use async_executor::LocalExecutor; use futures_lite::future::{block_on, pending, poll_once}; use futures_lite::pin; use std::cell::Cell; #[test] fn shared_queue_slot() { block_on(async { let was_polled = Cell::new(false); let future = async { was_polled.set(true); pending::<()>().await; }; let ex1 = LocalExecutor::new(); let ex2 = LocalExecutor::new(); // Start the futures for running forever. let (run1, run2) = (<()>()),<()>())); pin!(run1); pin!(run2); assert!(poll_once(run1.as_mut()).await.is_none()); assert!(poll_once(run2.as_mut()).await.is_none()); // Spawn the future on executor one and then poll executor two. ex1.spawn(future).detach(); assert!(poll_once(run2).await.is_none()); assert!(!was_polled.get()); // Poll the first one. assert!(poll_once(run1).await.is_none()); assert!(was_polled.get()); }); }