
891 lines
37 KiB

//! Management of the index of a registry source
//! This module contains management of the index and various operations, such as
//! actually parsing the index, looking for crates, etc. This is intended to be
//! abstract over remote indices (downloaded via git) and local registry indices
//! (which are all just present on the filesystem).
//! ## Index Performance
//! One important aspect of the index is that we want to optimize the "happy
//! path" as much as possible. Whenever you type `cargo build` Cargo will
//! *always* reparse the registry and learn about dependency information. This
//! is done because Cargo needs to learn about the upstream crates
//! that you're using and ensure that the preexisting `Cargo.lock` still matches
//! the current state of the world.
//! Consequently, Cargo "null builds" (the index that Cargo adds to each build
//! itself) need to be fast when accessing the index. The primary performance
//! optimization here is to avoid parsing JSON blobs from the registry if we
//! don't need them. Most secondary optimizations are centered around removing
//! allocations and such, but avoiding parsing JSON is the #1 optimization.
//! When we get queries from the resolver we're given a `Dependency`. This
//! dependency in turn has a version requirement, and with lock files that
//! already exist these version requirements are exact version requirements
//! `=a.b.c`. This means that we in theory only need to parse one line of JSON
//! per query in the registry, the one that matches version `a.b.c`.
//! The index, however, is not amenable to this form of query. Instead
//! the index simply is a file where each line is a JSON blob. To
//! learn about the versions in each JSON blob we would need to parse the JSON,
//! defeating the purpose of trying to parse as little as possible.
//! > Note that as a small aside even *loading* the JSON from the registry is
//! > actually pretty slow. For and remote registries we don't
//! > actually check out the git index on disk because that takes quite some
//! > time and is quite large. Instead we use `libgit2` to read the JSON from
//! > the raw git objects. This in turn can be slow (aka show up high in
//! > profiles) because libgit2 has to do deflate decompression and such.
//! To solve all these issues a strategy is employed here where Cargo basically
//! creates an index into the index. The first time a package is queried about
//! (first time being for an entire computer) Cargo will load the contents
//! (slowly via libgit2) from the registry. It will then (slowly) parse every
//! single line to learn about its versions. Afterwards, however, Cargo will
//! emit a new file (a cache) which is amenable for speedily parsing in future
//! invocations.
//! This cache file is currently organized by basically having the semver
//! version extracted from each JSON blob. That way Cargo can quickly and easily
//! parse all versions contained and which JSON blob they're associated with.
//! The JSON blob then doesn't actually need to get parsed unless the version is
//! parsed.
//! Altogether the initial measurements of this shows a massive improvement for
//! Cargo null build performance. It's expected that the improvements earned
//! here will continue to grow over time in the sense that the previous
//! implementation (parse all lines each time) actually continues to slow down
//! over time as new versions of a crate are published. In any case when first
//! implemented a null build of Cargo itself would parse 3700 JSON blobs from
//! the registry and load 150 blobs from git. Afterwards it parses 150 JSON
//! blobs and loads 0 files git. Removing 200ms or more from Cargo's startup
//! time is certainly nothing to sneeze at!
//! Note that this is just a high-level overview, there's of course lots of
//! details like invalidating caches and whatnot which are handled below, but
//! hopefully those are more obvious inline in the code itself.
use crate::core::dependency::Dependency;
use crate::core::{PackageId, SourceId, Summary};
use crate::sources::registry::{LoadResponse, RegistryData, RegistryPackage, INDEX_V_MAX};
use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
use crate::util::{internal, CargoResult, Config, Filesystem, OptVersionReq, ToSemver};
use anyhow::bail;
use cargo_util::{paths, registry::make_dep_path};
use log::{debug, info};
use semver::Version;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fs;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str;
use std::task::{ready, Poll};
/// treats hyphen and underscores as interchangeable, but the index and old Cargo do not.
/// Therefore, the index must store uncanonicalized version of the name so old Cargo's can find it.
