
544 lines
19 KiB

//! Contains data and logic for executing builds specified externally (rather
//! than executing and intercepting Cargo calls).
//! Provides deserialization structs for the build plan format as it is output
//! by `cargo build --build-plan` and means to execute that plan as part of the
//! RLS build to retrieve diagnostics and analysis data.
//! Additionally, we allow to build the analysis data with an external command,
//! which should return a list of save-analysis JSON files to be reloaded by RLS.
//! From these we construct an internal build plan that is used to rebuild
//! the project incrementally ourselves.
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fs::File;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use crate::build::plan::{BuildGraph, BuildKey, JobQueue, WorkStatus};
use crate::build::rustc::src_path;
use crate::build::BuildResult;
use cargo_util::ProcessBuilder;
use log::trace;
use rls_data::{Analysis, CompilationOptions};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
fn cmd_line_to_command<S: AsRef<str>>(cmd_line: &S, cwd: &Path) -> Result<Command, ()> {
let cmd_line = cmd_line.as_ref();
let (cmd, args) = {
let mut words = cmd_line.split_whitespace();
let cmd = words.next().ok_or(())?;
(cmd, words)
let mut cmd = Command::new(cmd);
/// Performs a build using an external command and interprets the results.
/// The command should output on stdout a list of save-analysis JSON files
/// to be reloaded by the RLS.
/// Note: this is *very* experimental and preliminary -- it can viewed as
/// an experimentation until a more complete solution emerges.
pub(super) fn build_with_external_cmd<S: AsRef<str>>(
cmd_line: S,
build_dir: PathBuf,
) -> (BuildResult, Result<ExternalPlan, ()>) {
let cmd_line = cmd_line.as_ref();
let mut cmd = match cmd_line_to_command(&cmd_line, &build_dir) {
Ok(cmd) => cmd,
Err(_) => {
let err_msg = format!("Couldn't treat {} as command", cmd_line);
return (BuildResult::Err(err_msg, Some(cmd_line.to_owned())), Err(()));
let child = match cmd.spawn() {
Ok(child) => child,
Err(io) => {
let err_msg = format!("Couldn't execute: {} ({:?})", cmd_line, io.kind());
return (BuildResult::Err(err_msg, Some(cmd_line.to_owned())), Err(()));
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(child.stdout.unwrap());
let files = reader
// Relative paths are relative to build command, not RLS itself (CWD may be different).
.map(|path| if !path.is_absolute() { build_dir.join(path) } else { path });
let analyses = match read_analysis_files(files) {
Ok(analyses) => analyses,
Err(cause) => {
let err_msg = format!("Couldn't read analysis data: {}", cause);
return (BuildResult::Err(err_msg, Some(cmd_line.to_owned())), Err(()));
let plan = plan_from_analysis(&analyses, &build_dir);
(BuildResult::Success(build_dir, vec![], analyses, HashMap::default(), false), plan)
/// Reads and deserializes given save-analysis JSON files into corresponding
/// `rls_data::Analysis` for each file. If an error is encountered, a `String`
/// with the error message is returned.
fn read_analysis_files<I>(files: I) -> Result<Vec<Analysis>, String>
I: Iterator,
I::Item: AsRef<Path>,
let mut analyses = Vec::new();
for path in files {
trace!("external::read_analysis_files: Attempt to read `{}`", path.as_ref().display());
let mut file = File::open(path).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let mut contents = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut contents).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let data = serde_json::from_str(&contents).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
fn plan_from_analysis(analysis: &[Analysis], build_dir: &Path) -> Result<ExternalPlan, ()> {
let indices: HashMap<_, usize> = analysis
.map(|(idx, a)| (a.prelude.as_ref().unwrap().crate_id.disambiguator, idx))
let invocations: Vec<RawInvocation> = analysis
.map(|a| {
let CompilationOptions { ref directory, ref program, ref arguments, .. } =
let deps: Vec<usize> = a
.filter_map(|c| indices.get(&c.id.disambiguator))
let cwd = if directory.is_relative() {
} else {
Ok(RawInvocation {
program: program.clone(),
args: arguments.clone(),
env: Default::default(),
cwd: Some(cwd),
.collect::<Result<Vec<RawInvocation>, ()>>()?;
ExternalPlan::try_from_raw(build_dir, RawPlan { invocations })
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
/// Build plan as emitted by `cargo build --build-plan -Zunstable-options`.
