
398 lines
11 KiB

//! libstd-based implementation of `event-listener`.
//! This implementation crates an intrusive linked list of listeners.
use crate::notify::{GenericNotify, Internal, Notification};
use crate::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use crate::sync::cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell};
use crate::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard};
use crate::{RegisterResult, State, TaskRef};
use core::marker::PhantomPinned;
use core::mem;
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
pub(super) struct List<T>(Mutex<Inner<T>>);
struct Inner<T> {
/// The head of the linked list.
head: Option<NonNull<Link<T>>>,
/// The tail of the linked list.
tail: Option<NonNull<Link<T>>>,
/// The first unnotified listener.
next: Option<NonNull<Link<T>>>,
/// Total number of listeners.
len: usize,
/// The number of notified listeners.
notified: usize,
impl<T> List<T> {
/// Create a new, empty event listener list.
pub(super) fn new() -> Self {
Self(Mutex::new(Inner {
head: None,
tail: None,
next: None,
len: 0,
notified: 0,
/// Get the total number of listeners without blocking.
pub(crate) fn try_total_listeners(&self) -> Option<usize> {
self.0.try_lock().ok().map(|list| list.len)
/// Get the total number of listeners with blocking.
pub(crate) fn total_listeners(&self) -> usize {
self.0.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()).len
impl<T> crate::Inner<T> {
fn lock(&self) -> ListLock<'_, '_, T> {
ListLock {
inner: self,
lock: self.list.0.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()),
/// Whether or not this number of listeners would lead to a notification.
pub(crate) fn needs_notification(&self, limit: usize) -> bool {
self.notified.load(Ordering::Acquire) < limit
/// Add a new listener to the list.
pub(crate) fn insert(&self, mut listener: Pin<&mut Option<Listener<T>>>) {
let mut inner = self.lock();
listener.as_mut().set(Some(Listener {
link: UnsafeCell::new(Link {
state: Cell::new(State::Created),
prev: Cell::new(inner.tail),
next: Cell::new(None),
_pin: PhantomPinned,
let listener = listener.as_pin_mut().unwrap();
let entry_guard = listener.link.get();
// SAFETY: We are locked, so we can access the inner `link`.
let entry = unsafe { entry_guard.deref() };
// Replace the tail with the new entry.
match mem::replace(&mut inner.tail, Some(entry.into())) {
None => inner.head = Some(entry.into()),
Some(t) => unsafe { t.as_ref().next.set(Some(entry.into())) },
// If there are no unnotified entries, this is the first one.
if inner.next.is_none() {
inner.next = inner.tail;
// Bump the entry count.
inner.len += 1;
/// Remove a listener from the list.
pub(crate) fn remove(
listener: Pin<&mut Option<Listener<T>>>,
propagate: bool,
) -> Option<State<T>> {
self.lock().remove(listener, propagate)
/// Notifies a number of entries.
pub(crate) fn notify(&self, notify: impl Notification<Tag = T>) -> usize {
/// Register a task to be notified when the event is triggered.
/// Returns `true` if the listener was already notified, and `false` otherwise. If the listener
/// isn't inserted, returns `None`.
pub(crate) fn register(
mut listener: Pin<&mut Option<Listener<T>>>,
task: TaskRef<'_>,
) -> RegisterResult<T> {
let mut inner = self.lock();
let entry_guard = match listener.as_mut().as_pin_mut() {
Some(listener) => listener.link.get(),
None => return RegisterResult::NeverInserted,
// SAFETY: We are locked, so we can access the inner `link`.
let entry = unsafe { entry_guard.deref() };
// Take out the state and check it.
match entry.state.replace(State::NotifiedTaken) {
State::Notified { tag, .. } => {
// We have been notified, remove the listener.
inner.remove(listener, false);
State::Task(other_task) => {
// Only replace the task if it's different.
if !task.will_wake(other_task.as_task_ref()) {
} else {
_ => {
// We have not been notified, register the task.
