Replace “min()” visibility notation with English.

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Kevin Reid 2024-04-15 11:13:52 -07:00
parent ec0065fd92
commit 076a798583
1 changed files with 9 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -72,10 +72,12 @@ Non-exhaustive types cannot be constructed outside of the defining crate:
- Non-exhaustive variants ([`struct`][struct] or [`enum` variant][enum]) cannot be constructed
with a [_StructExpression_] \(including with [functional update syntax]).
- The visibility of the same-named constant of a [unit-like struct][struct]
is lowered to `min($vis, pub(crate))`.
- The visibility of the same-named constructor function of a [tuple struct][struct]
is lowered to `min($vis, pub(crate))`.
- The implicitly defined same-named constant of a [unit-like struct][struct],
or the same-named constructor function of a [tuple struct][struct],
has a [visibility] no greater than `pub(crate)`.
That is, if the structs visibility is `pub`, then the constant or constructors visibility
is `pub(crate)`, and otherwise the visibility of the two items is the same
(as is the case without `#[non_exhaustive]`).
- [`enum`][enum] instances can be constructed.
The following examples of construction do not compile when outside the defining crate:
@ -120,8 +122,8 @@ let message = Message::Quit;
There are limitations when matching on non-exhaustive types outside of the defining crate:
- When pattern matching on a non-exhaustive variant ([`struct`][struct] or [`enum` variant][enum]),
a [_StructPattern_] must be used which must include a `..`. Tuple variant constructor visibility
is lowered to `min($vis, pub(crate))`.
a [_StructPattern_] must be used which must include a `..`. A tuple variant's constructor's
[visibility] is reduced to be no greater than `pub(crate)`.
- When pattern matching on a non-exhaustive [`enum`][enum], matching on a variant does not
contribute towards the exhaustiveness of the arms.
@ -181,3 +183,4 @@ Non-exhaustive types are always considered inhabited in downstream crates.
[enum]: ../items/
[functional update syntax]: ../expressions/
[struct]: ../items/
[visibility]: ../