
314 lines
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//! Dipstick metrics core types and traits.
//! This is mostly centered around the backend.
//! Application-facing types are in the `app` module.
use self::Command::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
use chrono::{Local, DateTime};
use time;
// TODO define an 'AsValue' trait + impl for supported number types, then drop 'num' crate
pub use num::ToPrimitive;
/// Base type for recorded metric values.
// TODO should this be f64? f32?
pub type Value = u64;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
/// A handle to the start time of a counter.
/// Wrapped so it may be changed safely later.
pub struct TimeHandle(i64);
/// takes 250ns but works every time
pub fn accurate_clock_micros() -> i64 {
let local: DateTime<Local> = Local::now();
let mut micros = local.timestamp() * 1_000_000;
micros += local.timestamp_subsec_micros() as i64;
/// takes 25ns but fails to advance time on occasion
pub fn fast_clock_micros() -> i64 {
(time::precise_time_ns() / 1000) as i64
// another quick way
//fn now_micros() -> i64 {
// let t = time::get_time();
// (t.sec * 1_000_000) + (t.nsec as i64 / 1000)
impl TimeHandle {
/// Get a handle on current time.
/// Used by the TimerMetric start_time() method.
pub fn now() -> TimeHandle {
/// Get the elapsed time in microseconds since TimeHandle was obtained.
pub fn elapsed_us(self) -> Value {
(TimeHandle::now().0 - self.0) as Value
/// Get the elapsed time in microseconds since TimeHandle was obtained.
pub fn elapsed_ms(self) -> Value {
self.elapsed_us() / 1_000
//impl From<usize> for TimeHandle {
// fn from(s: usize) -> TimeHandle {
// TimeHandle(s as i64)
// }
//impl From<TimeHandle> for usize {
// fn from(s: TimeHandle) -> usize {
// s.0 as usize
// }
/// Base type for sampling rate.
/// - 1.0 records everything
/// - 0.5 records one of two values
/// - 0.0 records nothing
/// The actual distribution (random, fixed-cycled, etc) depends on selected sampling method.
pub type Sampling = f64;
/// Do not sample, use all data.
pub const FULL_SAMPLING_RATE: Sampling = 1.0;
/// Used to differentiate between metric kinds in the backend.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Kind {
/// Handling one item at a time.
/// Handling quantities or multiples.
/// Reporting instant measurement of a resource at a point in time.
/// Measuring a time interval, internal to the app or provided by an external source.
/// A namespace for metrics.
/// Does _not_ include the metric's "short" name itself.
/// Can be empty.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Namespace {
inner: Vec<String>
lazy_static! {
/// Root namespace contains no string parts.
pub static ref ROOT_NS: Namespace = Namespace { inner: vec![] };
//impl<'a> Index<&'a str> for Namespace {
// type Output = Self;
// /// Returns a copy of this namespace with the "index" appended to it.
// /// Returned reference should be dereferenceable:
// ///
// /// ```
// /// let sub_ns = *ROOT_NS["sub_ns"];
// /// ```
// ///
// fn index(&self, index: &'a str) -> &Self::Output {
// let mut clone = self.inner.clone();
// if !index.is_empty() {
// clone.push(index.into());
// }
// &Namespace{ inner: clone }
// }
impl Namespace {
/// Append name to the namespace, returning a modified copy.
pub fn with_suffix(&self, name: &str) -> Self {
let mut new = self.inner.clone();
Namespace { inner: new }
/// Returns a copy of this namespace with the second namespace appended.
/// Both original namespaces stay untouched.
pub fn extend(&self, names: &Namespace) -> Self {
Namespace {
inner: {
let mut new = self.inner.clone();
/// Combine name parts into a string.
pub fn join(&self, name: &str, separator: &str) -> String {
if self.inner.is_empty() {
return name.into()
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(64);
for n in &self.inner {
impl From<()> for Namespace {
fn from(_name: ()) -> Namespace {
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Namespace {
fn from(name: &'a str) -> Namespace {
impl From<String> for Namespace {
fn from(name: String) -> Namespace {
/// Dynamic metric definition function.
/// Metrics can be defined from any thread, concurrently (Fn is Sync).
/// The resulting metrics themselves can be also be safely shared across threads (<M> is Send + Sync).
/// Concurrent usage of a metric is done using threaded scopes.
/// Shared concurrent scopes may be provided by some backends (aggregate).
pub type DefineMetricFn<M> = Arc<Fn(&Namespace, Kind, &str, Sampling) -> M + Send + Sync>;
/// A function trait that opens a new metric capture scope.
pub type OpenScopeFn<M> = Arc<Fn() -> CommandFn<M> + Send + Sync>;
/// A function trait that writes to or flushes a certain scope.
pub type WriteFn = Arc<Fn(Value) + Send + Sync + 'static>;
/// A function trait that writes to or flushes a certain scope.
pub struct CommandFn<M> {
inner: Arc<Fn(Command<M>) + Send + Sync + 'static>
/// An method dispatching command enum to manipulate metric scopes.
/// Replaces a potential `Writer` trait that would have methods `write` and `flush`.
/// Using a command pattern allows buffering, async queuing and inline definition of writers.
pub enum Command<'a, M: 'a> {
/// Write the value for the metric.
/// Takes a reference to minimize overhead in single-threaded scenarios.
Write(&'a M, Value),
/// Flush the scope buffer, if applicable.
/// Create a new metric scope based on the provided scope function.
pub fn command_fn<M, F>(scope_fn: F) -> CommandFn<M>
F: Fn(Command<M>) + Send + Sync + 'static,
CommandFn {
inner: Arc::new(scope_fn)
impl<M> CommandFn<M> {
/// Write a value to this scope.
pub fn write(&self, metric: &M, value: Value) {
(self.inner)(Write(metric, value))
/// Flush this scope.
/// Has no effect if scope is unbuffered.
pub fn flush(&self) {
//mod test {
// use core::*;
// use test;
// use std::f64;
// const ITER: i64 = 5_000;
// const LOOP: i64 = 50000;
// // a retarded, dirty and generally incorrect tentative at jitter measurement
// fn jitter(clock: fn() -> i64) {
// let mut first = 0;
// let mut last = 0;
// let mut min = 999_000_000;
// let mut max = -8888888;
// let mut delta_sum = 0;
// let mut dev2_sum = 0;
// for i in 1..ITER {
// let ts = clock();
// test::black_box(for _j in 0..LOOP {});
// last = clock();
// let delta = last - ts;
// delta_sum += delta;
// let mean = delta_sum / i;
// let dev2 = (delta - mean) ^ 2;
// dev2_sum += dev2;
// if delta > max {
// max = delta
// }
// if delta < min {
// min = delta
// }
// }
// println!("runt {}", last - first);
// println!("mean {}", delta_sum / ITER);
// println!("dev2 {}", (dev2_sum as f64).sqrt() / ITER as f64);
// println!("min {}", min);
// println!("max {}", max);
// }
// #[test]
// fn jitter_local_now() {
// jitter(|| super::slow_clock_micros())
// }
// #[test]
// fn jitter_precise_time_ns() {
// jitter(|| super::imprecise_clock_micros())
// }
#[cfg(feature = "bench")]
mod bench {
use super::*;
use test;
fn get_slow_time(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
b.iter(|| test::black_box(accurate_clock_micros()));
fn get_imprecise_time(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
b.iter(|| test::black_box(fast_clock_micros()));