
415 lines
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#![cfg_attr(feature = "bench", feature(test))]
#[cfg(feature = "bench")]
extern crate test;
extern crate time;
extern crate cached;
extern crate thread_local_object;
extern crate log;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate num;
extern crate scheduled_executor;
extern crate error_chain;
pub mod error {
error_chain! {
foreign_links {
//use error::*;
pub mod dual;
pub mod sampling;
pub mod aggregate;
pub mod publish;
pub mod statsd;
pub mod logging;
pub mod pcg32;
pub mod cache;
pub use num::ToPrimitive;
pub use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
pub use aggregate::*;
pub use dual::*;
pub use publish::*;
pub use statsd::*;
pub use logging::*;
pub use cache::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub type Value = u64;
pub struct TimeHandle(u64);
impl TimeHandle {
/// Get a handle on current time.
/// Used by the TimerMetric start_time() method.
pub fn now() -> TimeHandle {
/// Get the elapsed time in microseconds since TimeHandle was obtained.
pub fn elapsed_us(self) -> Value {
(TimeHandle::now().0 - self.0) / 1_000
pub type Rate = f64;
pub const FULL_SAMPLING_RATE: Rate = 1.0;
/// A monotonic counter metric.
/// Since value is only ever increased by one, no value parameter is provided,
/// preventing potential problems.
pub struct Event<C: MetricSink + 'static> {
metric: <C as MetricSink>::Metric,
target_writer: Arc<<C as MetricSink>::Writer>,
impl<C: MetricSink> Event<C> {
/// Record a single event occurence.
pub fn mark(&self) {
self.target_writer.write(&self.metric, 1);
/// A counter that sends values to the metrics backend
pub struct Gauge<C: MetricSink + 'static> {
metric: <C as MetricSink>::Metric,
target_writer: Arc<<C as MetricSink>::Writer>,
impl<C: MetricSink> Gauge<C> {
/// Record a value point for this gauge.
pub fn value<V>(&self, value: V) where V: ToPrimitive {
self.target_writer.write(&self.metric, value.to_u64().unwrap());
/// A gauge that sends values to the metrics backend
pub struct Counter<C: MetricSink + 'static> {
metric: <C as MetricSink>::Metric,
target_writer: Arc<<C as MetricSink>::Writer>,
impl<C: MetricSink> Counter<C> {
/// Record a value count.
pub fn count<V>(&self, count: V) where V: ToPrimitive {
self.target_writer.write(&self.metric, count.to_u64().unwrap());
/// A timer that sends values to the metrics backend
/// Timers can record time intervals in multiple ways :
/// - with the time! macro, which wraps an expression or block with start() and stop() calls.
/// - with the time(Fn) method, which wraps a closure with start() and stop() calls.
/// - with start() and stop() methods, wrapping around the operation to time
/// - with the interval_us() method, providing an externally determined microsecond interval
pub struct Timer<C: MetricSink + 'static> {
metric: <C as MetricSink>::Metric,
target_writer: Arc<<C as MetricSink>::Writer>,
impl<C: MetricSink> Timer<C> {
/// Record a microsecond interval for this timer
/// Can be used in place of start()/stop() if an external time interval source is used
pub fn interval_us<V>(&self, interval_us: V) -> V where V: ToPrimitive {
self.target_writer.write(&self.metric, interval_us.to_u64().unwrap());
/// Obtain a opaque handle to the current time.
/// The handle is passed back to the stop() method to record a time interval.
/// This is actually a convenience method to the TimeHandle::now()
/// Beware, handles obtained here are not bound to this specific timer instance
/// _for now_ but might be in the future for safety.
/// If you require safe multi-timer handles, get them through TimeType::now()
pub fn start(&self) -> TimeHandle {
/// Record the time elapsed since the start_time handle was obtained.
/// This call can be performed multiple times using the same handle,
/// reporting distinct time intervals each time.
/// Returns the microsecond interval value that was recorded.
pub fn stop(&self, start_time: TimeHandle) -> u64 {
let elapsed_us = start_time.elapsed_us();
/// Record the time taken to execute the provided closure
pub fn time<F, R>(&self, operations: F) -> R where F: FnOnce() -> R {
let start_time = self.start();
let value: R = operations();
/// A metric dispatch that writes directly to the metric backend (not queuing)
pub struct Metrics<C: MetricSink + 'static> {
prefix: String,
target: Arc<C>,
writer: Arc<<C as MetricSink>::Writer>,
impl<C: MetricSink> Metrics<C> {
/// Create a new direct metric dispatch
pub fn new(target: C) -> Metrics<C> {
let target_writer = target.new_writer();
Metrics {
prefix: "".to_string(),
target: Arc::new(target),
writer: Arc::new(target_writer),
fn add_prefix<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> String {
// FIXME is there a way to return <S> in both cases?
