Move (most) release notes to one, single, seperate document.

This commit is contained in:
Timon 2022-01-30 14:24:12 +01:00 committed by Joseph Birr-Pixton
parent 763d05e269
commit ab060f8c8b
3 changed files with 224 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
## Release history
* 0.17.0 (2020-02-22):
- *Breaking API change*: ALPN protocols offered by the client are passed
to the server certificate resolution trait (`ResolvesServerCert`).
- *Breaking API change*: The server certificate resolution trait now
takes a struct containing its arguments, so new data can be passed
to these functions without further breaking changes.
- Signature schemes offered by the client are now filtered to those
compatible with the client-offered ciphersuites. Prior to this change
it was likely that server key type switching would not work for clients
that offer signature schemes mismatched with their ciphersuites.
- Add manual with goal-oriented documentation, and rationale for design
- *Breaking API change*: `AlwaysResolvesClientCert::new` is now fallible,
as is `ClientConfig::set_single_client_cert`.
* 0.16.0 (2019-08-10):
- Optimisation of read path for polled non-blocking IO.
- Correct an omission in TLS1.3 middlebox compatibility mode, causing
handshake failures with servers behind buggy middleboxes.
- Move to *ring* 0.16.
- Assorted refactoring to reduce memory usage during and after
- Update other dependencies.
* 0.15.2 (2019-04-02):
- Moved example code around for benefit of Fuchsia.
- Example code fixes for Windows -- Windows is now a tested platform.
- QUIC-specific bug fixes.
- Update dependencies.
* 0.15.1 (2019-01-29):
- Fix incorrect offering of SHA1.
* 0.15.0 (2019-01-20):
- Update dependencies.
- *Breaking API change*: ALPN protocols are now encoded as a `Vec<u8>`, not
a `String`. This alters the type of:
- `ClientConfig::alpn_protocols`
- `ClientConfig::set_protocols`
- `ServerConfig::alpn_protocols`
- `ServerConfig::set_protocols`
- `Session::get_alpn_protocol`
- Emit a warning when receiving an invalid SNI extension, such as one
including an IP address.
- Extended QUIC support for later QUIC drafts.
- Correct bug where we'd send more than one fatal alert for
handshake failure cases.
- Discontinue support for SHA1 signatures.
- Move to Rust 2018 edition.
* 0.14.0 (2018-09-30):
- Introduce client-side support for 0-RTT data in TLS1.3.
- Fix a bug in rustls::Stream for non-blocking transports.
- Move TLS1.3 support from draft 23 to final RFC8446 version.
- Don't offer (e.g.) TLS1.3 if no TLS1.3 suites are configured.
- Support stateful resumption in TLS1.3. Stateless resumption
was previously supported, but is not the default configuration.
- *Breaking API change*: `generate()` removed from `StoresServerSessions` trait.
- *Breaking API change*: `take()` added to `StoresServerSessions` trait.
* 0.13.1 (2018-08-17):
- Fix a bug in rustls::Stream for non-blocking transports
* 0.13.0 (2018-07-15):
- Move TLS1.3 support from draft 22 to 23.
- Add support for `SSLKEYLOGFILE`; not enabled by default.
- Add support for basic usage in QUIC.
- `ServerConfig::set_single_cert` and company now report errors.
- Add support for vectored IO: `writev_tls` can now be used to
optimise system call usage.
- Support ECDSA signing for server and client authentication.
- Add type like `rustls::Stream` which owns its underlying TCP stream
and rustls session.
* 0.12.0 (2018-01-06):
- New API for learning negotiated cipher suite.
- Move TLS1.3 support from draft 18 to 22.
- Allow server-side MTU configuration.
- Tested against latest BoringSSL test suite.
- Support RFC5705 exporters.
- Provide `ResolvesServerCertUsingSNI` for doing SNI-based
certificate switching.
- Allow disabling SNI extension on clients, for use with
custom server certificate verifiers where the hostname
may not make sense.
- DNS names are now typesafe, using `webpki::DNSName`.
- Update dependencies.
* 0.11.0 (2017-08-28):
- New server API for learning requested SNI name.
- Server now checks selected certificate for validity.
- Remove time crate dependency.
- Follow webpki interface changes.
- Update dependencies.
* 0.10.0 (2017-08-12):
- Request and verify SCTs using sct crate. This doesn't happen
unless you pass in some certificate transparency logs -- example code
does this.
