use std::process; use std::thread; use std::time; use std::net; extern crate regex; use self::regex::Regex; // For tests which connect to internet servers, don't go crazy. pub fn polite() { thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } // Wait until we can connect to localhost:port. fn wait_for_port(port: u16) -> Option<()> { let mut count = 0; loop { thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(500)); if net::TcpStream::connect(("", port)).is_ok() { return Some(()); } count += 1; if count == 10 { return None; } } } // Find an unused port fn unused_port(mut port: u16) -> u16 { loop { if net::TcpStream::connect(("", port)).is_err() { return port; } port += 1; } } // Note we skipped this test. pub fn skipped(why: &str) { use std::io::{self, Write}; let mut stdout = io::stdout(); write!(&mut stdout, "[ SKIPPED ] because: {}\n -- UNTESTED: ", why) .unwrap(); } pub fn tlsserver_find() -> &'static str { "target/debug/examples/tlsserver" } pub fn tlsclient_find() -> &'static str { "target/debug/examples/tlsclient" } pub fn openssl_find() -> &'static str { // We need a homebrew openssl, because OSX comes with // 0.9.8y or something equally ancient! if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { return "/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl"; } "openssl" } fn openssl_supports_option(cmd: &str, opt: &str) -> bool { let output = process::Command::new(openssl_find()) .arg(cmd) .arg("-help") .output() .unwrap(); String::from_utf8(output.stderr) .unwrap() .contains(opt) } // Does openssl s_client support -alpn? pub fn openssl_client_supports_alpn() -> bool { openssl_supports_option("s_client", " -alpn ") } // Does openssl s_server support -alpn? pub fn openssl_server_supports_alpn() -> bool { openssl_supports_option("s_server", " -alpn ") } // Does openssl s_server support -no_ecdhe? pub fn openssl_server_supports_no_echde() -> bool { openssl_supports_option("s_server", " -no_ecdhe ") } pub struct TlsClient { pub hostname: String, pub port: u16, pub http: bool, pub cafile: Option, pub client_auth_key: Option, pub client_auth_certs: Option, pub cache: Option, pub suites: Vec, pub protos: Vec, pub no_tickets: bool, pub insecure: bool, pub verbose: bool, pub mtu: Option, pub expect_fails: bool, pub expect_output: Vec, pub expect_log: Vec, } impl TlsClient { pub fn new(hostname: &str) -> TlsClient { TlsClient { hostname: hostname.to_string(), port: 443, http: true, cafile: None, client_auth_key: None, client_auth_certs: None, cache: None, no_tickets: false, insecure: false, verbose: false, mtu: None, suites: Vec::new(), protos: Vec::new(), expect_fails: false, expect_output: Vec::new(), expect_log: Vec::new(), } } pub fn client_auth(&mut self, certs: &str, key: &str) -> &mut Self { self.client_auth_key = Some(key.to_string()); self.client_auth_certs = Some(certs.to_string()); self } pub fn cafile(&mut self, cafile: &str) -> &mut TlsClient { self.cafile = Some(cafile.to_string()); self } pub fn cache(&mut self, cache: &str) -> &mut TlsClient { self.cache = Some(cache.to_string()); self } pub fn no_tickets(&mut self) -> &mut TlsClient { self.no_tickets = true; self } pub fn insecure(&mut self) -> &mut TlsClient { self.insecure = true; self } pub fn verbose(&mut self) -> &mut TlsClient { self.verbose = true; self } pub fn mtu(&mut self, mtu: usize) -> &mut TlsClient { self.mtu = Some(mtu); self } pub fn port(&mut self, port: u16) -> &mut TlsClient { self.port = port; self } pub fn expect(&mut self, expect: &str) -> &mut TlsClient { self.expect_output.push(expect.to_string()); self } pub fn expect_log(&mut self, expect: &str) -> &mut TlsClient { self.verbose = true; self.expect_log.push(expect.to_string()); self } pub fn suite(&mut self, suite: &str) -> &mut TlsClient { self.suites.push(suite.to_string()); self } pub fn proto(&mut self, proto: &str) -> &mut TlsClient { self.protos.push(proto.to_string()); self } pub fn fails(&mut self) -> &mut TlsClient { self.expect_fails = true; self } pub fn go(&mut self) -> Option<()> { let mtustring; let portstring = self.port.to_string(); let mut args = Vec::<&str>::new(); args.push(&self.hostname); args.push("--port"); args.push(&portstring); if self.http { args.push("--http"); } if self.cache.is_some() { args.push("--cache"); args.push(self.cache.as_ref().unwrap()); } if self.no_tickets { args.push("--no-tickets"); } if self.insecure { args.push("--insecure"); } if self.cafile.is_some() { args.push("--cafile"); args.push(self.cafile.as_ref().unwrap()); } if