
737 lines
26 KiB

use crate::primitive_type::{PrimitiveType, PrimitiveTypesBitMap};
use serde_json::{Map, Number, Value};
use std::{
error, fmt,
fmt::{Error, Formatter},
iter::{empty, once},
/// The error type that happens when the input schema is not valid.
/// It includes cases when during validation a reference is resolved into an invalid schema,
/// which we can't know upfront because schemas can be in remote locations.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum CompilationError {
/// Invalid schema structure
impl error::Error for CompilationError {}
impl fmt::Display for CompilationError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
write!(f, "Schema compilation error")
impl From<regex::Error> for CompilationError {
fn from(_: regex::Error) -> Self {
impl From<url::ParseError> for CompilationError {
fn from(_: url::ParseError) -> Self {
/// An error that can occur during validation.
pub struct ValidationError<'a> {
instance: Cow<'a, Value>,
kind: ValidationErrorKind,
/// An iterator over instances of `ValidationError` that represent validation error for the
/// input instance.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use jsonschema::JSONSchema;
/// use serde_json::json;
/// let schema = json!({"maxLength": 5});
/// let instance = json!("foo");
/// if let Ok(compiled) = JSONSchema::compile(&schema) {
/// let result = compiled.validate(&instance);
/// if let Err(errors) = result {
/// for error in errors {
/// println!("Validation error: {}", error)
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub type ErrorIterator<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = ValidationError<'a>> + Sync + Send + 'a>;
// Empty iterator means no error happened
pub(crate) fn no_error<'a>() -> ErrorIterator<'a> {
// A wrapper for one error
pub(crate) fn error(instance: ValidationError) -> ErrorIterator {
/// Kinds of errors that may happen during validation
pub(crate) enum ValidationErrorKind {
/// The input array contain more items than expected.
AdditionalItems { limit: usize },
/// The input value is not valid under any of the given schemas.
/// The input value doesn't match expected constant.
Constant { expected_value: Value },
/// The input array doesn't contain items conforming to the specified schema.
/// Ths input value does not respect the defined contentEncoding
ContentEncoding { content_encoding: String },
/// Ths input value does not respect the defined contentMediaType
ContentMediaType { content_media_type: String },
/// The input value doesn't match any of specified options.
Enum { options: Value },
/// Value is too large.
ExclusiveMaximum { limit: f64 },
/// Value is too small.
ExclusiveMinimum { limit: f64 },
/// Everything is invalid for `false` schema.
/// If the referenced file is not found during ref resolution.
FileNotFound { error: io::Error },
/// When the input doesn't match to the specified format.
Format { format: &'static str },
/// May happen in `contentEncoding` validation if `base64` encoded data is invalid.
FromUtf8 { error: FromUtf8Error },
/// Invalid UTF-8 string during percent encoding when resolving happens
Utf8 { error: Utf8Error },
/// May happen during ref resolution when remote document is not a valid JSON.
JSONParse { error: serde_json::Error },
/// `ref` value is not valid.
InvalidReference { reference: String },
/// Invalid URL, e.g. invalid port number or IP address
InvalidURL { error: url::ParseError },
/// Too many items in an array.
MaxItems { limit: u64 },
/// Value is too large.
Maximum { limit: f64 },
/// String is too long.
MaxLength { limit: u64 },
/// Too many properties in an object.
MaxProperties { limit: u64 },
/// Too few items in an array.
MinItems { limit: u64 },
/// Value is too small.
Minimum { limit: f64 },
/// String is too short.
MinLength { limit: u64 },
/// Not enough properties in an object.
MinProperties { limit: u64 },
/// When some number is not a multiple of another number.
MultipleOf { multiple_of: f64 },
/// Negated schema failed validation.
Not { schema: Value },
/// The given schema is valid under more than one of the given schemas.
/// The given schema is not valid under any on the given schemas.
/// When the input doesn't match to a pattern.
Pattern { pattern: String },
/// When a required property is missing.
