
983 lines
37 KiB

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fmt::{self, Write};
use std::fs::{read_dir, remove_file};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use cargo::core::compiler::{BuildConfig, CompileMode, Context, Executor, Unit};
use cargo::core::resolver::{CliFeatures, ResolveError};
use cargo::core::Package;
use cargo::core::{PackageId, Shell, Target, TargetKind, Verbosity, Workspace};
use cargo::ops::{compile_with_exec, CompileFilter, CompileOptions, Packages};
use cargo::util::{
config as cargo_config, errors::ManifestError, homedir, important_paths, CargoResult,
use cargo_util::ProcessBuilder;
use log::{debug, trace, warn};
use rls_data::Analysis;
use rls_vfs::Vfs;
use crate::actions::progress::ProgressUpdate;
use crate::build::cargo_plan::CargoPlan;
use crate::build::environment::{self, Environment, EnvironmentLock};
use crate::build::plan::{BuildPlan, Crate};
use crate::build::{BufWriter, BuildResult, CompilationContext, Internals, PackageArg};
use crate::config::Config;
use crate::lsp_data::{Position, Range};
// Runs an in-process instance of Cargo.
pub(super) fn cargo(
internals: &Internals,
package_arg: PackageArg,
progress_sender: Sender<ProgressUpdate>,
) -> BuildResult {
let compilation_cx = Arc::clone(&internals.compilation_cx);
let config = Arc::clone(&internals.config);
let vfs = Arc::clone(&internals.vfs);
let env_lock = Arc::clone(&internals.env_lock);
let diagnostics = Arc::default();
let analysis = Arc::default();
let input_files = Arc::default();
let out = Arc::default();
// Cargo may or may not spawn threads to run the various builds, since
// we may be in separate threads we need to block and wait our thread.
// However, if Cargo doesn't run a separate thread, then we'll just wait
// forever. Therefore, we spawn an extra thread here to be safe.
let handle = thread::spawn({
let diagnostics = Arc::clone(&diagnostics);
let analysis = Arc::clone(&analysis);
let input_files = Arc::clone(&input_files);
let out = Arc::clone(&out);
|| {
match handle.join().map_err(|_| anyhow::Error::msg("thread panicked")).and_then(|res| res) {
Ok(ref cwd) => {
let diagnostics = Arc::try_unwrap(diagnostics).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
let analysis = Arc::try_unwrap(analysis).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
let input_files = Arc::try_unwrap(input_files).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
BuildResult::Success(cwd.clone(), diagnostics, analysis, input_files, true)
Err(error) => {
let stdout = String::from_utf8(out.lock().unwrap().to_owned()).unwrap();
let (manifest_path, manifest_error_range) = {
let mae = error.downcast_ref::<ManifestAwareError>();
(mae.map(|e| e.manifest_path().clone()), mae.and_then(|e| e.manifest_error_range()))
BuildResult::CargoError { error, stdout, manifest_path, manifest_error_range }
fn run_cargo(
compilation_cx: Arc<Mutex<CompilationContext>>,
package_arg: PackageArg,
rls_config: Arc<Mutex<Config>>,
vfs: Arc<Vfs>,
env_lock: Arc<EnvironmentLock>,
compiler_messages: Arc<Mutex<Vec<String>>>,
analysis: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Analysis>>>,
input_files: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<PathBuf, HashSet<Crate>>>>,
out: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>,
progress_sender: Sender<ProgressUpdate>,
) -> Result<PathBuf, anyhow::Error> {
// Lock early to guarantee synchronized access to env var for the scope of Cargo routine.
