--- layout: page title: Careers permalink: /careers/ hero: theme: midnight label: Careers title: Join the team! ---
two people sitting around a sofa reading on a computer and tablet

Help us build the largest and most accessible library connecting storytellers with their audience.

Our readers are on a mission to become their best selves, and so are we. We’re not afraid to take risks because we know that — win or lose — we’ll learn from them.

If you’re a talented team player and want to work somewhere where your input matters, we’d love to talk with you.

Open Positions

Why Scribd

We believe that the secret to making the perfect product is making Scribd the perfect place to work.


Our team takes great care of us, in return, we take great care of them.

Multi-Faceted Codebase

Work with a variety of languages and libraries.

We continuously deploy code to a wide range of devices and servers. Here are a few of the languages and libraries we use to build Scribd.

Our Structure

We divide and conquer in focused teams.

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{{ item.description }}

{% endfor %}

Open Positions

We’re actively hiring for these roles.