
376 lines
14 KiB

//! A TLS server that accepts connections using a custom `Acceptor`, demonstrating how fresh
//! CRL information can be retrieved per-client connection to use for revocation checking of
//! client certificates.
//! For a more complete server demonstration, see ``.
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::ops::Add;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{fs, thread};
use docopt::Docopt;
use rcgen::KeyPair;
use rustls::pki_types::{CertificateRevocationListDer, PrivatePkcs8KeyDer};
use rustls::server::{Acceptor, ClientHello, ServerConfig, WebPkiClientVerifier};
use rustls::RootCertStore;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
fn main() {
let version = concat!(
", version: ",
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.map(|d| d.version(Some(version)))
.and_then(|d| d.deserialize())
.unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
if args.flag_verbose {
let write_pem = |path: &str, pem: &str| {
let mut file = File::create(path).unwrap();
// Create a test PKI with:
// * An issuing CA certificate.
// * A server certificate issued by the CA.
// * A client certificate issued by the CA.
let test_pki = Arc::new(TestPki::new());
// Write out the parts of the test PKI a client will need to connect:
// * The CA certificate for validating the server certificate.
// * The client certificate and key for its presented mTLS identity.
// Write out an initial DER CRL that has no revoked certificates.
let update_seconds = args
let crl_path = args
let mut crl_der = File::create(crl_path.clone()).unwrap();
.write_all(&test_pki.crl(Vec::default(), update_seconds))
// Spawn a thread that will periodically update the CRL. In a real server you would
// fetch fresh CRLs from a distribution point, or somehow update the CRLs on disk.
// For this demo we spawn a thread that flips between writing a CRL that lists the client
// certificate as revoked and a CRL that has no revoked certificates.
let crl_updater = CrlUpdater {
sleep_duration: Duration::from_secs(update_seconds),
crl_path: PathBuf::from(crl_path.clone()),
pki: test_pki.clone(),
thread::spawn(move ||;
// Start a TLS server accepting connections as they arrive.
let listener =
std::net::TcpListener::bind(format!("[::]:{}", args.flag_port.unwrap_or(4443))).unwrap();
for stream in listener.incoming() {
let mut stream = stream.unwrap();
let mut acceptor = Acceptor::default();
// Read TLS packets until we've consumed a full client hello and are ready to accept a
// connection.
let accepted = loop {
acceptor.read_tls(&mut stream).unwrap();
match acceptor.accept() {
Ok(Some(accepted)) => break accepted,
Ok(None) => continue,
Err((e, mut alert)) => {
alert.write_all(&mut stream).unwrap();
panic!("error accepting connection: {e}");
// Generate a server config for the accepted connection, optionally customizing the
// configuration based on the client hello.
let config = test_pki.server_config(&crl_path, accepted.client_hello());
let mut conn = match accepted.into_connection(config) {
Ok(conn) => conn,
Err((e, mut alert)) => {
alert.write_all(&mut stream).unwrap();
panic!("error completing accepting connection: {e}");
// Proceed with handling the ServerConnection
// Important: We do no error handling here, but you should!
_ = conn.complete_io(&mut stream);
/// A test PKI with a CA certificate, server certificate, and client certificate.
struct TestPki {
roots: Arc<RootCertStore>,
ca_cert: rcgen::CertifiedKey,
client_cert: rcgen::CertifiedKey,
server_cert: rcgen::CertifiedKey,
impl TestPki {
/// Create a new test PKI using `rcgen`.
fn new() -> Self {
// Create an issuer CA cert.
let alg = &rcgen::PKCS_ECDSA_P256_SHA256;
let mut ca_params = rcgen::CertificateParams::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
.push(rcgen::DnType::OrganizationName, "Rustls Server Acceptor");
.push(rcgen::DnType::CommonName, "Example CA");
ca_params.is_ca = rcgen::IsCa::Ca(rcgen::BasicConstraints::Unconstrained);
ca_params.key_usages = vec![
let ca_key = KeyPair::generate_for(alg).unwrap();
let ca_cert = ca_params.self_signed(&ca_key).unwrap();
// Create a server end entity cert issued by the CA.
let mut server_ee_params =
server_ee_params.is_ca = rcgen::IsCa::NoCa;
server_ee_params.extended_key_usages = vec![rcgen::ExtendedKeyUsagePurpose::ServerAuth];
let ee_key = KeyPair::generate_for(alg).unwrap();
let server_cert = server_ee_params
.signed_by(&ee_key, &ca_cert, &ca_key)
// Create a client end entity cert issued by the CA.
let mut client_ee_params = rcgen::CertificateParams::new(Vec::new()).unwrap();
.push(rcgen::DnType::CommonName, "Example Client");
client_ee_params.is_ca = rcgen::IsCa::NoCa;
client_ee_params.extended_key_usages = vec![rcgen::ExtendedKeyUsagePurpose::ClientAuth];
client_ee_params.serial_number = Some(rcgen::SerialNumber::from(vec![0xC0, 0xFF, 0xEE]));
let client_key = KeyPair::generate_for(alg).unwrap();
let client_cert = client_ee_params
.signed_by(&client_key, &ca_cert, &ca_key)
// Create a root cert store that includes the CA certificate.
let mut roots = RootCertStore::empty();
Self {
roots: roots.into(),
ca_cert: rcgen::CertifiedKey {
cert: ca_cert,
key_pair: ca_key,
client_cert: rcgen::CertifiedKey {
cert: client_cert,
key_pair: client_key,
server_cert: rcgen::CertifiedKey {
cert: server_cert,
key_pair: ee_key,
/// Generate a server configuration for the client using the test PKI.