Required { property: String },
/// Any error that happens during network request via `reqwest` crate
#[cfg(any(feature = "reqwest", test))]
Reqwest { error: reqwest::Error },
/// Resolved schema failed to compile.
/// When the input value doesn't match one or multiple required types.
Type { kind: TypeKind },
/// When the input array has non-unique elements.
/// Reference contains unknown scheme.
UnknownReferenceScheme { scheme: String },
/// Unexpected error. This usually represent a bug into the validation
Unexpected { validator_representation: String },
pub(crate) enum TypeKind {
/// Shortcuts for creation of specific error kinds.
impl<'a> ValidationError<'a> {
pub(crate) fn into_owned(self) -> ValidationError<'static> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(self.instance.into_owned()),
kind: self.kind,
pub(crate) fn additional_items(instance: &'a Value, limit: usize) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::AdditionalItems { limit },
pub(crate) fn any_of(instance: &'a Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::AnyOf,
pub(crate) fn constant_array(
instance: &'a Value,
expected_value: &[Value],
) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Constant {
expected_value: Value::Array(expected_value.to_vec()),
pub(crate) fn constant_boolean(
instance: &'a Value,
expected_value: bool,
) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Constant {
expected_value: Value::Bool(expected_value),
pub(crate) fn constant_null(instance: &'a Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Constant {
expected_value: Value::Null,
pub(crate) fn constant_number(
instance: &'a Value,
expected_value: &Number,
) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Constant {
expected_value: Value::Number(expected_value.clone()),
pub(crate) fn constant_object(
instance: &'a Value,
expected_value: &Map<String, Value>,
) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Constant {
expected_value: Value::Object(expected_value.clone()),
pub(crate) fn constant_string(
instance: &'a Value,
expected_value: &str,
) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Constant {
expected_value: Value::String(expected_value.to_string()),
pub(crate) fn contains(instance: &'a Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Contains,
pub(crate) fn content_encoding(instance: &'a Value, encoding: &str) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::ContentEncoding {
content_encoding: encoding.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn content_media_type(instance: &'a Value, media_type: &str) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::ContentMediaType {
content_media_type: media_type.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn enumeration(instance: &'a Value, options: &Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Enum {
options: options.clone(),
pub(crate) fn exclusive_maximum(instance: &'a Value, limit: f64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::ExclusiveMaximum { limit },
pub(crate) fn exclusive_minimum(instance: &'a Value, limit: f64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::ExclusiveMinimum { limit },
pub(crate) fn false_schema(instance: &'a Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::FalseSchema,
pub(crate) fn file_not_found(error: io::Error) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::FileNotFound { error },
pub(crate) fn format(instance: &'a Value, format: &'static str) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Format { format },
pub(crate) fn from_utf8(error: FromUtf8Error) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::FromUtf8 { error },
pub(crate) fn json_parse(error: serde_json::Error) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::JSONParse { error },
pub(crate) fn invalid_reference(reference: String) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::InvalidReference { reference },
pub(crate) fn invalid_url(error: url::ParseError) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::InvalidURL { error },
pub(crate) fn max_items(instance: &'a Value, limit: u64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::MaxItems { limit },
pub(crate) fn maximum(instance: &'a Value, limit: f64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Maximum { limit },
pub(crate) fn max_length(instance: &'a Value, limit: u64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::MaxLength { limit },