- Request OCSP stapled response and pass to cert verifier.
Note that OCSP verification is not implemented, but this is the public
API public change required to support this.
- Allow OCSP and SCT stapling for servers.
- Refactor handshake state machines.
- Bind verifications to final state -- note API change for custom cert
* 0.9.0 (2017-06-16):
- Update dependencies.
- Add IO helper function (`complete_io`) to `rustls::Session`.
- Add blocking stream type -- `rustls::Stream` -- to ease use on top
of blocking sockets.
* 0.8.0 (2017-05-14):
- Add `dangerous_configuration` feature for unsafe features.
* 0.7.0 (2017-05-08):
- Update dependencies.
* 0.6.0 (2017-05-06):
- Update dependencies.
- Expose ring's new support for PKCS#8-format private keys.
- New API for applying limitation to internal buffer sizes.
* 0.5.8 (2017-03-16):
- Fix build on later rustc.
* 0.5.7 (2017-02-27):
- No changes from 0.5.6; republished with nightly cargo for category support.
* 0.5.6 (2017-02-19):
- RFC7627 extended master secret support
- Assorted documentation improvements
* 0.5.5 (2017-02-03):
- Crate categories.
- Protocol errors now permanent for given session.
- Exposed `ResolvesServerCert` trait for customising certification
- Exposed `SignatureScheme` enum.
* 0.5.4 (2017-01-26):
- First release with TLS1.3-draft-18 support.
- More performance improvements (now ~15Gbps per core).
- New API to learn version of negotiated connection.
* 0.5.0 (2016-09-27):
- Tickets.
- Coverage testing.
- Benchmarking.
- Massive performance improvements (from ~1Gbps to ~6Gbps per core).
- OSX support.
- Minor API corrections and additional testing.

View File

@ -28,95 +28,8 @@ If you'd like to help out, please see [](
- Improve documentation of configuration builder types.
- Ensure unused cipher suites can be removed at link-time.
- Ensure single-use error types implement `std::error::Error`, and are public.
* 0.20.0 (2021-09-26)
- *Breaking change*: `Connection` is now an enum instead of a trait. You can abstract over
`ClientConnection` and `ServerConnection` with a bound like `where C: Deref<ConnectionCommon<SD>>, SD: SideData`.
- *Breaking change*: the SNI arguments to `ClientCertVerifier` methods have been removed.
The `Acceptor` API now allows selecting a `ServerConfig` based on the `ClientHello` instead.
- Unclean TCP closure is now tracked by the library. This means a new error is possible when reading plaintext:
`ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof` will be returned in this case.
- *Breaking change*: insulate the rustls public API from webpki API changes:
- PKI errors are now reported using rustls-specific errors.
- There is now a rustls-specific root trust anchor type.
- *Breaking change*: the following types are no longer exposed in the crate root, and can instead be imported
through the `client` module exposed in the crate root: `ResolvesClientCert`, `StoresClientSessions`,
`WriteEarlyData`, `ClientSessionMemoryCache`, `NoClientSessionStorage`, `HandshakeSignatureValid`,
`ServerCertVerified`, `ServerCertVerifier`, `WebPkiVerifier` and `DangerousClientConfig`.
- *Breaking change*: the following types are no longer exposed in the crate root, and can instead be imported
through the `server` module exposed in the crate root: `AllowAnonymousOrAuthenticatedClient`,
`AllowAnyAuthenticatedClient`, `NoClientAuth`, `ResolvesServerCertUsingSni`, `NoServerSessionStorage`,
`ServerSessionMemoryCache`, `StoresServerSessions`, `ClientHello`, `ProducesTickets`, `ResolvesServerCert`,
`ClientCertVerified` and `ClientCertVerifier`.
- *Breaking API change*: `QuicExt::write_hs()` now returns a `KeyChange` type that returns handshake or 1-RTT keys. In the case of 1-RTT keys, a `KeyChange` also
includes a `Secrets` type that must be used to derive further key updates, independent from the rustls `Connection`. The `QuicExt::next_1rtt_keys()` method
has been removed.
- *Breaking API change*: QUIC header protection keys now use a new type that directly exposes a masking/unmasking operation.
* 0.20.0-beta2 (2021-07-04)
- *Breaking change*: internal buffers are now limited to 64 kB by default. Use
`Connection::set_buffer_limit` to change the buffer limits to suit your application.