// Additionally we need to pass inner lock to `RlsExecutor`, since it needs to hand it down
// during `exec()` callback when calling linked compiler in parallel, for which we need to
// guarantee consistent environment variables.
let (lock_guard, inner_lock) = env_lock.lock();
let restore_env = Environment::push_with_lock(&BTreeMap::new(), None, lock_guard);
let build_dir = compilation_cx.lock().unwrap().build_dir.clone().unwrap();
// Note that this may not be equal build_dir when inside a workspace member
let manifest_path = important_paths::find_root_manifest_for_wd(&build_dir)?;
trace!("root manifest_path: {:?}", &manifest_path);
// Cargo constructs relative paths from the manifest dir, so we have to pop "Cargo.toml"
let manifest_dir = manifest_path.parent().unwrap();
let mut shell = Shell::from_write(Box::new(BufWriter(Arc::clone(&out))));
let mut config = {
let rls_config = rls_config.lock().unwrap();
let target_dir = rls_config.target_dir.as_ref().as_ref().map(|p| p as &Path);
make_cargo_config(manifest_dir, target_dir, restore_env.get_old_cwd(), shell)
config.nightly_features_allowed = true;
let ws = Workspace::new(&manifest_path, &config)
.map_err(|err| ManifestAwareError::new(err, &manifest_path, None))?;
.map_err(|err| ManifestAwareError::new(err, &manifest_path, Some(&ws)).into())
fn run_cargo_ws(
compilation_cx: Arc<Mutex<CompilationContext>>,
package_arg: PackageArg,
rls_config: Arc<Mutex<Config>>,
vfs: Arc<Vfs>,
compiler_messages: Arc<Mutex<Vec<String>>>,
analysis: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Analysis>>>,
input_files: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<PathBuf, HashSet<Crate>>>>,
progress_sender: Sender<ProgressUpdate>,
inner_lock: environment::InnerLock,
mut restore_env: Environment<'_>,
manifest_path: &PathBuf,
config: &cargo_config::Config,
ws: &Workspace<'_>,
) -> CargoResult<PathBuf> {
let (all, packages) = match package_arg {
PackageArg::Default => (false, vec![]),
PackageArg::Packages(pkgs) => (false, pkgs.into_iter().collect()),
// TODO: it might be feasible to keep this `CargoOptions` structure cached and regenerate
// it on every relevant configuration change.
let (opts, rustflags, clear_env_rust_log, cfg_test) = {
// We mustn't lock configuration for the whole build process
let rls_config = rls_config.lock().unwrap();
let opts = CargoOptions::new(&rls_config);
trace!("Cargo compilation options:\n{:?}", opts);
let rustflags = prepare_cargo_rustflags(&rls_config);
for package in &packages {
if ws.members().find(|x| *x.name() == *package).is_none() {
"couldn't find member package `{}` specified in `analyze_package` \
(opts, rustflags, rls_config.clear_env_rust_log, rls_config.cfg_test)
let spec = Packages::from_flags(all, Vec::new(), packages)?;
let pkg_names = spec
.map(|pkg_spec| pkg_spec.name().as_str().to_owned())
trace!("specified packages to be built by Cargo: {:#?}", pkg_names);
// Since the Cargo build routine will try to regenerate the unit dep graph,
// we need to clear the existing dep graph.
compilation_cx.lock().unwrap().build_plan =
BuildPlan::Cargo(CargoPlan::with_packages(manifest_path, pkg_names));
let compile_opts = CompileOptions {
filter: CompileFilter::from_raw_arguments(
// TODO: support more crate target types.
// Check all integration tests under `tests/`.
build_config: BuildConfig::new(
false, // --keep-going
opts.target.iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect::<Vec<String>>().as_slice(),
CompileMode::Check { test: cfg_test },
cli_features: CliFeatures::from_command_line(
..CompileOptions::new(&config, CompileMode::Check { test: cfg_test })?
// Create a custom environment for running cargo, the environment is reset
// afterwards automatically.
restore_env.push_var("RUSTFLAGS", &Some(rustflags.into()));
if clear_env_rust_log {
restore_env.push_var("RUST_LOG", &None);
let reached_primary = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let exec = RlsExecutor::new(
// Cargo excludes target/ from backups since rust-lang/cargo@cf3bfc9/rust-lang/cargo#8378 but
// it does so if and only if the directory does not exist and it's about to create it.