if self.prefix.is_empty() {
return name.as_ref().to_string()
let mut buf:String = self.prefix.clone();
pub fn event<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Event<C> {
let metric = self.target.new_metric(MetricKind::Event, self.add_prefix(name), 1.0);
Event {
target_writer: self.writer.clone(),
pub fn counter<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Counter<C> {
let metric = self.target.new_metric(MetricKind::Count, self.add_prefix(name), 1.0);
Counter {
target_writer: self.writer.clone(),
pub fn timer<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Timer<C> {
let metric = self.target.new_metric(MetricKind::Time, self.add_prefix(name), 1.0);
target_writer: self.writer.clone(),
pub fn gauge<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Gauge<C> {
let metric = self.target.new_metric(MetricKind::Gauge, self.add_prefix(name), 1.0);
target_writer: self.writer.clone(),
pub fn with_prefix<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, prefix: S) -> Self {
Metrics {
prefix: prefix.as_ref().to_string(),
target: self.target.clone(),
writer: self.writer.clone(),
/// Run benchmarks with `cargo +nightly bench --features bench`
#[cfg(feature = "bench")]
mod bench {
use aggregate::MetricAggregator;
use ::*;
use test::Bencher;
fn time_bench_direct_dispatch_event(b: &mut Bencher) {
let aggregate = aggregate().as_sink();
let dispatch = metrics(aggregate);
let event = dispatch.event("aaa");
b.iter(|| event.mark());
/// A convenience macro to wrap a block or an expression with a start / stop timer.
/// Elapsed time is sent to the supplied statsd client after the computation has been performed.
/// Expression result (if any) is transparently returned.
macro_rules! time {
($timer: expr, $body: expr) => {{
let start_time = $timer.start();
let value = $body;
/// Used to differentiate between metric kinds in the backend.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum MetricKind {
/// Is one item handled?
/// How many items are handled?
/// How much are we using or do we have left?
/// How long does this take?
/// Main trait of the metrics backend API.
/// Defines a component that can be used when setting up a metrics backend stack.
/// Intermediate sinks transform how metrics are defined and written:
/// - Sampling
/// - Dual
/// - Cache
/// Terminal sinks store or propagate metric values to other systems.
/// - Statsd
/// - Log
/// - Aggregate
pub trait MetricSink {
/// Metric identifier type of this sink.
type Metric: MetricKey;
/// Metric writer type of this sink.
type Writer: MetricWriter<Self::Metric>;
/// Define a new sink-specific metric that can be used for writing values.
fn new_metric<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, kind: MetricKind, name: S, sampling: Rate) -> Self::Metric;
/// Open a metric writer to write metrics to.
/// Some sinks reuse the same writer while others allocate resources for every new writer.
fn new_writer(&self) -> Self::Writer;
/// A metric identifier defined by a specific metric sink implementation.
/// Passed back to when writing a metric value
/// May carry state specific to the sink's implementation
pub trait MetricKey {}
/// A sink-specific target for writing metrics to.
pub trait MetricWriter<M: MetricKey>: Send {
/// Write a single metric value
fn write(&self, metric: &M, value: Value);
/// Some sinks may have buffering capability.
/// Flushing makes sure all previously written metrics are propagated
/// down the sink chain and to any applicable external outputs.
fn flush(&self) {}
/// Metric source trait
pub trait AsSource {
/// Get the metric source.
fn as_source(&self) -> AggregateSource;
/// Metric sink trait
pub trait AsSink<S: MetricSink> {
/// Get the metric sink.
fn as_sink(&self) -> S;
/// Wrap the metrics backend to provide an application-friendly interface.
pub fn metrics<S: MetricSink>(sink: S) -> Metrics<S> {
/// Perform random sampling of values according to the specified rate.
pub fn sample<S>(rate: Rate, sink: S) -> sampling::SamplingSink<S> where S: MetricSink {
sampling::SamplingSink::new(sink, rate)
/// Cache metrics to prevent them from being re-defined on every use.
/// Use of this should be transparent, this has no effect on the values.
/// Stateful sinks (i.e. Aggregate) may naturally cache their definitions.
pub fn cache<S>(size: usize, sink: S) -> cache::MetricCache<S> where S: MetricSink {
cache::MetricCache::new(sink, size)
/// Send metric to a logger.
/// This uses the basic log crate as it is configured for the application.
pub fn log<S: AsRef<str>>(log: S) -> logging::LoggingSink {
/// Send metrics to a statsd server at the address and port provided.
pub fn statsd<S: AsRef<str>, A: ToSocketAddrs>(address: A, prefix: S) -> error::Result<statsd::StatsdSink> {
Ok(statsd::StatsdSink::new(address, prefix)?)
/// Sends metrics to separate backends.
/// Nested combine() can be used if more than two destinations are required.
pub fn combine<S1: MetricSink, S2: MetricSink>(s1: S1, s2: S2) -> dual::DualSink<S1, S2> {
dual::DualSink::new(s1, s2)
/// Aggregate metrics in memory.
/// Depending on the type of metric, count, sum, minimum and maximum of values will be tracked.
/// Needs to be connected to a publish to be useful.
/// ```
/// use dipstick::*;
/// let aggregate = aggregate();
/// let metrics = metrics(aggregate.as_sink());
/// metrics.event("my_event").mark();
/// metrics.event("my_event").mark();
/// ```
pub fn aggregate() -> aggregate::MetricAggregator {
/// Publishes all metrics from a source to a backend.
/// ```
/// use dipstick::*;
/// let aggregate = aggregate();
/// let publisher = publish(aggregate.as_source(), log("aggregated"));
/// publisher.publish()
/// ```
pub fn publish<S: MetricSink + Sync>(source: AggregateSource, sink: S) -> AggregatePublisher<S> {
publish::AggregatePublisher::new(source, sink,)