
141 lines
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//! Publishes metrics values from a source to a sink.
//! Publishing can be done on request:
//! ```
//! use dipstick::*;
//! let app_metrics = aggregate(summary, to_stdout());
//! publish(&source, &log("aggregated"), publish::all_stats);
//! ```
//! Publishing can be scheduled to run recurrently.
//! ```
//! use dipstick::*;
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! let (sink, source) = aggregate(summary, to_stdout());
//! let job = publish_every(Duration::from_millis(100), &source, &log("aggregated"), all_stats);
//! // publish will go on until cancelled
//! job.cancel();
//! ```
use core::*;
use context::*;
use core::Kind::*;
use scores::{ScoreSnapshot, ScoreType};
use scores::ScoreType::*;
use std::fmt::Debug;
/// A trait to publish metrics.
pub trait Publish: Send + Sync + Debug {
/// Publish the provided metrics data downstream.
fn publish(&self, scores: Vec<ScoreSnapshot>);
/// Define and write metrics from aggregated scores to the target channel
/// If this is called repeatedly it can be a good idea to use the metric cache
/// to prevent new metrics from being created every time.
#[derive(Derivative, Clone)]
pub struct Publisher<E, M> {
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
statistics: Box<E>,
output: MetricContext<M>,
impl<E, M> Publisher<E, M>
E: Fn(Kind, &str, ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> + Send + Sync + 'static,
M: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
/// Define a new metrics publishing strategy, from a transformation
/// function and a target metric chain.
pub fn new(stat_fn: E, output: MetricContext<M>) -> Self {
Publisher {
statistics: Box::new(stat_fn),
impl<E, M> Publish for Publisher<E, M>
M: Clone + Send + Sync + Debug + 'static,
E: Fn(Kind, &str, ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> + Send + Sync + 'static,
fn publish(&self, snapshot: Vec<ScoreSnapshot>) {
let publish_scope = self.output.open_scope();
if snapshot.is_empty() {
// no data was collected for this period
// TODO repeat previous frame min/max ?
// TODO update some canary metric ?
} else {
for metric in snapshot {
for score in metric.2 {
if let Some(ex) = (self.statistics)(metric.0, metric.1.as_ref(), score) {
let pub_metric = publish_scope.define_metric(ex.0, &ex.1.concat(), 1.0);
publish_scope.write(&pub_metric, ex.2);
// TODO parameterize whether to keep ad-hoc metrics after publish
// source.cleanup();
/// A predefined export strategy reporting all aggregated stats for all metric types.
/// Resulting stats are named by appending a short suffix to each metric's name.
pub fn all_stats(kind: Kind, name: &str, score: ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> {
match score {
Count(hit) => Some((Counter, vec![name, ".count"], hit)),
Sum(sum) => Some((kind, vec![name, ".sum"], sum)),
Mean(mean) => Some((kind, vec![name, ".mean"], mean.round() as Value)),
Max(max) => Some((Gauge, vec![name, ".max"], max)),
Min(min) => Some((Gauge, vec![name, ".min"], min)),
Rate(rate) => Some((Gauge, vec![name, ".rate"], rate.round() as Value)),
/// A predefined export strategy reporting the average value for every non-marker metric.
/// Marker metrics export their hit count instead.
/// Since there is only one stat per metric, there is no risk of collision
/// and so exported stats copy their metric's name.
pub fn average(kind: Kind, name: &str, score: ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> {
match kind {
Marker => match score {
Count(count) => Some((Counter, vec![name], count)),
_ => None,
_ => match score {
Mean(avg) => Some((Gauge, vec![name], avg.round() as Value)),
_ => None,
/// A predefined single-stat-per-metric export strategy:
/// - Timers and Counters each export their sums
/// - Markers each export their hit count
/// - Gauges each export their average
/// Since there is only one stat per metric, there is no risk of collision
/// and so exported stats copy their metric's name.
pub fn summary(kind: Kind, name: &str, score: ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> {
match kind {
Marker => match score {
Count(count) => Some((Counter, vec![name], count)),
_ => None,
Counter | Timer => match score {
Sum(sum) => Some((kind, vec![name], sum)),
_ => None,
Gauge => match score {
Mean(mean) => Some((Gauge, vec![name], mean.round() as Value)),
_ => None,