
301 lines
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Executable File

//! Publicly exposed metric macros are defined here.
//! Although `dipstick` does not have a macro-based API,
//! in some situations they can make instrumented code simpler.
// TODO add #[timer("name")] method annotation processors
/// A convenience macro to wrap a block or an expression with a start / stop timer.
/// Elapsed time is sent to the supplied statsd client after the computation has been performed.
/// Expression result (if any) is transparently returned.
macro_rules! time {
($timer: expr, $body: expr) => {{
let start_time = $timer.start();
let value = $body;
/// Metrics can be used from anywhere (public), does not need to declare metrics in this block.
macro_rules! metrics {
// typed, public, no metrics
(<$METRIC_TYPE:ty> pub $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr $(;)*) => {
lazy_static! { pub static ref $METRIC_ID: MetricScope<$METRIC_TYPE> = $e.into(); }
// typed, public, some metrics
(<$METRIC_TYPE:ty> pub $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
lazy_static! { pub static ref $METRIC_ID: MetricScope<$METRIC_TYPE> = $e.into(); }
__metrics_block!($METRIC_ID; $($REMAINING)*);
// typed, module, no metrics
(<$METRIC_TYPE:ty> $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr $(;)*) => {
lazy_static! { static ref $METRIC_ID: MetricScope<$METRIC_TYPE> = $e.into(); }
// typed, module, some metrics
(<$METRIC_TYPE:ty> $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
lazy_static! { static ref $METRIC_ID: MetricScope<$METRIC_TYPE> = $e.into(); }
__metrics_block!($METRIC_ID; $($REMAINING)*);
// typed, reuse predeclared
(<$METRIC_TYPE:ty> $METRIC_ID:ident => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
__metrics_block!($METRIC_ID; $($REMAINING)*);
// typed, unidentified, some metrics
(<$METRIC_TYPE:ty> $e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
lazy_static! { static ref UNIDENT_METRIC: MetricScope<$METRIC_TYPE> = $e.into(); }
__metrics_block!(UNIDENT_METRIC; $($REMAINING)*);
// typed, root, some metrics
(<$METRIC_TYPE:ty> { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
lazy_static! { static ref ROOT_METRICS: MetricScope<$METRIC_TYPE> = ().into(); }
__metrics_block!(ROOT_METRICS; $($REMAINING)*);
(pub $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr $(;)*) => {
metrics! {<Dispatch> pub $METRIC_ID = $e; }
(pub $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
metrics! {<Dispatch> pub $METRIC_ID = $e => { $($REMAINING)* } }
($METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr $(;)*) => {
metrics! {<Dispatch> $METRIC_ID = $e; }
($METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
metrics! {<Dispatch> $METRIC_ID = $e => { $($REMAINING)* } }
($METRIC_ID:ident => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
metrics! {<Dispatch> $METRIC_ID => { $($REMAINING)* } }
($e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => {
metrics! {<Dispatch> $e => { $($REMAINING)* } }
/// Internal macro required to abstract over pub/non-pub versions of the macro
macro_rules! __metrics_block {
$(#[$attr:meta])* pub Counter $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* pub static ref $METRIC_ID:
Counter = $SCOPE.counter($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
$(#[$attr:meta])* Counter $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* static ref $METRIC_ID:
Counter = $SCOPE.counter($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
$(#[$attr:meta])* pub Marker $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* pub static ref $METRIC_ID:
Marker = $SCOPE.marker($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
$(#[$attr:meta])* Marker $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* static ref $METRIC_ID:
Marker = $SCOPE.marker($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
$(#[$attr:meta])* pub Gauge $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* pub static ref $METRIC_ID:
Gauge = $SCOPE.gauge($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
$(#[$attr:meta])* Gauge $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* static ref $METRIC_ID:
Gauge = $SCOPE.gauge($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
$(#[$attr:meta])* pub Timer $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* pub static ref $METRIC_ID:
