use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::process; extern crate mio; use mio::tcp::TcpStream; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::str; use std::io; use std::fs; use std::collections; use std::io::{Read, Write, BufReader}; extern crate env_logger; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate docopt; use docopt::Docopt; extern crate rustls; extern crate webpki_roots; use rustls::Session; const CLIENT: mio::Token = mio::Token(0); /// This encapsulates the TCP-level connection, some connection /// state, and the underlying TLS-level session. struct TlsClient { socket: TcpStream, closing: bool, clean_closure: bool, tls_session: rustls::ClientSession, } impl TlsClient { fn ready(&mut self, poll: &mut mio::Poll, ev: &mio::Event) { assert_eq!(ev.token(), CLIENT); if ev.readiness().is_readable() { self.do_read(); } if ev.readiness().is_writable() { self.do_write(); } if self.is_closed() { println!("Connection closed"); process::exit(if self.clean_closure { 0 } else { 1 }); } self.reregister(poll); } } /// We implement `io::Write` and pass through to the TLS session impl io::Write for TlsClient { fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.tls_session.write(bytes) } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { self.tls_session.flush() } } impl io::Read for TlsClient { fn read(&mut self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { } } impl TlsClient { fn new(sock: TcpStream, hostname: &str, cfg: Arc) -> TlsClient { TlsClient { socket: sock, closing: false, clean_closure: false, tls_session: rustls::ClientSession::new(&cfg, hostname), } } fn read_source_to_end(&mut self, rd: &mut io::Read) -> io::Result { let mut buf = Vec::new(); let len = rd.read_to_end(&mut buf)?; self.tls_session.write_all(&buf).unwrap(); Ok(len) } /// We're ready to do a read. fn do_read(&mut self) { // Read TLS data. This fails if the underlying TCP connection // is broken. let rc = self.tls_session.read_tls(&mut self.socket); if rc.is_err() { println!("TLS read error: {:?}", rc); self.closing = true; return; } // If we're ready but there's no data: EOF. if rc.unwrap() == 0 { println!("EOF"); self.closing = true; self.clean_closure = true; return; } // Reading some TLS data might have yielded new TLS // messages to process. Errors from this indicate // TLS protocol problems and are fatal. let processed = self.tls_session.process_new_packets(); if processed.is_err() { println!("TLS error: {:?}", processed.unwrap_err()); self.closing = true; return; } // Having read some TLS data, and processed any new messages, // we might have new plaintext as a result. // // Read it and then write it to stdout. let mut plaintext = Vec::new(); let rc = self.tls_session.read_to_end(&mut plaintext); if !plaintext.is_empty() { io::stdout().write_all(&plaintext).unwrap(); } // If that fails, the peer might have started a clean TLS-level // session closure. if rc.is_err() { let err = rc.unwrap_err(); println!("Plaintext read error: {:?}", err); self.clean_closure = err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted; self.closing = true; return; } } fn do_write(&mut self) { self.tls_session.write_tls(&mut self.socket).unwrap(); } fn register(&self, poll: &mut mio::Poll) { poll.register(&self.socket, CLIENT, self.ready_interest(), mio::PollOpt::level() | mio::PollOpt::oneshot()) .unwrap(); } fn reregister(&self, poll: &mut mio::Poll) { poll.reregister(&self.socket, CLIENT, self.ready_interest(), mio::PollOpt::level() | mio::PollOpt::oneshot()) .unwrap(); } // Use wants_read/wants_write to register for different mio-level // IO readiness events. fn ready_interest(&self) -> mio::Ready { let rd = self.tls_session.wants_read(); let wr = self.tls_session.wants_write(); if rd && wr { mio::Ready::readable() | mio::Ready::writable() } else if wr { mio::Ready::writable() } else { mio::Ready::readable() } } fn is_closed(&self) -> bool { self.closing } } /// This is an example cache for client session data. /// It optionally dumps cached data to a file, but otherwise /// is just in-memory. /// /// Note that the contents of such a file are extremely sensitive. /// Don't write this stuff to disk in production code. struct PersistCache { cache: Mutex, Vec>>, filename: Option, } impl PersistCache { /// Make a new cache. If filename is Some, load the cache /// from it and flush changes back to that file. fn new(filename: &Option) -> PersistCache { let cache = PersistCache { cache: Mutex::new(collections::HashMap::new()), filename: filename.clone(), }; if cache.filename.is_some() { cache.load(); } cache } /// If we have a filename, save the cache contents to it. fn save(&self) { use rustls::internal::msgs::codec::Codec; use rustls::internal::msgs::base::PayloadU16; if self.filename.is_none() { return; } let mut file = fs::File::create(self.filename.as_ref().unwrap()) .expect("cannot open cache file"); for (key, val) in self.cache.lock().unwrap().iter() { let mut item = Vec::new(); let key_pl = PayloadU16::new(key.clone()); let val_pl = PayloadU16::new(val.clone()); key_pl.encode(&mut item); val_pl.encode(&mut item); file.write_all(&item).unwrap(); } } /// We have a filename, so replace the cache contents from it. fn load(&self) { use rustls::internal::msgs::codec::{Codec, Reader}; use rustls::internal::msgs::base::PayloadU16; let mut file = match fs::File::open(self.filename.as_ref().unwrap()) { Ok(f) => f, Err(_) => return, }; let mut data = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut data).unwrap(); let mut cache = self.cache.lock() .unwrap(); cache.clear(); let mut rd = Reader::init(&data); while rd.any_left() { let key_pl = PayloadU16::read(&mut rd).unwrap(); let val_pl = PayloadU16::read(&mut rd).unwrap(); cache.insert(key_pl.0, val_pl.0); } } } impl rustls::StoresClientSessions for PersistCache { /// put: insert into in-memory cache, and perhaps persist to disk. fn put(&self, key: Vec, value: Vec) -> bool { self.cache.lock() .unwrap() .insert(key, value);; true } /// get: from in-memory cache fn get(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option> { self.cache.lock() .unwrap() .get(key).cloned() } } const USAGE: &'static str = " Connects to the TLS server at hostname:PORT. The default PORT is 443. By default, this reads a request from stdin (to EOF) before making the connection. --http replaces this with a basic HTTP GET request for /. If --cafile is not supplied, a built-in set of CA certificates are used from the webpki-roots crate. Usage: tlsclient [options] [--suite SUITE ...] [--proto PROTO ...] tlsclient (--version | -v) tlsclient (--help | -h) Options: -p, --port PORT Connect to PORT [default: 443]. --http Send a basic HTTP GET request for /. --cafile CAFILE Read root certificates from CAFILE. --auth-key KEY Read client authentication key from KEY. --auth-certs CERTS Read client authentication certificates from CERTS. CERTS must match up with KEY. --suite SUITE Disable default cipher suite list, and use SUITE instead. May be used multiple times. --proto PROTOCOL Send ALPN extension containing PROTOCOL. May be used multiple times to offer serveral protocols. --cache CACHE Save session cache to file CACHE. --no-tickets Disable session ticket support. --insecure Disable certificate verification. --verbose Emit log output. --mtu MTU Limit outgoing messages to MTU bytes. --version, -v Show tool version. --help, -h Show this screen. "; #[derive(Debug, RustcDecodable)] struct Args { flag_port: Option, flag_http: bool, flag_verbose: bool, flag_suite: Vec, flag_proto: Vec, flag_mtu: Option, flag_cafile: Option, flag_cache: Option, flag_no_tickets: bool, flag_insecure: bool, flag_auth_key: Option, flag_auth_certs: Option, arg_hostname: String, } // TODO: um, well, it turns out that openssl s_client/s_server // that we use for testing doesn't do ipv6. So we can't actually // test ipv6 and hence kill this. fn lookup_ipv4(host: &str, port: u16) -> SocketAddr { use std::net::ToSocketAddrs; let addrs = (host, port).to_socket_addrs().unwrap(); for addr in addrs { if let SocketAddr::V4(_) = addr { return addr; } } unreachable!("Cannot lookup address"); } /// Find a ciphersuite with the given name fn find_suite(name: &str) -> Option<&'static rustls::SupportedCipherSuite> { for suite in &rustls::ALL_CIPHERSUITES { let sname = format!("{:?