self.client_auth_key.is_some() { args.push("--auth-key"); args.push(self.client_auth_key.as_ref().unwrap()); } if self.client_auth_certs.is_some() { args.push("--auth-certs"); args.push(self.client_auth_certs.as_ref().unwrap()); } for suite in &self.suites { args.push("--suite"); args.push(suite.as_ref()); } for proto in &self.protos { args.push("--proto"); args.push(proto.as_ref()); } if self.verbose { args.push("--verbose"); } if self.mtu.is_some() { args.push("--mtu"); mtustring = self.mtu.unwrap().to_string(); args.push(&mtustring); } let output = process::Command::new(tlsclient_find()) .args(&args) .output() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to execute: {}", e)); let stdout_str = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output.stdout.clone()) }; let stderr_str = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output.stderr.clone()) }; for expect in &self.expect_output { let re = Regex::new(expect).unwrap(); if re.find(&stdout_str).is_none() { println!("We expected to find '{}' in the following output:", expect); println!("{:?}", output); panic!("Test failed"); } } for expect in &self.expect_log { let re = Regex::new(expect).unwrap(); if re.find(&stderr_str).is_none() { println!("We expected to find '{}' in the following output:", expect); println!("{:?}", output); panic!("Test failed"); } } if self.expect_fails { assert!(output.status.code().unwrap() != 0); } else { assert!(output.status.success()); } Some(()) } } pub struct OpenSSLServer { pub port: u16, pub http: bool, pub quiet: bool, pub key: String, pub cert: String, pub chain: String, pub intermediate: String, pub cacert: String, pub extra_args: Vec<&'static str>, pub child: Option, } impl OpenSSLServer { pub fn new(keytype: &str, start_port: u16) -> OpenSSLServer { OpenSSLServer { port: unused_port(start_port), http: true, quiet: true, key: format!("test-ca/{}/end.key", keytype), cert: format!("test-ca/{}/end.cert", keytype), chain: format!("test-ca/{}/end.chain", keytype), cacert: format!("test-ca/{}/ca.cert", keytype), intermediate: format!("test-ca/{}/inter.cert", keytype), extra_args: Vec::new(), child: None, } } pub fn new_rsa(start_port: u16) -> OpenSSLServer { OpenSSLServer::new("rsa", start_port) } pub fn new_ecdsa(start_port: u16) -> OpenSSLServer { OpenSSLServer::new("ecdsa", start_port) } pub fn partial_chain(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.chain = self.intermediate.clone(); self } pub fn arg(&mut self, arg: &'static str) -> &mut Self { self.extra_args.push(arg); self } pub fn run(&mut self) -> &mut Self { let mut extra_args = Vec::<&'static str>::new(); extra_args.extend(&self.extra_args); if self.http { extra_args.push("-www"); } let mut subp = process::Command::new(openssl_find()); subp.arg("s_server") .arg("-accept") .arg(self.port.to_string()) .arg("-key") .arg(&self.key) .arg("-cert") .arg(&self.cert) .arg("-CAfile") .arg(&self.chain) .args(&extra_args); if self.quiet { subp.stdout(process::Stdio::null()) .stderr(process::Stdio::null()); } let child = subp.spawn() .expect("cannot run openssl server"); let port_up = wait_for_port(self.port); port_up.expect("server did not come up"); self.child = Some(child); self } pub fn running(&self) -> bool { self.child.is_some() } pub fn kill(&mut self) { self.child.as_mut().unwrap().kill().unwrap(); self.child = None; } pub fn client(&self) -> TlsClient { let mut c = TlsClient::new("localhost"); c.port(self.port); c.cafile(&self.cacert); c } } impl Drop for OpenSSLServer { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.running() { self.kill(); } } } pub struct TlsServer { pub port: u16, pub http: bool, pub echo: bool, pub certs: String, pub key: String, pub cafile: String, pub suites: Vec, pub protos: Vec, used_suites: Vec, used_protos: Vec, pub resumes: bool, pub tickets: bool, pub client_auth_roots: String, pub client_auth_required: bool, pub verbose: bool, pub child: Option, } impl TlsServer { pub fn new(port: u16) -> Self { let keytype = "rsa"; TlsServer { port: unused_port(port), http: false, echo: false, key: format!("test-ca/{}/end.rsa", keytype), certs: format!("test-ca/{}/end.fullchain", keytype), cafile: format!