/// This loop tries all possible combinations of switching hyphen and underscores to find the
/// uncanonicalized one. As all stored inputs have the correct spelling, we start with the spelling
/// as-provided.
struct UncanonicalizedIter<'s> {
input: &'s str,
num_hyphen_underscore: u32,
hyphen_combination_num: u16,
impl<'s> UncanonicalizedIter<'s> {
fn new(input: &'s str) -> Self {
let num_hyphen_underscore = input.chars().filter(|&c| c == '_' || c == '-').count() as u32;
UncanonicalizedIter {
hyphen_combination_num: 0,
impl<'s> Iterator for UncanonicalizedIter<'s> {
type Item = String;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.hyphen_combination_num > 0
&& self.hyphen_combination_num.trailing_zeros() >= self.num_hyphen_underscore
return None;
let ret = Some(
.scan(0u16, |s, c| {
// the check against 15 here's to prevent
// shift overflow on inputs with more than 15 hyphens
if (c == '_' || c == '-') && *s <= 15 {
let switch = (self.hyphen_combination_num & (1u16 << *s)) > 0;
let out = if (c == '_') ^ switch { '_' } else { '-' };
*s += 1;
} else {
self.hyphen_combination_num += 1;
fn no_hyphen() {
fn two_hyphen() {
fn overflow_hyphen() {
/// Manager for handling the on-disk index.
/// Note that local and remote registries store the index differently. Local
/// is a simple on-disk tree of files of the raw index. Remote registries are
/// stored as a raw git repository. The different means of access are handled
/// via the [`RegistryData`] trait abstraction.
/// This transparently handles caching of the index in a more efficient format.
pub struct RegistryIndex<'cfg> {
source_id: SourceId,
/// Root directory of the index for the registry.
path: Filesystem,
/// Cache of summary data.
/// This is keyed off the package name. The [`Summaries`] value handles
/// loading the summary data. It keeps an optimized on-disk representation
/// of the JSON files, which is created in an as-needed fashion. If it
/// hasn't been cached already, it uses [`RegistryData::load`] to access
/// to JSON files from the index, and the creates the optimized on-disk
/// summary cache.
summaries_cache: HashMap<InternedString, Summaries>,
/// [`Config`] reference for convenience.
config: &'cfg Config,
/// An internal cache of summaries for a particular package.
/// A list of summaries are loaded from disk via one of two methods:
/// 1. Primarily Cargo will parse the corresponding file for a crate in the
/// upstream registry. That's just a JSON blob per line which we
/// can parse, extract the version, and then store here.
/// 2. Alternatively, if Cargo has previously run, we'll have a cached index of
/// dependencies for the upstream index. This is a file that Cargo maintains
/// lazily on the local filesystem and is much faster to parse since it
/// doesn't involve parsing all of the JSON.
/// The outward-facing interface of this doesn't matter too much where it's
/// loaded from, but it's important when reading the implementation to note that
/// we try to parse as little as possible!
struct Summaries {
/// A raw vector of uninterpreted bytes. This is what `Unparsed` start/end
/// fields are indexes into. If a `Summaries` is loaded from the
/// index then this field will be empty since nothing is `Unparsed`.
raw_data: Vec<u8>,
/// All known versions of a crate, keyed from their `Version` to the
/// possibly parsed or unparsed version of the full summary.
versions: HashMap<Version, MaybeIndexSummary>,
/// A lazily parsed `IndexSummary`.
enum MaybeIndexSummary {
/// A summary which has not been parsed, The `start` and `end` are pointers
/// into `Summaries::raw_data` which this is an entry of.
Unparsed { start: usize, end: usize },
/// An actually parsed summary.
/// A parsed representation of a summary from the index.
/// In addition to a full `Summary` we have information on whether it is `yanked`.
pub struct IndexSummary {
pub summary: Summary,
pub yanked: bool,
/// Schema version, see [`RegistryPackage`].
v: u32,
/// A representation of the cache on disk that Cargo maintains of summaries.
/// Cargo will initially parse all summaries in the registry and will then
/// serialize that into this form and place it in a new location on disk,
/// ensuring that access in the future is much speedier.
struct SummariesCache<'a> {
versions: Vec<(Version, &'a [u8])>,
index_version: &'a str,
impl<'cfg> RegistryIndex<'cfg> {
pub fn new(
source_id: SourceId,
path: &Filesystem,
config: &'cfg Config,
) -> RegistryIndex<'cfg> {
RegistryIndex {
path: path.clone(),
summaries_cache: HashMap::new(),
/// Returns the hash listed for a specified `PackageId`.
pub fn hash(&mut self, pkg: PackageId, load: &mut dyn RegistryData) -> Poll<CargoResult<&str>> {
let req = OptVersionReq::exact(pkg.version());
let summary = self.summaries(, &req, load)?;
let summary = ready!(summary).next();
.ok_or_else(|| internal(format!("no hash listed for {}", pkg)))?