pub(crate) fn max_properties(instance: &'a Value, limit: u64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::MaxProperties { limit },
pub(crate) fn min_items(instance: &'a Value, limit: u64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::MinItems { limit },
pub(crate) fn minimum(instance: &'a Value, limit: f64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Minimum { limit },
pub(crate) fn min_length(instance: &'a Value, limit: u64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::MinLength { limit },
pub(crate) fn min_properties(instance: &'a Value, limit: u64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::MinProperties { limit },
pub(crate) fn multiple_of(instance: &'a Value, multiple_of: f64) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::MultipleOf { multiple_of },
pub(crate) fn not(instance: &'a Value, schema: Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Not { schema },
pub(crate) fn one_of_multiple_valid(instance: &'a Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::OneOfMultipleValid,
pub(crate) fn one_of_not_valid(instance: &'a Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::OneOfNotValid,
pub(crate) fn pattern(instance: &'a Value, pattern: String) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Pattern { pattern },
pub(crate) fn required(instance: &'a Value, property: String) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Required { property },
#[cfg(any(feature = "reqwest", test))]
pub(crate) fn reqwest(error: reqwest::Error) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Reqwest { error },
pub(crate) fn schema() -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Schema,
pub(crate) fn single_type_error(
instance: &'a Value,
type_name: PrimitiveType,
) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Type {
kind: TypeKind::Single(type_name),
pub(crate) fn multiple_type_error(
instance: &'a Value,
types: PrimitiveTypesBitMap,
) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Type {
kind: TypeKind::Multiple(types),
pub(crate) fn unique_items(instance: &'a Value) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::UniqueItems,
pub(crate) fn unknown_reference_scheme(scheme: String) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::UnknownReferenceScheme { scheme },
/// Unexpected `ValidationError`
/// This validation error is the only `ValidationError` that can be created by external crates.
pub fn unexpected(instance: &'a Value, validator_representation: &str) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Borrowed(instance),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Unexpected {
validator_representation: validator_representation.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn utf8(error: Utf8Error) -> ValidationError<'a> {
ValidationError {
instance: Cow::Owned(Value::Null),
kind: ValidationErrorKind::Utf8 { error },
impl From<CompilationError> for ValidationError<'_> {
fn from(_: CompilationError) -> Self {
impl error::Error for ValidationError<'_> {}
impl From<serde_json::Error> for ValidationError<'_> {
fn from(err: serde_json::Error) -> Self {
impl From<io::Error> for ValidationError<'_> {
fn from(err: io::Error) -> Self {
impl From<FromUtf8Error> for ValidationError<'_> {
fn from(err: FromUtf8Error) -> Self {
impl From<Utf8Error> for ValidationError<'_> {
fn from(err: Utf8Error) -> Self {
impl From<url::ParseError> for ValidationError<'_> {
fn from(err: url::ParseError) -> Self {
#[cfg(any(feature = "reqwest", test))]
impl From<reqwest::Error> for ValidationError<'_> {
fn from(err: reqwest::Error) -> Self {
/// Textual representation of various validation errors.
impl fmt::Display for ValidationError<'_> {
#[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] // The function is long but it does formatting only
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match &self.kind {
ValidationErrorKind::Schema => write!(f, "Schema error"),
ValidationErrorKind::JSONParse { error } => write!(f, "{}", error),
#[cfg(any(feature = "reqwest", test))]
ValidationErrorKind::Reqwest { error } => write!(f, "{}", error),
ValidationErrorKind::FileNotFound { error } => write!(f, "{}", error),
ValidationErrorKind::InvalidURL { error } => write!(f, "{}", error),
ValidationErrorKind::UnknownReferenceScheme { scheme } => {
write!(f, "Unknown scheme: {}", scheme)
ValidationErrorKind::Format { format } => {