/// Importantly this creates a new client certificate verifier per-connection so that the server
/// can read in the latest CRL content from disk.
/// Since the presented client certificate is not available in the `ClientHello` the server
/// must know ahead of time which CRLs it cares about.
fn server_config(&self, crl_path: &str, _hello: ClientHello) -> Arc<ServerConfig> {
// Read the latest CRL from disk. The CRL is being periodically updated by the crl_updater
// thread.
let mut crl_file = File::open(crl_path).unwrap();
let mut crl = Vec::default();
crl_file.read_to_end(&mut crl).unwrap();
// Construct a fresh verifier using the test PKI roots, and the updated CRL.
let verifier = WebPkiClientVerifier::builder(self.roots.clone())
// Build a server config using the fresh verifier. If necessary, this could be customized
// based on the ClientHello (e.g. selecting a different certificate, or customizing
// supported algorithms/protocol versions).
let mut server_config = ServerConfig::builder()
// Allow using SSLKEYLOGFILE.
server_config.key_log = Arc::new(rustls::KeyLogFile::new());
/// Issue a certificate revocation list (CRL) for the revoked `serials` provided (may be empty).
/// The CRL will be signed by the test PKI CA and returned in DER serialized form.
fn crl(
serials: Vec<rcgen::SerialNumber>,
next_update_seconds: u64,
) -> CertificateRevocationListDer {
// In a real use-case you would want to set this to the current date/time.
let now = rcgen::date_time_ymd(2023, 1, 1);
// For each serial, create a revoked certificate entry.
let revoked_certs = serials
.map(|serial| rcgen::RevokedCertParams {
serial_number: serial,
revocation_time: now,
reason_code: Some(rcgen::RevocationReason::KeyCompromise),
invalidity_date: None,
// Create a new CRL signed by the CA cert.
let crl_params = rcgen::CertificateRevocationListParams {
this_update: now,
next_update: now.add(Duration::from_secs(next_update_seconds)),
crl_number: rcgen::SerialNumber::from(1234),
issuing_distribution_point: None,
key_identifier_method: rcgen::KeyIdMethod::Sha256,
.signed_by(&self.ca_cert.cert, &self.ca_cert.key_pair)
/// CRL updater that runs in a separate thread. This periodically updates the CRL file on disk,
/// flipping between writing a CRL that describes the client certificate as revoked, and a CRL that
/// describes the client certificate as not revoked.
/// In a real use case, the CRL would be updated by fetching fresh CRL data from an authoritative
/// distribution point.
struct CrlUpdater {
sleep_duration: Duration,
crl_path: PathBuf,
pki: Arc<TestPki>,
impl CrlUpdater {
fn run(self) {
let mut revoked = true;
loop {
let revoked_certs = if revoked {
} else {
revoked = !revoked;
// Write the new CRL content to a temp file, this avoids a race condition where the server
// reads the configured CRL path while we're in the process of writing it.
let mut tmp_path = self.crl_path.clone();
let mut crl_der = File::create(&tmp_path).unwrap();
.crl(revoked_certs, self.sleep_duration.as_secs()),
// Once the new CRL content is available, atomically rename.
fs::rename(&tmp_path, &self.crl_path).unwrap();
const USAGE: &str = "
Runs a TLS server on :PORT. The default PORT is 4443.
server_acceptor [options]
server_acceptor (--version | -v)
server_acceptor (--help | -h)
-p, --port PORT Listen on PORT [default: 4443].
--verbose Emit log output.
--crl-update-seconds SECONDS Update the CRL after SECONDS [default: 5].
--ca-path PATH Write the CA cert PEM to PATH [default: ca-cert.pem].
--client-cert-path PATH Write the client cert PEM to PATH [default: client-cert.pem].
--client-key-path PATH Write the client key PEM to PATH [default: client-key.pem].
--crl-path PATH Write the DER CRL content to PATH [default: crl.der].
--version, -v Show tool version.
--help, -h Show this screen.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Args {
flag_port: Option<u16>,
flag_verbose: bool,
flag_crl_update_seconds: Option<u64>,
flag_ca_path: Option<String>,
flag_client_cert_path: Option<String>,
flag_client_key_path: Option<String>,
flag_crl_path: Option<String>,