// rls runs cargo internally with target directory set to target/rls/ so, if target/ doesn't
// exist yet and rls runs, target/ and target/rls/ will be created. While target/rls/ will be
// excluded from backups target/ won't be (as from our perspective it's not the target
// directory but its parent) and, when user runs "cargo build" themselves cargo will see
// target/ existing already and won't exclude it from backups. We can work around that by
// attempting to create a backup-excluded target/ ourelves using cargo paths:: machinery.
let exec = Arc::new(exec) as Arc<dyn Executor>;
match compile_with_exec(&ws, &compile_opts, &exec) {
Ok(_) => {
"created build plan after Cargo compilation routine: {:?}",
Err(e) => {
if !reached_primary.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
debug!("error running `compile_with_exec`: {:?}", e);
return Err(e);
} else {
warn!("ignoring error running `compile_with_exec`: {:?}", e);
if !reached_primary.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
return Err(anyhow::format_err!("error compiling dependent crate"));
.unwrap_or_else(|| restore_env.get_old_cwd().to_path_buf()))
struct RlsExecutor {
compilation_cx: Arc<Mutex<CompilationContext>>,
config: Arc<Mutex<Config>>,
/// Because of the Cargo API design, we first acquire outer lock before creating the executor
/// and calling the compilation function. This, resulting, inner lock is used to synchronize
/// env var access during underlying `rustc()` calls during parallel `exec()` callback threads.
env_lock: environment::InnerLock,
vfs: Arc<Vfs>,
analysis: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Analysis>>>,
/// Packages which are directly a member of the workspace, for which
/// analysis and diagnostics will be provided.
member_packages: Mutex<HashSet<PackageId>>,
input_files: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<PathBuf, HashSet<Crate>>>>,
/// JSON compiler messages emitted for each primary compiled crate.
compiler_messages: Arc<Mutex<Vec<String>>>,
progress_sender: Mutex<Sender<ProgressUpdate>>,
/// Set to true if attempt to compile a primary crate. If we don't track
/// this then errors which prevent giving type info won't be shown to the
/// user. This feels a bit hacky, but I can't see how to otherwise
/// distinguish compile errors on dependent crates from the primary crate
/// (which are handled directly by the RLS).
reached_primary: Arc<AtomicBool>,
impl RlsExecutor {
fn new(
ws: &Workspace<'_>,
compilation_cx: Arc<Mutex<CompilationContext>>,
config: Arc<Mutex<Config>>,
env_lock: environment::InnerLock,
vfs: Arc<Vfs>,
compiler_messages: Arc<Mutex<Vec<String>>>,
analysis: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Analysis>>>,
input_files: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<PathBuf, HashSet<Crate>>>>,
progress_sender: Sender<ProgressUpdate>,
reached_primary: Arc<AtomicBool>,
) -> RlsExecutor {
let member_packages = ws.members().map(Package::package_id).collect();
RlsExecutor {
member_packages: Mutex::new(member_packages),
progress_sender: Mutex::new(progress_sender),
/// Returns `true if a given package is a primary one (every member of the
/// workspace is considered as such). Used to determine whether the RLS
/// should cache invocations for these packages and rebuild them on changes.
fn is_primary_package(&self, id: PackageId) -> bool {
id.source_id().is_path() || self.member_packages.lock().unwrap().contains(&id)
impl Executor for RlsExecutor {
/// Called after a rustc process invocation is prepared up-front for a given
/// unit of work (may still be modified for runtime-known dependencies, when
/// the work is actually executed). This is called even for a target that
/// is fresh and won't be compiled.
fn init<'a>(&self, cx: &Context<'a, '_>, unit: &Unit) {
let mut compilation_cx = self.compilation_cx.lock().unwrap();
let plan = compilation_cx
.expect("build plan should be properly initialized before running Cargo");
let only_primary = |unit: &Unit| self.is_primary_package(unit.pkg.package_id());
plan.emplace_dep_with_filter(unit, cx, &only_primary);
fn force_rebuild(&self, unit: &Unit) -> bool {
// We need to force rebuild every package in the
// workspace, even if it's not dirty at a time, to cache compiler
// invocations in the build plan.