Timer = $SCOPE.timer($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
$(#[$attr:meta])* Timer $METRIC_ID:ident : $METRIC_NAME:expr; $($REMAINING:tt)*) => {
lazy_static! { $(#[$attr])* static ref $METRIC_ID:
Timer = $SCOPE.timer($METRIC_NAME); }
__metrics_block!($SCOPE; $($REMAINING)*);
($METRIC_ID:ident;) => ()
/// Define application-scoped metrics.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! app_metrics {
($type_param: ty, $metric_id: ident = ($($SCOPE: expr),+ $(,)*)) => {
lazy_static! { pub static ref $metric_id: MetricScope<$type_param> =
metric_scope(($($SCOPE),*)); }
($type_param: ty, $metric_id: ident = [$($SCOPE: expr),+ $(,)*]) => {
lazy_static! { pub static ref $metric_id: MetricScope<$type_param> =
metric_scope(&[$($SCOPE),*][..],); }
($type_param: ty, $metric_id: ident = $SCOPE: expr) => {
lazy_static! { pub static ref $metric_id: MetricScope<$type_param> =
$SCOPE.into(); }
/// Define application-scoped markers.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! app_marker {
(<$type_param: ty> $SCOPE: expr =>
{ $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(pub static ref $metric_id:
Marker = $SCOPE.marker( $m_exp );)* }
/// Define application-scoped counters.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! app_counter {
(<$type_param: ty> $SCOPE: expr =>
{ $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(pub static ref $metric_id:
Counter = $SCOPE.counter( $m_exp );)* }
/// Define application-scoped gauges.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! app_gauge {
(<$type_param: ty> $SCOPE: expr =>
{ $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(pub static ref $metric_id:
Gauge = $SCOPE.gauge( $m_exp );)* }
/// Define application-scoped timers.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! app_timer {
(<$type_param: ty> $SCOPE: expr =>
{ $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(pub static ref $metric_id:
Timer = $SCOPE.timer( $m_exp );)* }
/// Define module-scoped metrics.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! mod_metrics {
($type_param: ty, $metric_id: ident = ($($SCOPE: expr),+ $(,)*)) => {
lazy_static! { static ref $metric_id: MetricScope<$type_param> =
metric_scope(($($SCOPE),*)); }
($type_param: ty, $metric_id: ident = [$($SCOPE: expr),+ $(,)*]) => {
lazy_static! { static ref $metric_id: MetricScope<$type_param> =
metric_scope(&[$($SCOPE),*][..],); }
($type_param: ty, $metric_id: ident = $mod_metrics: expr) => {
lazy_static! { static ref $metric_id: MetricScope<$type_param> =
$mod_metrics.into(); }
/// Define module-scoped markers.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! mod_marker {
($type_param: ty, $mod_metrics: expr, { $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(static ref $metric_id: Marker =
$mod_metrics.marker( $m_exp );)* }
/// Define module-scoped counters.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! mod_counter {
($type_param: ty, $mod_metrics: expr, { $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(static ref $metric_id: Counter =
$mod_metrics.counter( $m_exp );)* }
/// Define module-scoped gauges.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! mod_gauge {
($type_param: ty, $mod_metrics: expr, { $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(static ref $metric_id: Gauge =
$mod_metrics.gauge( $m_exp );)* }
($type_param: ty, $mod_metrics: expr, $metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr) => {
lazy_static! { static ref $metric_id: Gauge =
$mod_metrics.gauge( $m_exp ); }
/// Define module-scoped timers.
#[deprecated(since = "0.7.0", note = "Use metrics!() instead")]
macro_rules! mod_timer {
($type_param: ty, $mod_metrics: expr, { $($metric_id: ident: $m_exp: expr),* $(,)* } ) => {
lazy_static! { $(static ref $metric_id: Timer =
$mod_metrics.timer( $m_exp );)* }
mod test_app {
use self_metrics::*;
metrics!(<Aggregate> TEST_METRICS = DIPSTICK_METRICS.with_suffix("test_prefix"););
app_marker!(<Aggregate> TEST_METRICS => {
M1: "failed",
M2: "success",
app_counter!(<Aggregate> TEST_METRICS => {
C1: "failed",
C2: "success",
app_gauge!(<Aggregate> TEST_METRICS => {
G1: "failed",
G2: "success",
app_timer!(<Aggregate> TEST_METRICS => {
T1: "failed",
T2: "success",
fn call_macro_defined_metrics() {