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//! The `Notification` trait for specifying notification.
use crate::sync::atomic::{self, Ordering};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use core::fmt;
pub(crate) use __private::Internal;
/// The type of notification to use with an [`Event`].
/// This is hidden and sealed to prevent changes to this trait from being breaking.
/// [`Event`]: crate::Event
pub trait NotificationPrivate {
/// The tag data associated with a notification.
type Tag;
/// Emit a fence to ensure that the notification is visible to the listeners.
fn fence(&self, internal: Internal);
/// Whether or not the number of currently waiting listeners should be subtracted from `count()`.
fn is_additional(&self, internal: Internal) -> bool;
/// Get the number of listeners to wake.
fn count(&self, internal: Internal) -> usize;
/// Get a tag to be associated with a notification.
/// This method is expected to be called `count()` times.
fn next_tag(&mut self, internal: Internal) -> Self::Tag;
/// A notification that can be used to notify an [`Event`].
/// This type is used by the [`Event::notify()`] function to determine how many listeners to wake up, whether
/// or not to subtract additional listeners, and other properties. The actual internal data is hidden in a
/// private trait and is intentionally not exposed. This means that users cannot manually implement the
/// [`Notification`] trait. However, it also means that changing the underlying trait is not a semver breaking
/// change.
/// Users can create types that implement notifications using the combinators on the [`IntoNotification`] type.
/// Typical construction of a [`Notification`] starts with a numeric literal (like `3usize`) and then optionally
/// adding combinators.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use event_listener::{Event, prelude::*};
/// fn notify(ev: &Event, notify: impl Notification<Tag = ()>) {
/// ev.notify(notify);
/// }
2023-04-04 23:05:49 +00:00
/// notify(&Event::new(), 1.additional());
/// ```
/// [`Event`]: crate::Event
pub trait Notification: NotificationPrivate {}
impl<N: NotificationPrivate + ?Sized> Notification for N {}
/// Notify a given number of unnotifed listeners.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Notify(usize);
impl Notify {
/// Create a new `Notify` with the given number of listeners to notify.
fn new(count: usize) -> Self {
impl NotificationPrivate for Notify {
type Tag = ();
fn is_additional(&self, _: Internal) -> bool {
fn fence(&self, _: Internal) {
fn count(&self, _: Internal) -> usize {
fn next_tag(&mut self, _: Internal) -> Self::Tag {}
/// Make the underlying notification additional.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Additional<N: ?Sized>(N);
impl<N> Additional<N> {
/// Create a new `Additional` with the given notification.
fn new(inner: N) -> Self {
impl<N> NotificationPrivate for Additional<N>
N: Notification + ?Sized,
type Tag = N::Tag;
fn is_additional(&self, _: Internal) -> bool {
fn fence(&self, i: Internal) {
fn count(&self, i: Internal) -> usize {
fn next_tag(&mut self, i: Internal) -> Self::Tag {
/// Don't emit a fence for this notification.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Relaxed<N: ?Sized>(N);
impl<N> Relaxed<N> {
/// Create a new `Relaxed` with the given notification.
fn new(inner: N) -> Self {
impl<N> NotificationPrivate for Relaxed<N>
N: Notification + ?Sized,
type Tag = N::Tag;
fn is_additional(&self, i: Internal) -> bool {
fn fence(&self, _: Internal) {
// Don't emit a fence.
fn count(&self, i: Internal) -> usize {
fn next_tag(&mut self, i: Internal) -> Self::Tag {
/// Use a tag to notify listeners.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Tag<N: ?Sized, T> {
tag: T,
inner: N,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<N: ?Sized, T> Tag<N, T> {
/// Create a new `Tag` with the given tag and notification.
fn new(tag: T, inner: N) -> Self
N: Sized,
Self { tag, inner }
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<N, T> NotificationPrivate for Tag<N, T>
N: Notification + ?Sized,
T: Clone,
type Tag = T;
fn is_additional(&self, i: Internal) -> bool {
fn fence(&self, i: Internal) {
fn count(&self, i: Internal) -> usize {
fn next_tag(&mut self, _: Internal) -> Self::Tag {
/// Use a function to generate a tag to notify listeners.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub struct TagWith<N: ?Sized, F> {
tag: F,
inner: N,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<N: fmt::Debug, F> fmt::Debug for TagWith<N, F> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
struct Ellipses;
impl fmt::Debug for Ellipses {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("tag", &Ellipses)
.field("inner", &self.inner)
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<N, F> TagWith<N, F> {
/// Create a new `TagFn` with the given tag function and notification.