pub(crate) struct RawPlan {
pub(crate) invocations: Vec<RawInvocation>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct RawInvocation {
pub(crate) deps: Vec<usize>,
pub(crate) program: String,
pub(crate) args: Vec<String>,
pub(crate) env: BTreeMap<String, String>,
pub(crate) cwd: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct Invocation {
// FIXME: use arena and store refs instead for ergonomics.
deps: Vec<usize>,
command: ProcessBuilder,
// Parsed data.
src_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Safe build plan type, invocation dependencies are guaranteed to be inside
/// the plan.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct ExternalPlan {
units: HashMap<u64, Invocation>,
deps: HashMap<u64, HashSet<u64>>,
rev_deps: HashMap<u64, HashSet<u64>>,
impl BuildKey for Invocation {
type Key = u64;
// Invocation key is the hash of the program, its arguments and environment.
fn key(&self) -> u64 {
let mut hash = DefaultHasher::new();
self.command.get_program().hash(&mut hash);
let /*mut*/ args = self.command.get_args().map(|a| a.to_owned()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// args.sort(); // TODO: parse 2-part args (e.g., `["--extern", "a=b"]`)
args.hash(&mut hash);
let mut envs: Vec<_> = self.command.get_envs().iter().collect();
envs.hash(&mut hash);
impl Invocation {
fn from_raw(build_dir: &Path, raw: RawInvocation) -> Invocation {
let mut command = ProcessBuilder::new(&raw.program);
for (k, v) in &raw.env {
command.env(&k, v);
if let Some(cwd) = &raw.cwd {
Invocation {
deps: raw.deps.to_owned(),
src_path: guess_rustc_src_path(build_dir, &command),
impl ExternalPlan {
pub(crate) fn new() -> ExternalPlan {
pub(crate) fn with_units(units: Vec<Invocation>) -> ExternalPlan {
let mut plan = ExternalPlan::new();
for unit in &units {
for &dep in &unit.deps {
plan.add_dep(unit.key(), units[dep].key());
ExternalPlan { units: units.into_iter().map(|u| (u.key(), u)).collect(), ..plan }
fn add_dep(&mut self, key: u64, dep: u64) {
pub(crate) fn try_from_raw(build_dir: &Path, raw: RawPlan) -> Result<ExternalPlan, ()> {
// Sanity check: each dependency (index) has to be inside the build plan.
if raw
.flat_map(|inv| &inv.deps)
.any(|idx| raw.invocations.get(*idx).is_none())
return Err(());
let units =
raw.invocations.into_iter().map(|raw| Invocation::from_raw(build_dir, raw)).collect();
impl BuildGraph for ExternalPlan {
type Unit = Invocation;
fn units(&self) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
fn get(&self, key: u64) -> Option<&Self::Unit> {
fn get_mut(&mut self, key: u64) -> Option<&mut Self::Unit> {
fn deps(&self, key: u64) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
self.deps.get(&key).map(|d| d.iter().map(|d| &self.units[d]).collect()).unwrap_or_default()
fn add<T>(&mut self, unit: T, deps: Vec<T>)
T: Into<Self::Unit>,
let unit = unit.into();
for dep in deps.into_iter().map(|d| d.into()) {
self.add_dep(unit.key(), dep.key());
// FIXME: change associating files with units by their path but rather
// include file inputs in the build plan or call rustc with `--emit=dep-info`.