write!(f, "'{}' is not a '{}'", self.instance, format)
ValidationErrorKind::AdditionalItems { limit } => {
// It's safe to unwrap here as ValidationErrorKind::AdditionalItems is reported only in
// case of arrays with more items than expected
let extras: Vec<&Value> = self
.expect("Always valid")
let verb = {
if extras.len() == 1 {
} else {
"Additional items are not allowed ({} {} unexpected)",
.map(|x| x.to_string())
.join(", "),
ValidationErrorKind::AnyOf | ValidationErrorKind::OneOfNotValid => write!(
"'{}' is not valid under any of the given schemas",
ValidationErrorKind::Contains => write!(
"None of '{}' are valid under the given schema",
ValidationErrorKind::Constant { expected_value } => {
write!(f, "'{}' was expected", expected_value)
ValidationErrorKind::ContentEncoding { content_encoding } => {
write!(f, "'{}' is not compliant with encoding={}", self.instance, content_encoding)
ValidationErrorKind::ContentMediaType { content_media_type } => {
write!(f, "'{}' is not compliant with media_type={}", self.instance, content_media_type)
ValidationErrorKind::FromUtf8 { error } => write!(f, "{}", error),
ValidationErrorKind::Utf8 { error } => write!(f, "{}", error),
ValidationErrorKind::Enum { options } => {
write!(f, "'{}' is not one of '{}'", self.instance, options)
ValidationErrorKind::ExclusiveMaximum { limit } => write!(
"{} is greater than or equal to the maximum of {}",
self.instance, limit
ValidationErrorKind::ExclusiveMinimum { limit } => write!(
"{} is less than or equal to the minimum of {}",
self.instance, limit
ValidationErrorKind::FalseSchema => {
write!(f, "False schema does not allow '{}'", self.instance)
ValidationErrorKind::InvalidReference { reference } => {
write!(f, "Invalid reference: {}", reference)
ValidationErrorKind::Maximum { limit } => write!(
"{} is greater than the maximum of {}",
self.instance, limit
ValidationErrorKind::Minimum { limit } => {
write!(f, "{} is less than the minimum of {}", self.instance, limit)
ValidationErrorKind::MaxLength { limit } => write!(
"'{}' is longer than {} character{}",
if *limit == 1 { "" } else { "s" }
ValidationErrorKind::MinLength { limit } => write!(
"'{}' is shorter than {} character{}",
if *limit == 1 { "" } else { "s" }
ValidationErrorKind::MaxItems { limit } => write!(
"{} has more than {} item{}",
if *limit == 1 { "" } else { "s" }
ValidationErrorKind::MinItems { limit } => write!(
"{} has less than {} item{}",
if *limit == 1 { "" } else { "s" }
ValidationErrorKind::MaxProperties { limit } => write!(
"{} has more than {} propert{}",
if *limit == 1 { "y" } else { "ies" }
ValidationErrorKind::MinProperties { limit } => write!(
"{} has less than {} propert{}",
if *limit == 1 { "y" } else { "ies" }
ValidationErrorKind::Not { schema } => {
write!(f, "{} is not allowed for {}", schema, self.instance)
ValidationErrorKind::OneOfMultipleValid => write!(
"'{}' is valid under more than one of the given schemas",
ValidationErrorKind::Pattern { pattern } => {
write!(f, "'{}' does not match '{}'", self.instance, pattern)
ValidationErrorKind::Required { property } => {
write!(f, "'{}' is a required property", property)
ValidationErrorKind::MultipleOf { multiple_of } => {
write!(f, "{} is not a multiple of {}", self.instance, multiple_of)
ValidationErrorKind::UniqueItems => {
write!(f, "'{}' has non-unique elements", self.instance)
ValidationErrorKind::Type {
kind: TypeKind::Single(type_),
} => write!(f, "'{}' is not of type '{}'", self.instance, type_),
ValidationErrorKind::Type {
kind: TypeKind::Multiple(types),
} => write!(
"'{}' is not of types {}",
.map(|t| format!("'{}'", t))
.join(", ")
ValidationErrorKind::Unexpected { validator_representation } => write!(
"Unexpected validation error. Usually this reflect a bug in the keywords implementation. Please make sure to report the problem to {}. Instance: {}, Validator: {}",
mod tests {
use super::*;
use serde_json::json;
fn single_type_error() {
let instance = json!(42);
let err = ValidationError::single_type_error(&instance, PrimitiveType::String);
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "'42' is not of type 'string'")
fn multiple_types_error() {
let instance = json!(42);
let err = ValidationError::multiple_type_error(
vec![PrimitiveType::String, PrimitiveType::Number].into(),
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "'42' is not of types 'number', 'string'")