// We only do a cargo build if we want to force rebuild the last
// crate (e.g., because some args changed). Therefore, we should
// always force rebuild the primary crate.
let id = unit.pkg.package_id();
// FIXME: build scripts -- this will force rebuild build scripts as
// well as the primary crate. But this is not too bad -- it means
// we will rarely rebuild more than we have to.
fn exec(
cargo_cmd: &ProcessBuilder,
id: PackageId,
target: &Target,
mode: CompileMode,
_on_stdout_line: &mut dyn FnMut(&str) -> CargoResult<()>,
_on_stderr_line: &mut dyn FnMut(&str) -> CargoResult<()>,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let mut cargo_cmd = cargo_cmd.clone();
// Enforce JSON output so that we can parse the rustc output by
// stripping --error-format if it was specified (e.g. Cargo pipelined
// build)
let filtered_args =
filter_arg(&*cargo_cmd.get_args().collect::<Vec<_>>(), "--error-format");
// Delete any stale data. We try and remove any json files with
// the same crate name as Cargo would emit. This includes files
// with the same crate name but different hashes, e.g., those
// made with a different compiler.
let cargo_args = cargo_cmd.get_args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let crate_name =
parse_arg(&cargo_args, "--crate-name").expect("no crate-name in rustc command line");
let cfg_test = cargo_args.iter().any(|arg| *arg == "--test");
trace!("exec: {} {:?}", crate_name, cargo_cmd);
// Send off a window/progress notification for this compile target.
// At the moment, we don't know the number of things cargo is going to compile,
// so we just send the name of each thing we find.
let progress_sender = self.progress_sender.lock().unwrap();
.send(ProgressUpdate::Message(if cfg_test {
format!("{} cfg(test)", crate_name)
} else {
.expect("failed to send progress update");
let out_dir =
parse_arg(&cargo_args, "--out-dir").expect("no out-dir in rustc command line");
let analysis_dir = Path::new(&out_dir).join("save-analysis");
if let Ok(dir_contents) = read_dir(&analysis_dir) {
let lib_crate_name = "lib".to_owned() + &crate_name;
for entry in dir_contents {
let entry = entry.expect("unexpected error reading save-analysis directory");
let name = entry.file_name();
let name = name.to_str().unwrap();
if (name.starts_with(&crate_name) || name.starts_with(&lib_crate_name))
&& name.ends_with(".json")
if let Err(e) = remove_file(entry.path()) {
debug!("error deleting file, {}: {}", name, e);
// Prepare our own call to `rustc` as follows:
// 1. Use `$RUSTC` wrapper if specified, otherwise use RLS executable
// as an rustc shim (needed to distribute via the stable channel)
// 2. For non-primary packages or build scripts, execute the call
// 3. Otherwise, we'll want to use the compilation to drive the analysis:
// i. Modify arguments to account for the RLS settings (e.g.,
// compiling under `cfg(test)` mode or passing a custom sysroot),
// ii. Execute the call and store the final args/envs to be used for
// later in-process execution of the compiler.
let mut cmd = cargo_cmd.clone();
// RLS executable can be spawned in a different directory than the one
// that Cargo was spawned in, so be sure to use absolute RLS path (which
// `env::current_exe()` returns) for the shim.
let rustc_shim = env::var("RUSTC")
.or_else(|| env::current_exe().ok().and_then(|x| x.to_str().map(String::from)))
.expect("Couldn't set executable for RLS rustc shim");
// In case RLS is set as the rustc shim signal to `main_inner()` to call
// `rls_rustc::run()`.
cmd.env(crate::RUSTC_SHIM_ENV_VAR_NAME, "1");
// Add args and envs to cmd.
let mut args: Vec<_> =
cargo_args.iter().map(|a| (*a).to_owned().into_string().unwrap()).collect();
let envs = cargo_cmd.get_envs().clone();
let sysroot = super::rustc::current_sysroot()
.expect("need to specify `SYSROOT` env var or use rustup or multirust");
let config = self.config.lock().unwrap();
if config.sysroot.is_none() {
for (k, v) in &envs {
if let Some(v) = v {
cmd.env(k, v);
// We only want to intercept rustc call targeting current crate to cache
// args/envs generated by cargo so we can run only rustc later ourselves
// Currently we don't cache nor modify build script args
let is_build_script = *target.kind() == TargetKind::CustomBuild;
if !self.is_primary_package(id) || is_build_script {
let build_script_notice = if is_build_script { " (build script)" } else { "" };
"rustc not intercepted - {}{} - args: {:?} envs: {:?}",
let (crate_blacklist, full_docs) = {
let config = self.config.lock().unwrap();
(config.crate_blacklist.clone(), *config.full_docs.clone().as_ref())
if crate_blacklist.as_ref().0.contains(&crate_name) {
// By running the original command (rather than using our shim), we
// avoid producing save-analysis data.