fn new(tag: F, inner: N) -> Self {
Self { tag, inner }
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<N, F, T> NotificationPrivate for TagWith<N, F>
N: Notification + ?Sized,
F: FnMut() -> T,
type Tag = T;
fn is_additional(&self, i: Internal) -> bool {
fn fence(&self, i: Internal) {
fn count(&self, i: Internal) -> usize {
fn next_tag(&mut self, _: Internal) -> Self::Tag {
/// A generic notification.
pub(crate) struct GenericNotify<F> {
/// Number of listeners to notify.
count: usize,
/// Whether this notification is additional.
additional: bool,
/// Generate tags.
tags: F,
impl<T, F: TagProducer<Tag = T>> GenericNotify<F> {
pub(crate) fn new(count: usize, additional: bool, tags: F) -> Self {
Self {
impl<T, F: TagProducer<Tag = T>> NotificationPrivate for GenericNotify<F> {
type Tag = T;
fn is_additional(&self, _: Internal) -> bool {
fn fence(&self, _: Internal) {
// Don't emit a fence.
fn count(&self, _: Internal) -> usize {
fn next_tag(&mut self, _: Internal) -> Self::Tag {
/// The producer for a generic notification.
pub(crate) trait TagProducer {
type Tag;
/// Get the next tag.
fn next_tag(&mut self) -> Self::Tag;
impl<T, F: FnMut() -> T> TagProducer for F {
type Tag = T;
fn next_tag(&mut self) -> T {
/// A value that can be converted into a [`Notification`].
/// This trait adds onto the [`Notification`] trait by providing combinators that can be applied to all
/// notification types as well as numeric literals. This transforms what would normally be:
/// ```
/// use event_listener::Event;
/// let event = Event::new();
/// // Note that each use case needs its own function, leading to bloat.
/// event.notify(1);
/// event.notify_additional(3);
/// event.notify_relaxed(5);
/// event.notify_additional_relaxed(2);
/// ```
/// into this:
/// ```
/// use event_listener::{Event, prelude::*};
/// let event = Event::new();
/// event.notify(1);
/// event.notify(3.additional());
/// event.notify(5.relaxed());
/// event.notify(2.additional().relaxed());
/// ```
/// This trait is implemented for all types that implement [`Notification`], as well as for non-floating-point
/// numeric literals (`usize`, `i32`, etc).
2023-08-09 19:22:36 +00:00
/// This function can be thought of as being analogous to [`std::iter::IntoIterator`], but for [`Notification`].
pub trait IntoNotification: __private::Sealed {
/// The tag data associated with a notification.
/// By default, most [`Event`]s will use the unit type, `()`. However, this can be used to pass data along to
/// the listener.
type Tag;
/// The notification type.
/// Tells what kind of underlying type that the [`Notification`] is. You probably don't need to worry about
/// this.
type Notify: Notification<Tag = Self::Tag>;
/// Convert this value into a notification.
/// This allows the user to convert an [`IntoNotification`] into a [`Notification`].
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the value represents a negative number of notifications.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use event_listener::prelude::*;
/// let _ = 3.into_notification();
/// ```
fn into_notification(self) -> Self::Notify;
/// Convert this value into an additional notification.
/// By default, notifications ignore listeners that are already notified. Generally, this happens when there
/// is an [`EventListener`] that has been woken up, but hasn't been polled to completion or waited on yet.
/// For instance, if you have three notified listeners and you call `event.notify(5)`, only two listeners
/// will be woken up.
/// This default behavior is generally desired. For instance, if you are writing a `Mutex` implementation
/// powered by an [`Event`], you usually only want one consumer to be notified at a time. If you notified
/// a listener when another listener is already notified, you would have unnecessary contention for your
/// lock, as both listeners fight over the lock. Therefore, you would call `event.notify(1)` to make sure
/// *at least* one listener is awake.
/// Sometimes, this behavior is not desired. For instance, if you are writing an MPMC channel, it is desirable
/// for multiple listeners to be reading from the underlying queue at once. In this case, you would instead
/// call `event.notify(1.additional())`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use event_listener::{Event, prelude::*};
/// let event = Event::new();
/// let mut l1 = event.listen();
/// let mut l2 = event.listen();
/// // This will only wake up the first listener, as the second call observes that there is already a
/// // notified listener.
/// event.notify(1);
/// event.notify(1);
/// // This call wakes up the other listener.
/// event.notify(1.additional());
/// ```
fn additional(self) -> Additional<Self::Notify>
Self: Sized,
/// Don't emit a fence for this notification.
/// Usually, notifications emit a `SeqCst` atomic fence before any listeners are woken up. This ensures
/// that notification state isn't inconsistent before any wakers are woken up. However, it may be
/// desirable to omit this fence in certain cases.
/// - You are running the [`Event`] on a single thread, where no synchronization needs to occur.
/// - You are emitting the `SeqCst` fence yourself.
/// In these cases, `relaxed()` can be used to avoid emitting the `SeqCst` fence.
/// # Examples
/// ```
2023-04-04 23:05:49 +00:00
/// use event_listener::{Event, prelude::*};
/// use std::sync::atomic::{self, Ordering};
/// let event = Event::new();
/// let listener1 = event.listen();
/// let listener2 = event.listen();
/// let listener3 = event.listen();
/// // We should emit a fence manually when using relaxed notifications.
/// atomic::fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
/// // Notifies two listeners.
/// //
/// // Listener queueing is fair, which means `listener1` and `listener2`
/// // get notified here since they start listening before `listener3`.
/// event.notify(1.relaxed());
/// event.notify(1.relaxed());
/// ```
fn relaxed(self) -> Relaxed<Self::Notify>
Self: Sized,
/// Use a tag with this notification.
/// In many cases, it is desired to send additional information to the listener of the [`Event`]. For instance,
/// it is possible to optimize a `Mutex` implementation by locking directly on the next listener, without
/// needing to ever unlock the mutex at all.
/// The tag provided is cloned to provide the tag for all listeners. In cases where this is not flexible
/// enough, use [`IntoNotification::with_tag()`] instead.
/// Tagging functions cannot be implemented efficiently for `no_std`, so this is only available
/// when the `std` feature is enabled.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use event_listener::{prelude::*, Event};
/// let event = Event::<bool>::with_tag();
/// let mut listener1 = event.listen();
/// let mut listener2 = event.listen();
/// // Notify with `true` then `false`.
/// event.notify(1.additional().tag(true));
/// event.notify(1.additional().tag(false));
/// assert_eq!(listener1.wait(), true);
/// assert_eq!(listener2.wait(), false);
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn tag<T: Clone>(self, tag: T) -> Tag<Self::Notify, T>
Self: Sized + IntoNotification<Tag = ()>,
Tag::new(tag, self.into_notification())
/// Use a function to generate a tag with this notification.
/// In many cases, it is desired to send additional information to the listener of the [`Event`]. For instance,
/// it is possible to optimize a `Mutex` implementation by locking directly on the next listener, without
/// needing to ever unlock the mutex at all.
/// Tagging functions cannot be implemented efficiently for `no_std`, so this is only available
/// when the `std` feature is enabled.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use event_listener::{prelude::*, Event};
/// let event = Event::<bool>::with_tag();
/// let mut listener1 = event.listen();
/// let mut listener2 = event.listen();
/// // Notify with `true` then `false`.
/// event.notify(1.additional().tag_with(|| true));
/// event.notify(1.additional().tag_with(|| false));
/// assert_eq!(listener1.wait(), true);
/// assert_eq!(listener2.wait(), false);
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn tag_with<T, F>(self, tag: F) -> TagWith<Self::Notify, F>
Self: Sized + IntoNotification<Tag = ()>,
F: FnMut() -> T,
TagWith::new(tag, self.into_notification())
impl<N: Notification> IntoNotification for N {
type Tag = N::Tag;
type Notify = N;
fn into_notification(self) -> Self::Notify {
macro_rules! impl_for_numeric_types {
($($ty:ty)*) => {$(
impl IntoNotification for $ty {
type Tag = ();
type Notify = Notify;
fn into_notification(self) -> Self::Notify {
if self < 0 {
panic!("negative notification count");
impl __private::Sealed for $ty {}
impl_for_numeric_types! { usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// Equivalent to `atomic::fence(Ordering::SeqCst)`, but in some cases faster.
pub(super) fn full_fence() {
#[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"), not(miri), not(loom)))]
use core::{arch::asm, cell::UnsafeCell};
// HACK(stjepang): On x86 architectures there are two different ways of executing
// a `SeqCst` fence.
// 1. `atomic::fence(SeqCst)`, which compiles into a `mfence` instruction.
// 2. A `lock <op>` instruction.
// Both instructions have the effect of a full barrier, but empirical benchmarks have shown
// that the second one is sometimes a bit faster.
let a = UnsafeCell::new(0_usize);
// It is common to use `lock or` here, but when using a local variable, `lock not`, which
// does not change the flag, should be slightly more efficient.
// Refs: https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/not
unsafe {
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
asm!("lock not qword ptr [{0}]", in(reg) a.get(), options(nostack, preserves_flags));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
asm!("lock not dword ptr [{0:e}]", in(reg) a.get(), options(nostack, preserves_flags));
mod __private {
/// Make sure the NotificationPrivate trait can't be implemented outside of this crate.
pub struct Internal(());
impl Internal {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
pub trait Sealed {}
impl<N: super::NotificationPrivate + ?Sized> Sealed for N {}