impl<T> Inner<T> {
fn remove(
&mut self,
mut listener: Pin<&mut Option<Listener<T>>>,
propagate: bool,
) -> Option<State<T>> {
let entry_guard = listener.as_mut().as_pin_mut()?.link.get();
let entry = unsafe { entry_guard.deref() };
let prev = entry.prev.get();
let next = entry.next.get();
// Unlink from the previous entry.
match prev {
None => self.head = next,
Some(p) => unsafe {
// Unlink from the next entry.
match next {
None => self.tail = prev,
Some(n) => unsafe {
// If this was the first unnotified entry, update the next pointer.
if self.next == Some(entry.into()) {
self.next = next;
// The entry is now fully unlinked, so we can now take it out safely.
let entry = unsafe {
// This State::Created is immediately dropped and exists as a workaround for the absence of
// loom::cell::Cell::into_inner. The intent is `let mut state = entry.state.into_inner();`
// refs: https://github.com/tokio-rs/loom/pull/341
let mut state = entry.state.replace(State::Created);
// Update the notified count.
if state.is_notified() {
self.notified -= 1;
if propagate {
let state = mem::replace(&mut state, State::NotifiedTaken);
if let State::Notified { additional, tag } = state {
let tags = {
let mut tag = Some(tag);
move || tag.take().expect("tag already taken")
self.notify(GenericNotify::new(1, additional, tags));
self.len -= 1;
fn notify(&mut self, mut notify: impl Notification<Tag = T>) -> usize {
let mut n = notify.count(Internal::new());
let is_additional = notify.is_additional(Internal::new());
if !is_additional {
if n < self.notified {
return 0;
n -= self.notified;
let original_count = n;
while n > 0 {
n -= 1;
// Notify the next entry.
match self.next {
None => return original_count - n - 1,
Some(e) => {
// Get the entry and move the pointer forwards.
let entry = unsafe { e.as_ref() };
self.next = entry.next.get();
// Set the state to `Notified` and notify.
let tag = notify.next_tag(Internal::new());
if let State::Task(task) = entry.state.replace(State::Notified {
additional: is_additional,
}) {
// Bump the notified count.
self.notified += 1;
original_count - n
struct ListLock<'a, 'b, T> {
lock: MutexGuard<'a, Inner<T>>,
inner: &'b crate::Inner<T>,
impl<T> Deref for ListLock<'_, '_, T> {
type Target = Inner<T>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T> DerefMut for ListLock<'_, '_, T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.lock
impl<T> Drop for ListLock<'_, '_, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let list = &mut **self;
// Update the notified count.
let notified = if list.notified < list.len {
} else {
self.inner.notified.store(notified, Ordering::Release);
pub(crate) struct Listener<T> {
/// The inner link in the linked list.
/// # Safety
/// This can only be accessed while the central mutex is locked.
link: UnsafeCell<Link<T>>,
/// This listener cannot be moved after being pinned.
_pin: PhantomPinned,
struct Link<T> {
/// The current state of the listener.
state: Cell<State<T>>,
/// The previous link in the linked list.
prev: Cell<Option<NonNull<Link<T>>>>,
/// The next link in the linked list.
next: Cell<Option<NonNull<Link<T>>>>,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use futures_lite::pin;
#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test as test;
macro_rules! make_listeners {
($($id:ident),*) => {
let $id = Option::<Listener<()>>::None;
fn insert() {
let inner = crate::Inner::new();
make_listeners!(listen1, listen2, listen3);
// Register the listeners.
assert_eq!(inner.lock().len, 3);
// Remove one.
assert_eq!(inner.remove(listen2, false), Some(State::Created));
assert_eq!(inner.lock().len, 2);
// Remove another.
assert_eq!(inner.remove(listen1, false), Some(State::Created));
assert_eq!(inner.lock().len, 1);
fn drop_non_notified() {
let inner = crate::Inner::new();
make_listeners!(listen1, listen2, listen3);
// Register the listeners.
// Notify one.
inner.notify(GenericNotify::new(1, false, || ()));
// Remove one.
inner.remove(listen3, true);
// Remove the rest.
inner.remove(listen1, true);
inner.remove(listen2, true);