
188 lines
5.1 KiB

from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
import pytest
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis import strategies as st
from jsonschema_rs import JSONSchema, ValidationError, is_valid, iter_errors, validate
json = st.recursive(
st.none() | st.booleans() | st.floats() | st.integers() | st.text(),
lambda children: st.lists(children, min_size=1) | st.dictionaries(st.text(), children, min_size=1),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", (is_valid, validate))
def test_instance_processing(func, instance):
with suppress(Exception):
func(True, instance)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", (is_valid, validate))
def test_schema_processing(func, instance):
with suppress(Exception):
func(instance, True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", (is_valid, validate))
def test_invalid_schema(func):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
func(2 ** 64, True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", (is_valid, validate))
def test_invalid_type(func):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unsupported type: 'set'"):
func(set(), True)
def test_module():
assert JSONSchema.__module__ == "jsonschema_rs"
def test_repr():
assert repr(JSONSchema({"minimum": 5})) == '<JSONSchema: {"minimum":5}>'
JSONSchema({"minimum": 5}).validate,
JSONSchema.from_str('{"minimum": 5}').validate,
partial(validate, {"minimum": 5}),
def test_validate(func):
with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="2 is less than the minimum of 5"):
def test_from_str_error():
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected string, got int"):
def test_recursive_dict():
instance = {}
instance["foo"] = instance
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
is_valid(True, instance)
def test_recursive_list():
instance = []
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
is_valid(True, instance)
def test_paths():
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc:
validate({"items": [{"type": "string"}]}, [1])
assert exc.value.schema_path == ["items", 0, "type"]
assert exc.value.instance_path == [0]
assert exc.value.message == '1 is not of type "string"'
"schema, draft, error",
([], None, r'\[\] is not of types "boolean", "object"'),
({}, 5, "Unknown draft: 5"),
def test_initialization_errors(schema, draft, error):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=error):
JSONSchema(schema, draft)
def test_minimum(minimum):
with suppress(SystemError):
assert is_valid({"minimum": minimum}, minimum)
assert is_valid({"minimum": minimum}, minimum - 1) is False
def test_maximum(maximum):
with suppress(SystemError):
assert is_valid({"maximum": maximum}, maximum)
assert is_valid({"maximum": maximum}, maximum + 1) is False
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="The underlying Rust crate has not enough precision.")
@given(multiple_of=(st.integers() | st.floats(allow_infinity=False, allow_nan=False)).filter(lambda x: x > 0))
def test_multiple_of(multiple_of):
with suppress(SystemError):
assert is_valid({"multipleOf": multiple_of}, multiple_of * 3)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ("is_valid", "validate"))
def test_invalid_value(method):
schema = JSONSchema({"minimum": 42})
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unsupported type: 'object'"):
getattr(schema, method)(object())
def test_error_message():
schema = {"properties": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}}}
instance = {"foo": None}
validate(schema, instance)
pytest.fail("Validation error should happen")
except ValidationError as exc:
assert (
== """null is not of type "integer"
Failed validating "type" in schema["properties"]["foo"]
On instance["foo"]:
JSONSchema({"properties": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}, "bar": {"type": "string"}}}).iter_errors,
partial(iter_errors, {"properties": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}, "bar": {"type": "string"}}}),
def test_iter_err_message(func):
instance = {"foo": None, "bar": None}
errs = func(instance)
err_a = next(errs)
assert err_a.message == 'null is not of type "string"'
err_b = next(errs)
assert err_b.message == 'null is not of type "integer"'
pytest.fail("Validation error should happen")
except StopIteration:
JSONSchema({"properties": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}}}).iter_errors,
partial(iter_errors, {"properties": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}}}),
def test_iter_err_empty(func):
schema = {"properties": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}}}
instance = {"foo": 1}
errs = func(instance)
pytest.fail("Validation error should happen")
except StopIteration: