
261 lines
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//! Maintain aggregated metrics for deferred reporting,
use core::{Value, Kind, control_scope, ScopeCmd, Sampling};
use core::Kind::*;
use context::DEFAULT_CONTEXT;
use metrics::MetricScope;
use namespace::WithNamespace;
use scores::{ScoreSnapshot, ScoreType, Scoreboard};
use scores::ScoreType::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
/// Define aggregate metrics.
macro_rules! aggregate_metrics {
(pub $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr $(;)*) => { metrics! {<Aggregate> pub $METRIC_ID = $e } };
(pub $METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => { metrics! {<Aggregate> pub $METRIC_ID = $e => { $($REMAINING)* } } };
($METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr $(;)*) => { metrics! {<Aggregate> $METRIC_ID = $e } };
($METRIC_ID:ident = $e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => { metrics! {<Aggregate> $METRIC_ID = $e => { $($REMAINING)* } } };
($METRIC_ID:ident => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => { metrics! {<Aggregate> $METRIC_ID => { $($REMAINING)* } } };
($e:expr => { $($REMAINING:tt)+ }) => { metrics! {<Aggregate> $e => { $($REMAINING)* } } };
lazy_static! {
static ref DEFAULT_PUBLISH_FN: RwLock<Arc<Fn(Kind, &str, ScoreType) ->
Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> + Send + Sync + 'static>> =
static ref AGGREGATE_REGISTRY: RwLock<Vec<Aggregator>> = RwLock::new(vec![]);
pub fn set_default_aggregate_fn<F>(func: F)
F: Fn(Kind, &str, ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> + Send + Sync + 'static
*DEFAULT_PUBLISH_FN.write().unwrap() = Arc::new(func)
/// Get the default metrics summary.
pub fn get_default_publish_fn() -> Arc<Fn(Kind, &str, ScoreType) ->
Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> + Send + Sync + 'static> {
/// Aggregate metrics in memory.
/// Depending on the type of metric, count, sum, minimum and maximum of values will be tracked.
/// Needs to be connected to a publish to be useful.
/// ```
/// use dipstick;
/// let metrics: AppMetrics<_> = aggregate(summary, to_stdout()).into();
/// metrics.marker("my_event").mark();
/// metrics.marker("my_event").mark();
/// ```
pub fn aggregate() -> Aggregator {
Aggregator {
metrics: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())),
impl From<Aggregator> for MetricScope<Aggregate> {
fn from(agg: Aggregator) -> MetricScope<Aggregate> {
let agg_1 = agg.clone();
Arc::new(move |kind, name, rate| agg.define_metric(kind, name, rate)),
control_scope(move |cmd| match cmd {
ScopeCmd::Write(metric, value) => {
let metric: &Aggregate = metric;
ScopeCmd::Flush => agg_1.flush(),
impl From<&'static str> for MetricScope<Aggregate> {
fn from(prefix: &'static str) -> MetricScope<Aggregate> {
let app_metrics: MetricScope<Aggregate> = aggregate().into();
if !prefix.is_empty() {
} else {
impl From<()> for MetricScope<Aggregate> {
fn from(_: ()) -> MetricScope<Aggregate> {
let scope: MetricScope<Aggregate> = aggregate().into();
/// Central aggregation structure.
/// Maintains a list of metrics for enumeration when used as source.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Aggregator {
metrics: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, Arc<Scoreboard>>>>,
impl Aggregator {
/// Build a new metric aggregation point with specified initial capacity of metrics to aggregate.
pub fn with_capacity(size: usize) -> Aggregator {
Aggregator {
metrics: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::with_capacity(size))),
/// Discard scores for ad-hoc metrics.
pub fn cleanup(&self) {
let orphans: Vec<String> = self.metrics.read().unwrap().iter()
// is aggregator now the sole owner?
// TODO use weak ref + impl Drop to mark abandoned metrics (see dispatch)
.filter(|&(_k, v)| Arc::strong_count(v) == 1)
.map(|(k, _v)| k.to_string())
if !orphans.is_empty() {
let mut remover = self.metrics.write().unwrap();
orphans.iter().for_each(|k| {
/// Lookup or create a scoreboard for the requested metric.
pub fn define_metric(&self, kind: Kind, name: &str, _rate: Sampling) -> Aggregate {
.expect("Locking aggregator")
.or_insert_with(|| Arc::new(Scoreboard::new(kind, name.to_string())))
/// Collect and reset aggregated data.