- *Breaking API change*: PEM parsing now lives in the [rustls-pemfile crate](
This means `rustls::internals::pemfile` and `rustls::RootCertStore::add_pem_file` no longer exist.
- *Breaking API change*: `ServerCertVerifier::verify_server_cert` and `ClientCertVerifier::verify_client_cert`
pass the end-entity and intermediate certificates separately. This means rustls deals with the case
where the certificate chain is empty, rather than leaving that to ServerCertVerifier/ClientCertVerifier
- *Breaking API change*: `SupportedCipherSuite` is now an enum with TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 variants. Some of its
methods have moved to the inner `Tls12CipherSuite` and `Tls13CipherSuite` types. Instead of
`usable_for_version()`, it now has a `version()` method. `get_hash()` has been renamed
to `hash_algorithm()` and `usable_for_sigalg()` to `usable_for_signature_algorithm()`.
- There are now 80% fewer unreachable unwraps in the core crate thanks to large refactoring efforts.
- *Breaking API change*: the `WebPkiError` variant of `rustls::Error` now includes which operation failed.
- *Breaking API changes*: These public API items have been renamed to meet naming guidelines:
- `rustls::TLSError` to `rustls::Error`.
- `rustls::ResolvesServerCertUsingSNI` to `rustls::ResolvesServerCertUsingSni`.
- `rustls::WebPKIVerifier` to `rustls::WebPkiVerifier`.
- `rustls::ciphersuites` to `rustls::cipher_suites`.
- `rustls::ClientHello::sigschemes` to `rustls::ClientHello::signature_schemes`.
- `rustls::RootCertStore::get_subjects` to `rustls::RootCertStore::subjects`.
- `rustls::ServerSession` to `rustls::ServerConnection`.
- `rustls::ClientSession` to `rustls::ClientConnection`.
- `rustls::ServerSession::get_sni_hostname` to `rustls::ServerConnection::sni_hostname`.
- `rustls::ClientConfig::ciphersuites` to `rustls::ClientConfig::cipher_suites`.
- `rustls::ServerConfig::ciphersuites` to `rustls::ServerConfig::cipher_suites`.
- `rustls::ProducesTickets::get_lifetime` to `rustls::ProducesTickets::lifetime`.
- `rustls::Session`: `get_peer_certificates` to `peer_certificates`, `get_alpn_protocol` to `alpn_protocol`,
`get_protocol_version` to `protocol_version`, `get_negotiated_ciphersuite` to `negotiated_cipher_suite`.
- *Breaking API change*: `ResolvesServerCert::resolve` and `ResolvesClientCert::resolve` now return
`Option<Arc<CertifiedKey>>` instead of `Option<CertifiedKey>`. `CertifiedKey` is now an immutable
- *Breaking API change*: `peer_certificates` returns a borrow rather than a copy on the
internally stored certificate chain.
- *Breaking API change*: `ClientConnection`'s DNS name parameter is now a new enum, `ServerName`, to allow future support for ECH and servers named by IP address.
* 0.19.1 (2021-04-17):
- Backport: fix security issue: there was a reachable panic in servers if a client
sent an invalid `ClientECDiffieHellmanPublic` encoding, due to an errant `unwrap()`
when parsing the encoding.
* 0.19.0 (2020-11-22):
- Ensured that `get_peer_certificates` is both better documented, and works
uniformly for both full-handshake and resumed sessions.
- Fix bug: fully qualified hostnames should have had their trailing dot
stripped when quoted in the SNI extension.
* 0.18.1 (2020-08-16):
- Fix DoS vulnerability in TLS1.3 "Middlebox Compatibility Mode" CCS handling.
This is thought to be quite minor -- see
[this commit message](
for a full discussion.
* 0.18.0 (2020-07-04):
- Allow custom certificate validation implementations to also
handle handshake signature computation. This allows uses in non-web
contexts, where `webpki` is not likely to process the certificates
in use. Thanks to @DemiMarie-parity.
- Performance improvements. Thanks to @nviennot.
- Fixed client authentication being unduly rejected by client when server
uses the superseded certificate_types field of CertificateRequest.
- *Breaking API change*: The writev_tls API has been removed, in favour
of using vectored IO support now offered by std::io::Write.
