustc` during the fix operation.
struct FixArgs {
/// This is the `.rs` file that is being fixed.
file: PathBuf,
/// If `--edition` is used to migrate to the next edition, this is the
/// edition we are migrating towards.
prepare_for_edition: Option<Edition>,
/// `true` if `--edition-idioms` is enabled.
idioms: bool,
/// The current edition.
/// `None` if on 2015.
enabled_edition: Option<Edition>,
/// Other command-line arguments not reflected by other fields in
/// `FixArgs`.
other: Vec<OsString>,
/// Path to the `rustc` executable.
rustc: PathBuf,
/// Console output flags (`--error-format`, `--json`, etc.).
/// The normal fix procedure always uses `--json`, so it overrides what
/// Cargo normally passes when applying fixes. When displaying warnings or
/// errors, it will use these flags.
format_args: Vec<String>,
impl FixArgs {
fn get() -> Result<FixArgs, Error> {
let rustc = env::args_os()
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("expected rustc as first argument"))?;
let mut file = None;
let mut enabled_edition = None;
let mut other = Vec::new();
let mut format_args = Vec::new();
for arg in env::args_os().skip(2) {
let path = PathBuf::from(arg);
if path.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("rs") && path.exists() {
file = Some(path);
if let Some(s) = path.to_str() {
if let Some(edition) = s.strip_prefix("--edition=") {
enabled_edition = Some(edition.parse()?);
if s.starts_with("--error-format=") || s.starts_with("--json=") {
// Cargo may add error-format in some cases, but `cargo
// fix` wants to add its own.
let file = file.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("could not find .rs file in rustc args"))?;
let idioms = env::var(IDIOMS_ENV).is_ok();
let prepare_for_edition = env::var(EDITION_ENV).ok().map(|_| {
Ok(FixArgs {
fn apply(&self, cmd: &mut Command) {
if let Some(edition) = self.enabled_edition {
if self.idioms && edition.supports_idiom_lint() {
cmd.arg(format!("-Wrust-{}-idioms", edition));
if let Some(edition) = self.prepare_for_edition {
if edition.supports_compat_lint() {
cmd.arg("-W").arg(format!("rust-{}-compatibility", edition));
/// Validates the edition, and sends a message indicating what is being
/// done.
fn check_edition_and_send_status(&self, config: &Config) -> CargoResult<()> {
let to_edition = match self.prepare_for_edition {
Some(s) => s,
None => {
return Message::Fixing {
file: self.file.display().to_string(),
// Unfortunately determining which cargo targets are being built
// isn't easy, and each target can be a different edition. The
// cargo-as-rustc fix wrapper doesn't know anything about the
// workspace, so it can't check for the `cargo-features` unstable
// opt-in. As a compromise, this just restricts to the nightly
// toolchain.
// Unfortunately this results in a pretty poor error message when
// multiple jobs run in parallel (the error appears multiple
// times). Hopefully this doesn't happen often in practice.
if !to_edition.is_stable() && !config.nightly_features_allowed {
"cannot migrate {} to edition {to_edition}\n\
Edition {to_edition} is unstable and not allowed in this release, \
consider trying the nightly release channel.",
to_edition = to_edition
let from_edition = self.enabled_edition.unwrap_or(Edition::Edition2015);
if from_edition == to_edition {
Message::EditionAlreadyEnabled {
file: self.file.display().to_string(),
edition: to_edition,
} else {
Message::Migrating {
file: self.file.display().to_string(),