.ok_or_else(|| internal(format!("no hash listed for {}", pkg)))?))
/// Load a list of summaries for `name` package in this registry which
/// match `req`
/// This function will semantically parse the on-disk index, match all
/// versions, and then return an iterator over all summaries which matched.
/// Internally there's quite a few layer of caching to amortize this cost
/// though since this method is called quite a lot on null builds in Cargo.
pub fn summaries<'a, 'b>(
&'a mut self,
name: InternedString,
req: &'b OptVersionReq,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<impl Iterator<Item = &'a IndexSummary> + 'b>>
'a: 'b,
let source_id = self.source_id;
let config = self.config;
// First up actually parse what summaries we have available. If Cargo
// has run previously this will parse a Cargo-specific cache file rather
// than the registry itself. In effect this is intended to be a quite
// cheap operation.
let summaries = ready!(self.load_summaries(name, load)?);
// Iterate over our summaries, extract all relevant ones which match our
// version requirement, and then parse all corresponding rows in the
// registry. As a reminder this `summaries` method is called for each
// entry in a lock file on every build, so we want to absolutely
// minimize the amount of work being done here and parse as little as
// necessary.
let raw_data = &summaries.raw_data;
.filter_map(move |(k, v)| if req.matches(k) { Some(v) } else { None })
move |maybe| match maybe.parse(config, raw_data, source_id) {
Ok(summary) => Some(summary),
Err(e) => {
info!("failed to parse `{}` registry package: {}", name, e);
.filter(move |is| {
if is.v > INDEX_V_MAX {
"unsupported schema version {} ({} {})",
} else {
fn load_summaries(
&mut self,
name: InternedString,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<&mut Summaries>> {
// If we've previously loaded what versions are present for `name`, just
// return that since our cache should still be valid.
if self.summaries_cache.contains_key(&name) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(self.summaries_cache.get_mut(&name).unwrap()));
// Prepare the `RegistryData` which will lazily initialize internal data
// structures.
let root = load.assert_index_locked(&self.path);
let cache_root = root.join(".cache");
// See module comment in `registry/` for why this is structured
// the way it is.
let fs_name = name
.flat_map(|c| c.to_lowercase())
let raw_path = make_dep_path(&fs_name, false);
let mut any_pending = false;
// Attempt to handle misspellings by searching for a chain of related
// names to the original `raw_path` name. Only return summaries
// associated with the first hit, however. The resolver will later
// reject any candidates that have the wrong name, and with this it'll
// along the way produce helpful "did you mean?" suggestions.
for (i, path) in UncanonicalizedIter::new(&raw_path).take(1024).enumerate() {
let summaries = Summaries::parse(
if summaries.is_pending() {
if i == 0 {
// If we have not herd back about the name as requested
// then don't ask about other spellings yet.
// This prevents us spamming all the variations in the
// case where we have the correct spelling.
return Poll::Pending;
any_pending = true;
if let Poll::Ready(Some(summaries)) = summaries {
self.summaries_cache.insert(name, summaries);
return Poll::Ready(Ok(self.summaries_cache.get_mut(&name).unwrap()));
if any_pending {
return Poll::Pending;
// If nothing was found then this crate doesn't exists, so just use an
// empty `Summaries` list.
self.summaries_cache.insert(name, Summaries::default());
/// Clears the in-memory summaries cache.
pub fn clear_summaries_cache(&mut self) {
pub fn query_inner(
&mut self,
dep: &Dependency,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
yanked_whitelist: &HashSet<PackageId>,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(Summary),
) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>> {
if self.config.offline() {
// This should only return `Poll::Ready(Ok(()))` if there is at least 1 match.
// If there are 0 matches it should fall through and try again with online.
// This is necessary for dependencies that are not used (such as
// target-cfg or optional), but are not downloaded. Normally the
// build should succeed if they are not downloaded and not used,
// but they still need to resolve. If they are actually needed
// then cargo will fail to download and an error message
// indicating that the required dependency is unavailable while
// offline will be displayed.
if ready!(self.query_inner_with_online(dep, load, yanked_whitelist, f, false)?) > 0 {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
self.query_inner_with_online(dep, load, yanked_whitelist, f, true)
.map_ok(|_| ())
fn query_inner_with_online(
&mut self,
dep: &Dependency,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
yanked_whitelist: &HashSet<PackageId>,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(Summary),
online: bool,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<usize>> {
let source_id = self.source_id;
let summaries = ready!(self.summaries(dep.package_name(), dep.version_req(), load))?;
let summaries = summaries
// First filter summaries for `--offline`. If we're online then
// everything is a candidate, otherwise if we're offline we're only
// going to consider candidates which are actually present on disk.