("test-ca/{}/ca.cert", keytype), verbose: false, suites: Vec::new(), protos: Vec::new(), used_suites: Vec::new(), used_protos: Vec::new(), resumes: false, tickets: false, client_auth_roots: String::new(), client_auth_required: false, child: None, } } pub fn echo_mode(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.echo = true; self.http = false; self } pub fn http_mode(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.echo = false; self.http = true; self } pub fn verbose(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.verbose = true; self } pub fn port(&mut self, port: u16) -> &mut Self { self.port = port; self } pub fn suite(&mut self, suite: &str) -> &mut Self { self.suites.push(suite.to_string()); self } pub fn proto(&mut self, proto: &str) -> &mut Self { self.protos.push(proto.to_string()); self } pub fn resumes(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.resumes = true; self } pub fn tickets(&mut self) -> &mut Self { = true; self } pub fn client_auth_roots(&mut self, cafile: &str) -> &mut Self { self.client_auth_roots = cafile.to_string(); self } pub fn client_auth_required(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.client_auth_required = true; self } pub fn run(&mut self) { let portstring = self.port.to_string(); let mut args = Vec::<&str>::new(); args.push("--port"); args.push(&portstring); args.push("--key"); args.push(&self.key); args.push("--certs"); args.push(&self.certs); self.used_suites = self.suites.clone(); for suite in &self.used_suites { args.push("--suite"); args.push(suite.as_ref()); } self.used_protos = self.protos.clone(); for proto in &self.used_protos { args.push("--proto"); args.push(proto.as_ref()); } if self.resumes { args.push("--resumption"); } if { args.push("--tickets"); } if !self.client_auth_roots.is_empty() { args.push("--auth"); args.push(&self.client_auth_roots); if self.client_auth_required { args.push("--require-auth"); } } if self.verbose { args.push("--verbose"); } if self.http { args.push("http"); } else if self.echo { args.push("echo"); } else { assert!(false, "specify http/echo mode"); } println!("args {:?}", args); let child = process::Command::new(tlsserver_find()) .args(&args) .spawn() .expect("cannot run tlsserver"); wait_for_port(self.port).expect("tlsserver didn't come up"); self.child = Some(child); } pub fn kill(&mut self) { self.child.as_mut().unwrap().kill().unwrap(); self.child = None; } pub fn running(&self) -> bool { self.child.is_some() } pub fn client(&self) -> OpenSSLClient { let mut c = OpenSSLClient::new(self.port); c.cafile(&self.cafile); c } } impl Drop for TlsServer { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.running() { self.kill(); } } } pub struct OpenSSLClient { pub port: u16, pub cafile: String, pub extra_args: Vec<&'static str>, pub expect_fails: bool, pub expect_output: Vec, pub expect_log: Vec, } impl OpenSSLClient { pub fn new(port: u16) -> OpenSSLClient { OpenSSLClient { port: port, cafile: "".to_string(), extra_args: Vec::new(), expect_fails: false, expect_output: Vec::new(), expect_log: Vec::new(), } } pub fn arg(&mut self, arg: &'static str) -> &mut Self { self.extra_args.push(arg); self } pub fn cafile(&mut self, cafile: &str) -> &mut Self { self.cafile = cafile.to_string(); self } pub fn expect(&mut self, expect: &str) -> &mut Self { self.expect_output.push(expect.to_string()); self } pub fn expect_log(&mut self, expect: &str) -> &mut Self { self.expect_log.push(expect.to_string()); self } pub fn fails(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.expect_fails = true; self } pub fn go(&mut self) -> Option<()> { let mut extra_args = Vec::<&'static str>::new(); extra_args.extend(&self.extra_args); let mut subp = process::Command::new(openssl_find()); subp.arg("s_client") .arg("-tls1_2") .arg("-host") .arg("localhost") .arg("-port") .arg(self.port.to_string()) .arg("-CAfile") .arg(&self.cafile) .args(&extra_args); let output = subp.output() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to execute: {}", e)); let stdout_str = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output.stdout.clone()) }; let stderr_str = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output.stderr.clone()) }; print!("{}", stdout_str); print!("{}", stderr_str); for expect in &self.expect_output { let re = Regex::new(expect).unwrap(); if re.find(&stdout_str).is_none() { println!("We expected to find '{}' in the following output:", expect); println!("{:?}", output); panic!("Test failed"); } } for expect in &self.expect_log { let re = Regex::new(expect).unwrap(); if re.find(&stderr_str).is_none() { println!("We expected to find '{}' in the following output:", expect); println!("{:?}", output); panic!("Test failed"); } } if self.expect_fails { assert!(output.status.code().unwrap() != 0); } else { assert!(output.status.success()); } Some(()) } }