fn dirties<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, modified: &[T]) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
let mut results = HashSet::<u64>::new();
for modified in modified.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref) {
// We associate a dirty file with a
// package by finding longest (most specified) path prefix.
let matching_prefix_components = |a: &Path, b: &Path| -> usize {
assert!(a.is_absolute() && b.is_absolute());
a.components().zip(b.components()).take_while(|&(x, y)| x == y).count()
// Since a package can correspond to many units (e.g., compiled
// as a regular binary or a test harness for unit tests), we
// collect every unit having the longest path prefix.
let matching_units: Vec<(&_, usize)> = self
// For `rustc dir/some.rs` we'll consider every changed files
// under dir/ as relevant.
.map(|unit| (unit, unit.src_path.as_ref().and_then(|src| src.parent())))
.filter_map(|(unit, src)| src.map(|src| (unit, src)))
// Discard units that are in a different directory subtree.
.filter_map(|(unit, src)| {
let matching = matching_prefix_components(modified, &src);
if matching >= src.components().count() {
Some((unit, matching))
} else {
// Changing files in the same directory might affect multiple units
// (e.g., multiple crate binaries, their unit test harness), so
// treat all of them as dirty.
if let Some(max_prefix) = matching_units.iter().map(|(_, p)| p).max() {
let dirty_keys = matching_units
.filter(|(_, prefix)| prefix == max_prefix)
.map(|(unit, _)| unit.key());
results.iter().map(|key| &self.units[key]).collect()
fn dirties_transitive<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, files: &[T]) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
let mut results = HashSet::new();
let mut stack = self.dirties(files);
while let Some(key) = stack.pop().map(BuildKey::key) {
if results.insert(key) {
if let Some(rdeps) = self.rev_deps.get(&key) {
for rdep in rdeps {
results.into_iter().map(|key| &self.units[&key]).collect()
fn topological_sort(&self, units: Vec<&Self::Unit>) -> Vec<&Self::Unit> {
let dirties: HashSet<_> = units.into_iter().map(BuildKey::key).collect();
let mut visited: HashSet<_> = HashSet::new();
let mut output = vec![];
for k in dirties {
if !visited.contains(&k) {
dfs(k, &self.rev_deps, &mut visited, &mut output);
return output.iter().map(|key| &self.units[key]).collect();
// Process graph depth-first recursively. A node needs to be pushed
// after processing every other before to ensure topological ordering.
fn dfs(
unit: u64,
graph: &HashMap<u64, HashSet<u64>>,
visited: &mut HashSet<u64>,
output: &mut Vec<u64>,
) {
if visited.insert(unit) {
for &neighbour in graph.get(&unit).iter().flat_map(|&edges| edges) {
dfs(neighbour, graph, visited, output);
fn prepare_work<T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, files: &[T]) -> WorkStatus {
let dirties = self.dirties_transitive(files);
let topo = self.topological_sort(dirties);
let cmds = topo.into_iter().map(|unit| unit.command.clone()).collect();
fn guess_rustc_src_path(build_dir: &Path, cmd: &ProcessBuilder) -> Option<PathBuf> {
if !Path::new(cmd.get_program()).ends_with("rustc") {
return None;
let cwd = cmd.get_cwd().or_else(|| Some(build_dir));
let file =
cmd.get_args().find(|&a| Path::new(a).extension().map(|e| e == "rs").unwrap_or(false))?;
src_path(cwd, file)
mod tests {
use super::*;
trait Sorted {
fn sorted(self) -> Self;
impl<T: Ord> Sorted for Vec<T> {
fn sorted(mut self: Self) -> Self {
/// Helper struct that prints sorted unit source directories in a given plan.