// Note: This particular logic can cause problems with
// optional dependencies when offline. If at least 1 version
// of an optional dependency is downloaded, but that version
// does not satisfy the requirements, then resolution will
// fail. Unfortunately, whether or not something is optional
// is not known here.
.filter(|s| (online || load.is_crate_downloaded(s.summary.package_id())))
// Next filter out all yanked packages. Some yanked packages may
// leak throguh if they're in a whitelist (aka if they were
// previously in `Cargo.lock`
.filter(|s| !s.yanked || yanked_whitelist.contains(&s.summary.package_id()))
.map(|s| s.summary.clone());
// Handle `cargo update --precise` here. If specified, our own source
// will have a precise version listed of the form
// `<pkg>=<p_req>o-><f_req>` where `<pkg>` is the name of a crate on
// this source, `<p_req>` is the version installed and `<f_req> is the
// version requested (argument to `--precise`).
let name = dep.package_name().as_str();
let precise = match source_id.precise() {
Some(p) if p.starts_with(name) && p[name.len()..].starts_with('=') => {
let mut vers = p[name.len() + 1..].splitn(2, "->");
let current_vers =;
let requested_vers =;
Some((current_vers, requested_vers))
_ => None,
let summaries = summaries.filter(|s| match &precise {
Some((current, requested)) => {
if dep.version_req().matches(current) {
// Unfortunately allows versions to differ only
// by build metadata. This shouldn't be allowed, but since
// it is, this will honor it if requested. However, if not
// specified, then ignore it.
let s_vers = s.version();
match (, {
(true, true) => s_vers == requested,
(true, false) => false,
(false, true) => {
// Strip out the metadata.
s_vers.major == requested.major
&& s_vers.minor == requested.minor
&& s_vers.patch == requested.patch
&& s_vers.pre == requested.pre
(false, false) => s_vers == requested,
} else {
None => true,
let mut count = 0;
for summary in summaries {
count += 1;
pub fn is_yanked(
&mut self,
pkg: PackageId,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<bool>> {
let req = OptVersionReq::exact(pkg.version());
let found = self
.summaries(, &req, load)
.map_ok(|mut p| p.any(|summary| summary.yanked));
impl Summaries {
/// Parse out a `Summaries` instances from on-disk state.
/// This will attempt to prefer parsing a previous cache file that already
/// exists from a previous invocation of Cargo (aka you're typing `cargo
/// build` again after typing it previously). If parsing fails or the cache
/// isn't found, then we take a slower path which loads the full descriptor
/// for `relative` from the underlying index (aka typically libgit2 with
/// and then parse everything in there.
/// * `root` - this is the root argument passed to `load`
/// * `cache_root` - this is the root on the filesystem itself of where to
/// store cache files.
/// * `relative` - this is the file we're loading from cache or the index
/// data
/// * `source_id` - the registry's SourceId used when parsing JSON blobs to
/// create summaries.
/// * `load` - the actual index implementation which may be very slow to
/// call. We avoid this if we can.
pub fn parse(
root: &Path,
cache_root: &Path,
relative: &Path,
source_id: SourceId,
load: &mut dyn RegistryData,
config: &Config,
) -> Poll<CargoResult<Option<Summaries>>> {
// First up, attempt to load the cache. This could fail for all manner
// of reasons, but consider all of them non-fatal and just log their
// occurrence in case anyone is debugging anything.