trace!("crate is blacklisted");
return cargo_cmd.exec();
// Only include public symbols in externally compiled deps data
let save_config = serde_json::to_string(&rls_data::config::Config {
pub_only: true,
reachable_only: true,
cmd.env("RUST_SAVE_ANALYSIS_CONFIG", &OsString::from(save_config));
return cmd.exec();
trace!("rustc intercepted - args: {:?} envs: {:?}", args, envs,);
self.reached_primary.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
// Cache executed command for the build plan.
let mut cx = self.compilation_cx.lock().unwrap();
let plan = cx.build_plan.as_cargo_mut().unwrap();
plan.cache_compiler_job(id, target, mode, &cmd);
// Prepare modified cargo-generated args/envs for future rustc calls.
let rustc = cargo_cmd.get_program().to_owned().into_string().unwrap();
args.insert(0, rustc);
// Store the modified cargo-generated args/envs for future rustc calls.
let mut compilation_cx = self.compilation_cx.lock().unwrap();
compilation_cx.needs_rebuild = false;
compilation_cx.cwd = cargo_cmd.get_cwd().map(ToOwned::to_owned);
let build_dir = {
let cx = self.compilation_cx.lock().unwrap();
if let BuildResult::Success(_, mut messages, mut analysis, input_files, success) =
self.compiler_messages.lock().unwrap().append(&mut messages);
self.analysis.lock().unwrap().append(&mut analysis);
// Cache calculated input files for a given rustc invocation.
let mut cx = self.compilation_cx.lock().unwrap();
let plan = cx.build_plan.as_cargo_mut().unwrap();
let input_files = input_files.keys().cloned().collect();
plan.cache_input_files(id, target, mode, input_files, cargo_cmd.get_cwd());
let mut self_input_files = self.input_files.lock().unwrap();
for (file, inputs) in input_files {
if !success {
return Err(anyhow::format_err!("Build error"));
struct CargoOptions {
target: Option<String>,
lib: bool,
bin: Vec<String>,
bins: bool,
all_features: bool,
no_default_features: bool,
features: Vec<String>,
jobs: Option<u32>,
all_targets: bool,
impl Default for CargoOptions {
fn default() -> CargoOptions {
CargoOptions {
target: None,
lib: false,
bin: vec![],
bins: false,
all_features: false,
no_default_features: false,
features: vec![],
jobs: None,
all_targets: false,
impl CargoOptions {
fn new(config: &Config) -> CargoOptions {
CargoOptions {
target: config.target.clone(),
features: config.features.clone(),
all_features: config.all_features,
no_default_features: config.no_default_features,
jobs: config.jobs,
all_targets: config.all_targets,
fn prepare_cargo_rustflags(config: &Config) -> String {
let mut flags = env::var("RUSTFLAGS").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::new());
if let Some(config_flags) = &config.rustflags {
write!(flags, " {}", config_flags.as_str()).unwrap();
if let Some(sysroot) = &config.sysroot {
write!(flags, " --sysroot {}", sysroot).unwrap();
/// Constructs a cargo configuration for the given build and target directories
/// and shell.
pub fn make_cargo_config(
build_dir: &Path,
target_dir: Option<&Path>,
cwd: &Path,
shell: Shell,
) -> cargo_config::Config {
let config = cargo_config::Config::new(shell, cwd.to_path_buf(), homedir(build_dir).unwrap());
// Cargo is expecting the config to come from a config file and keeps
// track of the path to that file. We'll make one up, it shouldn't be
// used for much. Cargo does use it for finding a root path. Since
// we pass an absolute path for the build directory, that doesn't
// matter too much. However, Cargo still takes the grandparent of this
// path, so we need to have at least two path elements.