- Added ed25519 support for authentication; thanks to @potatosalad.
- Support removal of unused ciphersuites at link-time. To use this,
call `ClientConfig::with_ciphersuites` instead of `ClientConfig::new`.
See []( for further change history.
See []( for further change history.
# Documentation
Lives here:

223 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
## Release history:
* 0.20.0 (2021-09-26)
- *Breaking change*: `Connection` is now an enum instead of a trait. You can abstract over
`ClientConnection` and `ServerConnection` with a bound like `where C: Deref<ConnectionCommon<SD>>, SD: SideData`.
- *Breaking change*: the SNI arguments to `ClientCertVerifier` methods have been removed.
The `Acceptor` API now allows selecting a `ServerConfig` based on the `ClientHello` instead.
- Unclean TCP closure is now tracked by the library. This means a new error is possible when reading plaintext:
`ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof` will be returned in this case.
- *Breaking change*: insulate the rustls public API from webpki API changes:
- PKI errors are now reported using rustls-specific errors.
- There is now a rustls-specific root trust anchor type.
- *Breaking change*: the following types are no longer exposed in the crate root, and can instead be imported
through the `client` module exposed in the crate root: `ResolvesClientCert`, `StoresClientSessions`,
`WriteEarlyData`, `ClientSessionMemoryCache`, `NoClientSessionStorage`, `HandshakeSignatureValid`,
`ServerCertVerified`, `ServerCertVerifier`, `WebPkiVerifier` and `DangerousClientConfig`.
- *Breaking change*: the following types are no longer exposed in the crate root, and can instead be imported
through the `server` module exposed in the crate root: `AllowAnonymousOrAuthenticatedClient`,
`AllowAnyAuthenticatedClient`, `NoClientAuth`, `ResolvesServerCertUsingSni`, `NoServerSessionStorage`,
`ServerSessionMemoryCache`, `StoresServerSessions`, `ClientHello`, `ProducesTickets`, `ResolvesServerCert`,
`ClientCertVerified` and `ClientCertVerifier`.
- *Breaking API change*: `QuicExt::write_hs()` now returns a `KeyChange` type that returns handshake or 1-RTT keys. In the case of 1-RTT keys, a `KeyChange` also
includes a `Secrets` type that must be used to derive further key updates, independent from the rustls `Connection`. The `QuicExt::next_1rtt_keys()` method
has been removed.
- *Breaking API change*: QUIC header protection keys now use a new type that directly exposes a masking/unmasking operation.
* 0.20.0-beta2 (2021-07-04)
- *Breaking change*: internal buffers are now limited to 64 kB by default. Use
`Connection::set_buffer_limit` to change the buffer limits to suit your application.
- *Breaking API change*: PEM parsing now lives in the [rustls-pemfile crate](
This means `rustls::internals::pemfile` and `rustls::RootCertStore::add_pem_file` no longer exist.
- *Breaking API change*: `ServerCertVerifier::verify_server_cert` and `ClientCertVerifier::verify_client_cert`
pass the end-entity and intermediate certificates separately. This means rustls deals with the case
where the certificate chain is empty, rather than leaving that to ServerCertVerifier/ClientCertVerifier
- *Breaking API change*: `SupportedCipherSuite` is now an enum with TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 variants. Some of its
methods have moved to the inner `Tls12CipherSuite` and `Tls13CipherSuite` types. Instead of
`usable_for_version()`, it now has a `version()` method. `get_hash()` has been renamed
to `hash_algorithm()` and `usable_for_sigalg()` to `usable_for_signature_algorithm()`.
- There are now 80% fewer unreachable unwraps in the core crate thanks to large refactoring efforts.
- *Breaking API change*: the `WebPkiError` variant of `rustls::Error` now includes which operation failed.
- *Breaking API changes*: These public API items have been renamed to meet naming guidelines:
- `rustls::TLSError` to `rustls::Error`.
- `rustls::ResolvesServerCertUsingSNI` to `rustls::ResolvesServerCertUsingSni`.
- `rustls::WebPKIVerifier` to `rustls::WebPkiVerifier`.
- `rustls::ciphersuites` to `rustls::cipher_suites`.
- `rustls::ClientHello::sigschemes` to `rustls::ClientHello::signature_schemes`.
- `rustls::RootCertStore::get_subjects` to `rustls::RootCertStore::subjects`.