let cache_path = cache_root.join(relative);
let mut cached_summaries = None;
let mut index_version = None;
match fs::read(&cache_path) {
Ok(contents) => match Summaries::parse_cache(contents) {
Ok((s, v)) => {
cached_summaries = Some(s);
index_version = Some(v);
Err(e) => {
log::debug!("failed to parse {:?} cache: {}", relative, e);
Err(e) => log::debug!("cache missing for {:?} error: {}", relative, e),
let response = ready!(load.load(root, relative, index_version.as_deref())?);
match response {
LoadResponse::CacheValid => {
log::debug!("fast path for registry cache of {:?}", relative);
return Poll::Ready(Ok(cached_summaries));
LoadResponse::NotFound => {
if let Err(e) = fs::remove_file(cache_path) {
if e.kind() != ErrorKind::NotFound {
log::debug!("failed to remove from cache: {}", e);
return Poll::Ready(Ok(None));
LoadResponse::Data {
} => {
// This is the fallback path where we actually talk to the registry backend to load
// information. Here we parse every single line in the index (as we need
// to find the versions)
log::debug!("slow path for {:?}", relative);
let mut cache = SummariesCache::default();
let mut ret = Summaries::default();
ret.raw_data = raw_data;
for line in split(&ret.raw_data, b'\n') {
// Attempt forwards-compatibility on the index by ignoring
// everything that we ourselves don't understand, that should
// allow future cargo implementations to break the
// interpretation of each line here and older cargo will simply
// ignore the new lines.
let summary = match IndexSummary::parse(config, line, source_id) {
Ok(summary) => summary,
Err(e) => {
// This should only happen when there is an index
// entry from a future version of cargo that this
// version doesn't understand. Hopefully, those future
// versions of cargo correctly set INDEX_V_MAX and
// CURRENT_CACHE_VERSION, otherwise this will skip
// entries in the cache preventing those newer
// versions from reading them (that is, until the
// cache is rebuilt).
log::info!("failed to parse {:?} registry package: {}", relative, e);
let version = summary.summary.package_id().version().clone();
cache.versions.push((version.clone(), line));
ret.versions.insert(version, summary.into());
if let Some(index_version) = index_version {
log::trace!("caching index_version {}", index_version);
let cache_bytes = cache.serialize(index_version.as_str());
// Once we have our `cache_bytes` which represents the `Summaries` we're
// about to return, write that back out to disk so future Cargo
// invocations can use it.
// This is opportunistic so we ignore failure here but are sure to log
// something in case of error.
if paths::create_dir_all(cache_path.parent().unwrap()).is_ok() {
let path = Filesystem::new(cache_path.clone());
if let Err(e) = fs::write(cache_path, &cache_bytes) {
log::info!("failed to write cache: {}", e);
// If we've got debug assertions enabled read back in the cached values
// and assert they match the expected result.
let readback = SummariesCache::parse(&cache_bytes)
.expect("failed to parse cache we just wrote");
readback.index_version, index_version,
"index_version mismatch"
assert_eq!(readback.versions, cache.versions, "versions mismatch");
/// Parses an open `File` which represents information previously cached by
/// Cargo.
pub fn parse_cache(contents: Vec<u8>) -> CargoResult<(Summaries, InternedString)> {
let cache = SummariesCache::parse(&contents)?;
let index_version = InternedString::new(cache.index_version);
let mut ret = Summaries::default();
for (version, summary) in cache.versions {
let (start, end) = subslice_bounds(&contents, summary);
.insert(version, MaybeIndexSummary::Unparsed { start, end });
ret.raw_data = contents;
return Ok((ret, index_version));
// Returns the start/end offsets of `inner` with `outer`. Asserts that
// `inner` is a subslice of `outer`.
fn subslice_bounds(outer: &[u8], inner: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) {
let outer_start = outer.as_ptr() as usize;
let outer_end = outer_start + outer.len();
let inner_start = inner.as_ptr() as usize;
let inner_end = inner_start + inner.len();
assert!(inner_start >= outer_start);
assert!(inner_end <= outer_end);
(inner_start - outer_start, inner_end - outer_start)
// Implementation of serializing/deserializing the cache of summaries on disk.
// Currently the format looks like:
// +--------------------+----------------------+-------------+---+
// | cache version byte | index format version | git sha rev | 0 |
// +--------------------+----------------------+-------------+---+
// followed by...
// +----------------+---+------------+---+
// | semver version | 0 | JSON blob | 0 | ...
// +----------------+---+------------+---+
// The idea is that this is a very easy file for Cargo to parse in future
// invocations. The read from disk should be quite fast and then afterwards all
// we need to know is what versions correspond to which JSON blob.
// The leading version byte is intended to ensure that there's some level of
// future compatibility against changes to this cache format so if different
// versions of Cargo share the same cache they don't get too confused. The git
// sha lets us know when the file needs to be regenerated (it needs regeneration
// whenever the index itself updates).
// Cache versions:
// * `1`: The original version.
// * `2`: Added the "index format version" field so that if the index format
// changes, different versions of cargo won't get confused reading each
// other's caches.