let config_path = build_dir.join("config").join("rls-config.toml");
let mut config_value_map = config.load_values().unwrap();
let build_value = config_value_map.entry("build".to_owned()).or_insert_with(|| {
let def = cargo_config::Definition::Path(config_path.clone());
ConfigValue::Table(HashMap::new(), def)
let target_dir = target_dir.map(|d| d.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()).unwrap_or_else(|| {
// Try to use .cargo/config build.target-dir + "/rls"
let cargo_target = build_value
.and_then(|(build, _)| build.get("target-dir"))
.and_then(|td| td.string("target-dir").ok())
.map(|(target, _)| {
let t_path = Path::new(target);
if t_path.is_absolute() {
} else {
.unwrap_or_else(|| build_dir.join("target"));
let def = cargo_config::Definition::Path(config_path);
let td_value = ConfigValue::String(target_dir, def);
if let ConfigValue::Table(ref mut build_table, _) = *build_value {
build_table.insert("target-dir".to_owned(), td_value);
} else {
fn parse_arg(args: &[&OsString], arg: &str) -> Option<String> {
for (i, a) in args.iter().enumerate() {
if *a == arg {
return Some(args[i + 1].clone().into_string().unwrap());
/// Removes any duplicate flags from `flag_str` (a string of command line args for Rust).
fn dedup_flags(flag_str: &str) -> String {
// The basic strategy here is that we split `flag_str` into a set of keys and
// values and dedup any duplicate keys, using the last value in `flag_str`.
// This is a bit complicated because of the variety of ways args can be specified.
// Retain flags order to prevent complete project rebuild due to `RUSTFLAGS` fingerprint change.
let mut flags = BTreeMap::new();
let mut bits = flag_str.split_whitespace().peekable();
while let Some(bit) = bits.next() {
let mut bit = bit.to_owned();
// Handle `-Z foo` the same way as `-Zfoo`.
if bit.len() == 2 && bits.peek().is_some() && !bits.peek().unwrap().starts_with('-') {
let bit_clone = bit.clone();
let mut bit_chars = bit_clone.chars();
if bit_chars.next().unwrap() == '-' && bit_chars.next().unwrap() != '-' {
if bit.starts_with('-') {
if bit.contains('=') {
// Split only on the first equals sign (there may be more than one).
let bits: Vec<_> = bit.splitn(2, '=').collect();
assert!(bits.len() == 2);
flags.insert(bits[0].to_owned() + "=", bits[1].to_owned());
} else if bits.peek().is_some() && !bits.peek().unwrap().starts_with('-') {
flags.insert(bit, bits.next().unwrap().to_owned());
} else {
flags.insert(bit, String::new());
} else {
// A standalone arg with no flag, no deduplication to do. We merge these
// together, which is probably not ideal, but is simple.
flags.entry(String::new()).or_insert_with(String::new).push_str(&format!(" {}", bit));
// Put the map back together as a string.
let mut result = String::new();
for (k, v) in &flags {
if k.is_empty() {
} else {
result.push(' ');
if !v.is_empty() {
if !k.ends_with('=') {
result.push(' ');
/// Removes a selected flag of a `--flag=VALUE` or `--flag VALUE` shape from `args` (command line args for Rust).
fn filter_arg(args: &[&OsString], key: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let key_as_prefix = key.to_owned() + "=";
let mut ret = vec![];
let mut iter = args.iter();
while let Some(arg) = iter.next() {
let first = arg.to_str().unwrap();
if first == key {
} else if first.starts_with(&key_as_prefix) {
// no-op
} else {
/// Error wrapper that tries to figure out which manifest the cause best relates to in the project
pub struct ManifestAwareError {
cause: anyhow::Error,
/// The path to a manifest file within the project that seems the closest to the error's origin.
nearest_project_manifest: PathBuf,
manifest_error_range: Option<Range>,
impl ManifestAwareError {
fn new(cause: anyhow::Error, root_manifest: &Path, ws: Option<&Workspace<'_>>) -> Self {
let project_dir = root_manifest.parent().unwrap();
let mut err_path = root_manifest;
// Cover whole manifest if we haven't any better idea.