struct SrcPaths<'a>(Vec<&'a PathBuf>);
impl<'a> SrcPaths<'a> {
fn from(plan: &ExternalPlan) -> SrcPaths<'_> {
SrcPaths(plan.units().iter().filter_map(|u| u.src_path.as_ref()).collect())
fn paths(invocations: &[&Invocation]) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
invocations.iter().filter_map(|d| d.src_path.clone()).collect()
fn to_paths(cwd: &Path, paths: &[&str]) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
paths.iter().map(|p| src_path(Some(cwd), p).unwrap()).collect()
fn dirty_units_path_heuristics() {
let plan = r#"{"invocations": [
{ "deps": [], "program": "rustc", "args": ["--crate-name", "build_script_build", "/my/repo/build.rs"], "env": {}, "outputs": [] },
{ "deps": [0], "program": "rustc", "args": ["--crate-name", "repo", "/my/repo/src/lib.rs"], "env": {}, "outputs": [] }
let build_dir = std::env::temp_dir();
let plan = serde_json::from_str::<RawPlan>(&plan).unwrap();
let plan = ExternalPlan::try_from_raw(&build_dir, plan).unwrap();
eprintln!("src_paths: {:#?}", &SrcPaths::from(&plan));
eprintln!("plan: {:?}", &plan);
let check_dirties = |files: &[&str], expected: &[&str]| {
let to_paths = |x| to_paths(&build_dir, x);
let (files, expected) = (to_paths(files), to_paths(expected));
plan.dirties(&files).iter().filter_map(|d| d.src_path.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
check_dirties(&["/my/dummy.rs"], &[]);
check_dirties(&["/my/repo/dummy.rs"], &["/my/repo/build.rs"]);
check_dirties(&["/my/repo/src/c.rs"], &["/my/repo/src/lib.rs"]);
check_dirties(&["/my/repo/src/a/b.rs"], &["/my/repo/src/lib.rs"]);
fn dirties_transitive() {
let plan = r#"{"invocations": [
{ "deps": [], "program": "rustc", "args": ["--crate-name", "build_script_build", "/my/repo/build.rs"], "env": {}, "outputs": [] },
{ "deps": [0], "program": "rustc", "args": ["--crate-name", "repo", "/my/repo/src/lib.rs"], "env": {}, "outputs": [] }
let build_dir = std::env::temp_dir();
let plan = serde_json::from_str::<RawPlan>(&plan).unwrap();
let plan = ExternalPlan::try_from_raw(&build_dir, plan).unwrap();
eprintln!("src_paths: {:#?}", &SrcPaths::from(&plan));
eprintln!("plan: {:?}", &plan);
let to_paths = |x| to_paths(&build_dir, x);
to_paths(&["/my/repo/build.rs", "/my/repo/src/lib.rs"]).sorted(),
fn topological_sort() {
let plan = r#"{"invocations": [
{ "deps": [], "program": "rustc", "args": ["--crate-name", "build_script_build", "/my/repo/build.rs"], "env": {}, "outputs": [] },
{ "deps": [0], "program": "rustc", "args": ["--crate-name", "repo", "/my/repo/src/lib.rs"], "env": {}, "outputs": [] }
let build_dir = std::env::temp_dir();
let plan = serde_json::from_str::<RawPlan>(&plan).unwrap();
let plan = ExternalPlan::try_from_raw(&build_dir, plan).unwrap();
eprintln!("src_paths: {:#?}", &SrcPaths::from(&plan));
eprintln!("plan: {:?}", &plan);
let to_paths = |x| to_paths(&build_dir, x);
let units_to_rebuild = plan.dirties_transitive(&to_paths(&["/my/repo/file.rs"]));
to_paths(&["/my/repo/build.rs", "/my/repo/src/lib.rs"]).sorted(),
// TODO: test on non-trivial input; `use Iterator::position` if
// non-determinate order w.r.t. hashing is a problem.
// Jobs that have to run first are *last* in the topological sorting here.
let topo_units = plan.topological_sort(units_to_rebuild);
assert_eq!(paths(&topo_units), to_paths(&["/my/repo/src/lib.rs", "/my/repo/build.rs"]),)