// * `3`: Bumped the version to work around an issue where multiple versions of
// a package were published that differ only by semver metadata. For
// example, openssl-src 110.0.0 and 110.0.0+1.1.0f. Previously, the cache
// would be incorrectly populated with two entries, both 110.0.0. After
// this, the metadata will be correctly included. This isn't really a format
// change, just a version bump to clear the incorrect cache entries. Note:
// the index shouldn't allow these, but unfortunately doesn't
// check it.
impl<'a> SummariesCache<'a> {
fn parse(data: &'a [u8]) -> CargoResult<SummariesCache<'a>> {
// NB: keep this method in sync with `serialize` below
let (first_byte, rest) = data
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::format_err!("malformed cache"))?;
if *first_byte != CURRENT_CACHE_VERSION {
bail!("looks like a different Cargo's cache, bailing out");
let index_v_bytes = rest
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("cache expected 4 bytes for index version"))?;
let index_v = u32::from_le_bytes(index_v_bytes.try_into().unwrap());
if index_v != INDEX_V_MAX {
"index format version {} doesn't match the version I know ({})",
let rest = &rest[4..];
let mut iter = split(rest, 0);
let last_index_update = if let Some(update) = {
} else {
bail!("malformed file");
let mut ret = SummariesCache::default();
ret.index_version = last_index_update;
while let Some(version) = {
let version = str::from_utf8(version)?;
let version = Version::parse(version)?;
let summary =;
ret.versions.push((version, summary));
fn serialize(&self, index_version: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
// NB: keep this method in sync with `parse` above
let size = self
.map(|(_version, data)| (10 + data.len()))
let mut contents = Vec::with_capacity(size);
for (version, data) in self.versions.iter() {
impl MaybeIndexSummary {
/// Parses this "maybe a summary" into a `Parsed` for sure variant.
/// Does nothing if this is already `Parsed`, and otherwise the `raw_data`
/// passed in is sliced with the bounds in `Unparsed` and then actually
/// parsed.
fn parse(
&mut self,
config: &Config,
raw_data: &[u8],
source_id: SourceId,
) -> CargoResult<&IndexSummary> {
let (start, end) = match self {
MaybeIndexSummary::Unparsed { start, end } => (*start, *end),
MaybeIndexSummary::Parsed(summary) => return Ok(summary),
let summary = IndexSummary::parse(config, &raw_data[start..end], source_id)?;
*self = MaybeIndexSummary::Parsed(summary);
match self {
MaybeIndexSummary::Unparsed { .. } => unreachable!(),
MaybeIndexSummary::Parsed(summary) => Ok(summary),
impl From<IndexSummary> for MaybeIndexSummary {
fn from(summary: IndexSummary) -> MaybeIndexSummary {
impl IndexSummary {
/// Parses a line from the registry's index file into an `IndexSummary` for
/// a package.
/// The `line` provided is expected to be valid JSON.
fn parse(config: &Config, line: &[u8], source_id: SourceId) -> CargoResult<IndexSummary> {
// ****CAUTION**** Please be extremely careful with returning errors
// from this function. Entries that error are not included in the
// index cache, and can cause cargo to get confused when switching
// between different versions that understand the index differently.
// Make sure to consider the INDEX_V_MAX and CURRENT_CACHE_VERSION
// values carefully when making changes here.
let RegistryPackage {
mut features,
} = serde_json::from_slice(line)?;
let v = v.unwrap_or(1);
log::trace!("json parsed registry {}/{}", name, vers);
let pkgid = PackageId::new(name, &vers, source_id)?;
let deps = deps
.map(|dep| dep.into_dep(source_id))
if let Some(features2) = features2 {
for (name, values) in features2 {
let mut summary = Summary::new(config, pkgid, deps, &features, links)?;
Ok(IndexSummary {
yanked: yanked.unwrap_or(false),
fn split(haystack: &[u8], needle: u8) -> impl Iterator<Item = &[u8]> {
struct Split<'a> {
haystack: &'a [u8],
needle: u8,
impl<'a> Iterator for Split<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
if self.haystack.is_empty() {
return None;
let (ret, remaining) = match memchr::memchr(self.needle, self.haystack) {
Some(pos) => (&self.haystack[..pos], &self.haystack[pos + 1..]),
None => (self.haystack, &[][..]),
self.haystack = remaining;
Split { haystack, needle }