let mut err_range = None;
if let Some(manifest_err) = cause.downcast_ref::<ManifestError>() {
// Scan through any manifest errors to pin the error more precisely.
let is_project_manifest =
|path: &PathBuf| path.is_file() && path.starts_with(project_dir);
let last_cause = manifest_err.manifest_causes().last().unwrap_or(manifest_err);
if is_project_manifest(last_cause.manifest_path()) {
// Manifest with the issue is inside the project.
err_path = last_cause.manifest_path().as_path();
// This can be replaced by Error::chain when it is stabilized.
fn find_toml_error(
err: &(dyn std::error::Error + 'static),
) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
if let Some(toml_err) = err.downcast_ref::<toml_edit::TomlError>() {
} else if let Some(toml_err) = err.downcast_ref::<toml_edit::de::Error>() {
} else if let Some(toml_err) = err.downcast_ref::<toml::de::Error>() {
} else {
if let Some((line, col)) = find_toml_error(last_cause) {
let line = line as _;
let start_col = col as _;
let end_col = start_col + 1;
// Use TOML deserializiation error position.
err_range = Some(Range {
start: Position::new(line, start_col),
end: Position::new(line, end_col),
} else {
let nearest_cause = manifest_err
.filter(|e| is_project_manifest(e.manifest_path()))
if let Some(nearest) = nearest_cause {
// Not the root cause, but the nearest manifest to it in the project.
err_path = nearest.manifest_path().as_path();
} else if let (Some(ws), Some(resolve_err)) = (ws, cause.downcast_ref::<ResolveError>()) {
// If the resolve error leads to a workspace member, we should use that manifest.
if let Some(member) = resolve_err
.filter_map(|pkg| ws.members().find(|m| m.package_id() == *pkg))
err_path = member.manifest_path();
let nearest_project_manifest = err_path.to_path_buf();
Self { cause, nearest_project_manifest, manifest_error_range: err_range }
pub fn manifest_path(&self) -> &PathBuf {
pub fn manifest_error_range(&self) -> Option<Range> {
impl fmt::Display for ManifestAwareError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl std::error::Error for ManifestAwareError {}
mod test {
use super::{dedup_flags, filter_arg};
fn test_dedup_flags() {
// These should all be preserved.
assert!(dedup_flags("") == "");
assert!(dedup_flags("-Zfoo") == " -Zfoo");
assert!(dedup_flags("-Z foo") == " -Zfoo");
assert!(dedup_flags("-Zfoo bar") == " -Zfoo bar");
let result = dedup_flags("-Z foo foo bar");
assert!(result.matches("foo").count() == 2);
assert!(result.matches("bar").count() == 1);
// These should get deduplicated.
assert!(dedup_flags("-Zfoo -Zfoo") == " -Zfoo");
assert!(dedup_flags("-Zfoo -Zfoo -Zfoo") == " -Zfoo");
let result = dedup_flags("-Zfoo -Zfoo -Zbar");
assert!(result.matches("foo").count() == 1);
assert!(result.matches("bar").count() == 1);
let result = dedup_flags("-Zfoo -Zbar -Zfoo -Zbar -Zbar");
assert!(result.matches("foo").count() == 1);
assert!(result.matches("bar").count() == 1);
assert!(dedup_flags("-Zfoo -Z foo") == " -Zfoo");
assert!(dedup_flags("--error-format=json --error-format=json") == " --error-format=json");
assert!(dedup_flags("--error-format=foo --error-format=json") == " --error-format=json");
"-C link-args=-fuse-ld=gold -C target-cpu=native -C link-args=-fuse-ld=gold"
) == " -Clink-args=-fuse-ld=gold -Ctarget-cpu=native"
fn test_filter_arg() {
use std::ffi::OsString;
fn args(input: &str) -> Vec<OsString> {
&args("--error-format json").iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
&args("-a --error-format=json").iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
&args("-a --error-format json").iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
&args("-a --error-format=json -b").iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
["-a", "-b"]
&args("-a --error-format json -b").iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
["-a", "-b"]
filter_arg(&args("-a -b -x").iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), "--error-format"),
["-a", "-b", "-x"]