Check if `epoll_create1` is implemented by its error code

If binary is statically linked to libc then `libc::dlsym`
will always return `NULL`. This is the case when a target
with musl is used.

To fix this we check if error code of `epoll_create1` is `ENOSYS`.
This commit is contained in:
oblique 2020-08-27 21:01:38 +03:00
parent 4fc3040bff
commit 62103c1ef0
1 changed files with 20 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -22,42 +22,30 @@ pub struct Poller {
impl Poller {
/// Creates a new poller.
pub fn new() -> io::Result<Poller> {
// According to libuv, `EPOLL_CLOEXEC` is not defined on Android API < 21.
// But `EPOLL_CLOEXEC` is an alias for `O_CLOEXEC` on that platform, so we use it instead.
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
const CLOEXEC: libc::c_int = libc::O_CLOEXEC;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))]
const CLOEXEC: libc::c_int = libc::EPOLL_CLOEXEC;
// Create an epoll instance.
let epoll_fd = unsafe {
// Check if the `epoll_create1` symbol is available on this platform.
let ptr = libc::dlsym(
"epoll_create1\0".as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
// Use `epoll_create1` with `EPOLL_CLOEXEC`.
let epoll_fd = syscall!(syscall(
libc::EPOLL_CLOEXEC as libc::c_int
.map(|fd| fd as libc::c_int)
.or_else(|e| {
match e.raw_os_error() {
Some(libc::ENOSYS) => {
// If `epoll_create1` is not implemented, use `epoll_create`
// and manually set `FD_CLOEXEC`.
let fd = syscall!(epoll_create(1024))?;
if ptr.is_null() {
// If not, use `epoll_create` and manually set `CLOEXEC`.
let fd = match libc::epoll_create(1024) {
-1 => return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()),
fd => fd,
let flags = libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_GETFD);
libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_SETFD, flags | libc::FD_CLOEXEC);
} else {
// Use `epoll_create1` with `CLOEXEC`.
let epoll_create1 = std::mem::transmute::<
*mut libc::c_void,
unsafe extern "C" fn(libc::c_int) -> libc::c_int,
match epoll_create1(CLOEXEC) {
-1 => return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()),
fd => fd,
if let Ok(flags) = syscall!(fcntl(fd, libc::F_GETFD)) {
let _ = syscall!(fcntl(fd, libc::F_SETFD, flags | libc::FD_CLOEXEC));
_ => Err(e),
// Set up eventfd and timerfd.
let event_fd = syscall!(eventfd(0, libc::EFD_CLOEXEC | libc::EFD_NONBLOCK))?;