/// Publish statistics
pub fn flush(&self) {
let snapshot: Vec<ScoreSnapshot> = {
let metrics = self.metrics.read().expect("Locking metrics scoreboards");
metrics.values().flat_map(|score| score.reset()).collect()
let publish_scope = DEFAULT_CONTEXT.read().unwrap().open_scope();
if snapshot.is_empty() {
// no data was collected for this period
// TODO repeat previous frame min/max ?
// TODO update some canary metric ?
} else {
for metric in snapshot {
for score in metric.2 {
if let Some(ex) = (get_default_publish_fn())(metric.0, metric.1.as_ref(), score) {
publish_scope.define_metric(ex.0, &ex.1.concat(), 1.0).write(ex.2);
// TODO parameterize whether to keep ad-hoc metrics after publish
// source.cleanup();
/// The type of metric created by the Aggregator.
pub type Aggregate = Arc<Scoreboard>;
/// A predefined export strategy reporting all aggregated stats for all metric types.
/// Resulting stats are named by appending a short suffix to each metric's name.
pub fn all_stats(kind: Kind, name: &str, score: ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> {
match score {
Count(hit) => Some((Counter, vec![name, ".count"], hit)),
Sum(sum) => Some((kind, vec![name, ".sum"], sum)),
Mean(mean) => Some((kind, vec![name, ".mean"], mean.round() as Value)),
Max(max) => Some((Gauge, vec![name, ".max"], max)),
Min(min) => Some((Gauge, vec![name, ".min"], min)),
Rate(rate) => Some((Gauge, vec![name, ".rate"], rate.round() as Value)),
/// A predefined export strategy reporting the average value for every non-marker metric.
/// Marker metrics export their hit count instead.
/// Since there is only one stat per metric, there is no risk of collision
/// and so exported stats copy their metric's name.
pub fn average(kind: Kind, name: &str, score: ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> {
match kind {
Marker => match score {
Count(count) => Some((Counter, vec![name], count)),
_ => None,
_ => match score {
Mean(avg) => Some((Gauge, vec![name], avg.round() as Value)),
_ => None,
/// A predefined single-stat-per-metric export strategy:
/// - Timers and Counters each export their sums
/// - Markers each export their hit count
/// - Gauges each export their average
/// Since there is only one stat per metric, there is no risk of collision
/// and so exported stats copy their metric's name.
pub fn summary(kind: Kind, name: &str, score: ScoreType) -> Option<(Kind, Vec<&str>, Value)> {
match kind {
Marker => match score {
Count(count) => Some((Counter, vec![name], count)),
_ => None,
Counter | Timer => match score {
Sum(sum) => Some((kind, vec![name], sum)),
_ => None,
Gauge => match score {
Mean(mean) => Some((Gauge, vec![name], mean.round() as Value)),
_ => None,
#[cfg(feature = "bench")]
mod bench {
use test;
use core::Kind::{Marker, Counter};
use metrics::MetricScope;
use aggregate::{Aggregate, aggregate};
fn aggregate_marker(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let sink: MetricScope<Aggregate> = aggregate().into();
let metric = sink.define_metric(Marker, "event_a", 1.0);
b.iter(|| test::black_box(sink.write(&metric, 1)));
fn aggregate_counter(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let sink: MetricScope<Aggregate> = aggregate().into();
let metric = sink.define_metric(Counter, "count_a", 1.0);
b.iter(|| test::black_box(sink.write(&metric, 1)));
fn reset_marker(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let sink: MetricScope<Aggregate> = aggregate().into();
let metric = sink.define_metric(Marker, "marker_a", 1.0);
b.iter(|| test::black_box(metric.reset()));
fn reset_counter(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let sink: MetricScope<Aggregate> = aggregate().into();
let metric = sink.define_metric(Counter, "count_a", 1.0);
b.iter(|| test::black_box(metric.reset()));