fix(ref): Improve compilation diagnostic

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Ed Page 2024-01-23 19:41:17 -06:00
parent 505224ad66
commit 6c17440443
1 changed files with 8 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -483,6 +483,14 @@ The MSRV-compatibility build check will be demoted from an error to a `deny`-by-
allowing users to intentionally use dependencies on an unsupported (or less supported) version of Rust
without requiring `--ignore-rust-version` on every invocation.
Ideally, we present all of the MSRV issues upfront to be resolved together.
At minimum, we should present a top-down message, rather than bottom up.
If `package.rust-version` is unset or `"auto"`, the diagnostic should suggest setting it
to help raise awareness of `package.rust-version` being able to reduce future
resolution errors.
This would benefit from knowing the oldest MSRV.
## `cargo update`
`cargo update` will inform users when an MSRV or semver incompatible version is available.
@ -694,9 +702,6 @@ Instead of adding `resolver = "3"`, we could keep the default resolver the same
The next corrective step (and suggestion from cargo) depends on what the user is doing and could be either
- `git checkout main -- Cargo.lock && cargo check`
- `cargo generate-lockfile`
- We should update the "incompatible rust-version" checks to be top-down, rather
than bottom up,
so users see the root of their problem, rather than the leaves.
- We'd drop from this proposal `cargo update [--ignore-rust-version|--update-rust-version]` as they don't make sense with this new default
This has no impact on the other proposals (`cargo add` picking compatible versions, `package.rust-version = "auto"`, `cargo build` error to diagnostic).