}", suite.suite).to_lowercase(); if sname == name.to_string().to_lowercase() { return Some(suite); } } None } /// Make a vector of ciphersuites named in `suites` fn lookup_suites(suites: &[String]) -> Vec<&'static rustls::SupportedCipherSuite> { let mut out = Vec::new(); for csname in suites { let scs = find_suite(csname); match scs { Some(s) => out.push(s), None => panic!("cannot look up ciphersuite '{}'", csname), } } out } fn load_certs(filename: &str) -> Vec { let certfile = fs::File::open(filename).expect("cannot open certificate file"); let mut reader = BufReader::new(certfile); rustls::internal::pemfile::certs(&mut reader).unwrap() } fn load_private_key(filename: &str) -> rustls::PrivateKey { let keyfile = fs::File::open(filename).expect("cannot open private key file"); let mut reader = BufReader::new(keyfile); let keys = rustls::internal::pemfile::rsa_private_keys(&mut reader).unwrap(); assert!(keys.len() == 1); keys[0].clone() } fn load_key_and_cert(config: &mut rustls::ClientConfig, keyfile: &str, certsfile: &str) { let certs = load_certs(certsfile); let privkey = load_private_key(keyfile); config.set_single_client_cert(certs, privkey); } #[cfg(feature = "dangerous_configuration")] mod danger { use super::rustls; pub struct NoCertificateVerification {} impl rustls::ServerCertVerifier for NoCertificateVerification { fn verify_server_cert(&self, _roots: &rustls::RootCertStore, _presented_certs: &[rustls::Certificate], _dns_name: &str) -> Result<(), rustls::TLSError> { Ok(()) } } } #[cfg(feature = "dangerous_configuration")] fn apply_dangerous_options(args: &Args, cfg: &mut rustls::ClientConfig) { if args.flag_insecure { cfg .dangerous() .set_certificate_verifier(Arc::new(danger::NoCertificateVerification {})); } } #[cfg(not(feature = "dangerous_configuration"))] fn apply_dangerous_options(args: &Args, _: &mut rustls::ClientConfig) { if args.flag_insecure { panic!("This build does not support --insecure."); } } /// Build a `ClientConfig` from our arguments fn make_config(args: &Args) -> Arc { let mut config = rustls::ClientConfig::new(); if !args.flag_suite.is_empty() { config.ciphersuites = lookup_suites(&args.flag_suite); } if args.flag_cafile.is_some() { let cafile = args.flag_cafile.as_ref().unwrap(); let certfile = fs::File::open(&cafile).expect("Cannot open CA file"); let mut reader = BufReader::new(certfile); config.root_store .add_pem_file(&mut reader) .unwrap(); } else { config.root_store.add_trust_anchors(&webpki_roots::ROOTS); } if args.flag_no_tickets { config.enable_tickets = false; } let persist = Arc::new(PersistCache::new(&args.flag_cache)); config.set_protocols(&args.flag_proto); config.set_persistence(persist); config.set_mtu(&args.flag_mtu); apply_dangerous_options(args, &mut config); if args.flag_auth_key.is_some() || args.flag_auth_certs.is_some() { load_key_and_cert(&mut config, args.flag_auth_key .as_ref() .expect("must provide --auth-key with --auth-certs"), args.flag_auth_certs .as_ref() .expect("must provide --auth-certs with --auth-key")); } Arc::new(config) } /// Parse some arguments, then make a TLS client connection /// somewhere. fn main() { let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME").to_string() + ", version: " + env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE) .and_then(|d| Ok( .and_then(|d| Ok(d.version(Some(version)))) .and_then(|d| d.decode()) .unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()); if args.flag_verbose { let mut logger = env_logger::LogBuilder::new(); logger.parse("debug"); logger.init().unwrap(); } let port = args.flag_port.unwrap_or(443); let addr = lookup_ipv4(args.arg_hostname.as_str(), port); let config = make_config(&args); let sock = TcpStream::connect(&addr).unwrap(); let mut tlsclient = TlsClient::new(sock, &args.arg_hostname, config); if args.flag_http { let httpreq = format!("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {}\r\nConnection: \ close\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\n\r\n", args.arg_hostname); tlsclient.write_all(httpreq.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } else { let mut stdin = io::stdin(); tlsclient.read_source_to_end(&mut stdin).unwrap(); } let mut poll = mio::Poll::new() .unwrap(); let mut events = mio::Events::with_capacity(32); tlsclient.register(&mut poll); loop { poll.poll(&mut events, None) .unwrap(); for ev in events.iter() { tlsclient.ready(&mut poll, &ev); } } }