Ensure classes with a struct implements initialize

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Godfrey Chan 2018-04-25 13:45:04 -07:00
parent bda5141f37
commit 7e2ca2f418
1 changed files with 25 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -303,6 +303,8 @@ macro_rules! parse {
ast: [ $($ast:tt)* ]
} => {
assert_has_initialize!($class, "Classes defining a struct must implement `initialize`");
parse! {
state: top_level,
buffer: $program,
@ -863,6 +865,29 @@ macro_rules! assert_not_reopen {
{ { reopen: false }, $($message:expr),* } => {};
macro_rules! assert_has_initialize {
type: class,
rust_name: $rust_name:tt,
ruby_name: $ruby_name:tt,
meta: $meta:tt,
struct: $struct:tt,
methods: $methods:tt
} => { assert_has_initialize!({ struct: $struct }, $methods, $($message),*); };
{ { struct: () }, $methods:tt, $($message:expr),* } => {};
{ { struct: $struct:tt }, [ ], $($message:expr),* } => { parse_error!($($message),*); };
{ { struct: $struct:tt }, [ { type: initializer, $($rest:tt)* } $($methods:tt)* ], $($message:expr),* } => {};
{ { struct: $struct:tt }, [ $method:tt $($methods:tt)* ], $($message:expr),* } => {
assert_has_initialize!({ struct: $struct }, [ $($methods)* ], $($message),*);
macro_rules! assert_has_struct {