- `rustls::ServerSession` to `rustls::ServerConnection`.
- `rustls::ClientSession` to `rustls::ClientConnection`.
- `rustls::ServerSession::get_sni_hostname` to `rustls::ServerConnection::sni_hostname`.
- `rustls::ClientConfig::ciphersuites` to `rustls::ClientConfig::cipher_suites`.
- `rustls::ServerConfig::ciphersuites` to `rustls::ServerConfig::cipher_suites`.
- `rustls::ProducesTickets::get_lifetime` to `rustls::ProducesTickets::lifetime`.
- `rustls::Session`: `get_peer_certificates` to `peer_certificates`, `get_alpn_protocol` to `alpn_protocol`,
`get_protocol_version` to `protocol_version`, `get_negotiated_ciphersuite` to `negotiated_cipher_suite`.
- *Breaking API change*: `ResolvesServerCert::resolve` and `ResolvesClientCert::resolve` now return
`Option<Arc<CertifiedKey>>` instead of `Option<CertifiedKey>`. `CertifiedKey` is now an immutable
- *Breaking API change*: `peer_certificates` returns a borrow rather than a copy on the
internally stored certificate chain.
- *Breaking API change*: `ClientConnection`'s DNS name parameter is now a new enum, `ServerName`, to allow future support for ECH and servers named by IP address.
* 0.19.1 (2021-04-17):
- Backport: fix security issue: there was a reachable panic in servers if a client
sent an invalid `ClientECDiffieHellmanPublic` encoding, due to an errant `unwrap()`
when parsing the encoding.
* 0.19.0 (2020-11-22):
- Ensured that `get_peer_certificates` is both better documented, and works
uniformly for both full-handshake and resumed sessions.
- Fix bug: fully qualified hostnames should have had their trailing dot
stripped when quoted in the SNI extension.
* 0.18.1 (2020-08-16):
- Fix DoS vulnerability in TLS1.3 "Middlebox Compatibility Mode" CCS handling.
This is thought to be quite minor -- see
[this commit message](
for a full discussion.
* 0.18.0 (2020-07-04):
- Allow custom certificate validation implementations to also
handle handshake signature computation. This allows uses in non-web
contexts, where `webpki` is not likely to process the certificates
in use. Thanks to @DemiMarie-parity.
- Performance improvements. Thanks to @nviennot.
- Fixed client authentication being unduly rejected by client when server
uses the superseded certificate_types field of CertificateRequest.
- *Breaking API change*: The writev_tls API has been removed, in favour
of using vectored IO support now offered by std::io::Write.
- Added ed25519 support for authentication; thanks to @potatosalad.
- Support removal of unused ciphersuites at link-time. To use this,
call `ClientConfig::with_ciphersuites` instead of `ClientConfig::new`.
* 0.17.0 (2020-02-22):
- *Breaking API change*: ALPN protocols offered by the client are passed
to the server certificate resolution trait (`ResolvesServerCert`).
- *Breaking API change*: The server certificate resolution trait now
takes a struct containing its arguments, so new data can be passed
to these functions without further breaking changes.
- Signature schemes offered by the client are now filtered to those
compatible with the client-offered ciphersuites. Prior to this change
it was likely that server key type switching would not work for clients
that offer signature schemes mismatched with their ciphersuites.
- Add manual with goal-oriented documentation, and rationale for design
- *Breaking API change*: `AlwaysResolvesClientCert::new` is now fallible,
as is `ClientConfig::set_single_client_cert`.
* 0.16.0 (2019-08-10):
- Optimisation of read path for polled non-blocking IO.
- Correct an omission in TLS1.3 middlebox compatibility mode, causing
handshake failures with servers behind buggy middleboxes.
- Move to *ring* 0.16.
- Assorted refactoring to reduce memory usage during and after
- Update other dependencies.
* 0.15.2 (2019-04-02):
- Moved example code around for benefit of Fuchsia.
- Example code fixes for Windows -- Windows is now a tested platform.
- QUIC-specific bug fixes.
- Update dependencies.
* 0.15.1 (2019-01-29):
- Fix incorrect offering of SHA1.
* 0.15.0 (2019-01-20):
- Update dependencies.
- *Breaking API change*: ALPN protocols are now encoded as a `Vec<u8>`, not
a `String`. This alters the type of:
- `ClientConfig::alpn_protocols`
- `ClientConfig::set_protocols`
- `ServerConfig::alpn_protocols`
- `ServerConfig::set_protocols`
- `Session::get_alpn_protocol`
- Emit a warning when receiving an invalid SNI extension, such as one
including an IP address.
- Extended QUIC support for later QUIC drafts.
- Correct bug where we'd send more than one fatal alert for
handshake failure cases.
- Discontinue support for SHA1 signatures.
- Move to Rust 2018 edition.
* 0.14.0 (2018-09-30):
- Introduce client-side support for 0-RTT data in TLS1.3.
- Fix a bug in rustls::Stream for non-blocking transports.
- Move TLS1.3 support from draft 23 to final RFC8446 version.
- Don't offer (e.g.) TLS1.3 if no TLS1.3 suites are configured.
- Support stateful resumption in TLS1.3. Stateless resumption
was previously supported, but is not the default configuration.
- *Breaking API change*: `generate()` removed from `StoresServerSessions` trait.
- *Breaking API change*: `take()` added to `StoresServerSessions` trait.
* 0.13.1 (2018-08-17):
- Fix a bug in rustls::Stream for non-blocking transports
* 0.13.0 (2018-07-15):
- Move TLS1.3 support from draft 22 to 23.
- Add support for `SSLKEYLOGFILE`; not enabled by default.
- Add support for basic usage in QUIC.
- `ServerConfig::set_single_cert` and company now report errors.
- Add support for vectored IO: `writev_tls` can now be used to
optimise system call usage.
- Support ECDSA signing for server and client authentication.
- Add type like `rustls::Stream` which owns its underlying TCP stream
and rustls session.
* 0.12.0 (2018-01-06):
- New API for learning negotiated cipher suite.
- Move TLS1.3 support from draft 18 to 22.
- Allow server-side MTU configuration.
- Tested against latest BoringSSL test suite.
- Support RFC5705 exporters.
- Provide `ResolvesServerCertUsingSNI` for doing SNI-based
certificate switching.
- Allow disabling SNI extension on clients, for use with
custom server certificate verifiers where the hostname
may not make sense.
- DNS names are now typesafe, using `webpki::DNSName`.
- Update dependencies.
* 0.11.0 (2017-08-28):
- New server API for learning requested SNI name.
- Server now checks selected certificate for validity.
- Remove time crate dependency.
- Follow webpki interface changes.
- Update dependencies.
* 0.10.0 (2017-08-12):
- Request and verify SCTs using sct crate. This doesn't happen
unless you pass in some certificate transparency logs -- example code
does this.
- Request OCSP stapled response and pass to cert verifier.
Note that OCSP verification is not implemented, but this is the public
API public change required to support this.
- Allow OCSP and SCT stapling for servers.
- Refactor handshake state machines.
- Bind verifications to final state -- note API change for custom cert
* 0.9.0 (2017-06-16):
- Update dependencies.
- Add IO helper function (`complete_io`) to `rustls::Session`.
- Add blocking stream type -- `rustls::Stream` -- to ease use on top
of blocking sockets.
* 0.8.0 (2017-05-14):
- Add `dangerous_configuration` feature for unsafe features.
* 0.7.0 (2017-05-08):
- Update dependencies.
* 0.6.0 (2017-05-06):
- Update dependencies.
- Expose ring's new support for PKCS#8-format private keys.
- New API for applying limitation to internal buffer sizes.
* 0.5.8 (2017-03-16):
- Fix build on later rustc.
* 0.5.7 (2017-02-27):
- No changes from 0.5.6; republished with nightly cargo for category support.
* 0.5.6 (2017-02-19):
- RFC7627 extended master secret support
- Assorted documentation improvements
* 0.5.5 (2017-02-03):
- Crate categories.
- Protocol errors now permanent for given session.
- Exposed `ResolvesServerCert` trait for customising certification
- Exposed `SignatureScheme` enum.
* 0.5.4 (2017-01-26):
- First release with TLS1.3-draft-18 support.
- More performance improvements (now ~15Gbps per core).
- New API to learn version of negotiated connection.
* 0.5.0 (2016-09-27):
- Tickets.
- Coverage testing.
- Benchmarking.
- Massive performance improvements (from ~1Gbps to ~6Gbps per core).
- OSX support.
- Minor API corrections and additional testing.