
1337 lines
42 KiB

//! Bindings to Windows I/O Completion Ports.
//! I/O Completion Ports is a completion-based API rather than a polling-based API, like
//! epoll or kqueue. Therefore, we have to adapt the IOCP API to the crate's API.
//! WinSock is powered by the Auxillary Function Driver (AFD) subsystem, which can be
//! accessed directly by using unstable `ntdll` functions. AFD exposes features that are not
//! available through the normal WinSock interface, such as IOCTL_AFD_POLL. This function is
//! similar to the exposed `WSAPoll` method. However, once the targeted socket is "ready",
//! a completion packet is queued to an I/O completion port.
//! We take advantage of IOCTL_AFD_POLL to "translate" this crate's polling-based API
//! to the one Windows expects. When a device is added to the `Poller`, an IOCTL_AFD_POLL
//! operation is started and queued to the IOCP. To modify a currently registered device
//! (e.g. with `modify()` or `delete()`), the ongoing POLL is cancelled and then restarted
//! with new parameters. Whn the POLL eventually completes, the packet is posted to the IOCP.
//! From here it's a simple matter of using `GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx` to read the packets
//! from the IOCP and react accordingly. Notifying the poller is trivial, because we can
//! simply post a packet to the IOCP to wake it up.
//! The main disadvantage of this strategy is that it relies on unstable Windows APIs.
//! However, as `libuv` (the backing I/O library for Node.JS) relies on the same unstable
//! AFD strategy, it is unlikely to be broken without plenty of advanced warning.
//! Previously, this crate used the `wepoll` library for polling. `wepoll` uses a similar
//! AFD-based strategy for polling.
mod afd;
mod port;
use afd::{base_socket, Afd, AfdPollInfo, AfdPollMask, HasAfdInfo, IoStatusBlock};
use port::{IoCompletionPort, OverlappedEntry};
use windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::{
use windows_sys::Win32::System::Threading::{
RegisterWaitForSingleObject, UnregisterWait, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION,
use crate::{Event, PollMode};
use concurrent_queue::ConcurrentQueue;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::marker::PhantomPinned;
use std::mem::{forget, MaybeUninit};
use std::os::windows::io::{
AsHandle, AsRawHandle, AsRawSocket, BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, RawHandle, RawSocket,
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard, RwLock, Weak};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
/// Macro to lock and ignore lock poisoning.
macro_rules! lock {
($lock_result:expr) => {{
$lock_result.unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner())
/// Interface to I/O completion ports.
pub(super) struct Poller {
/// The I/O completion port.
port: Arc<IoCompletionPort<Packet>>,
/// List of currently active AFD instances.
/// AFD acts as the actual source of the socket events. It's essentially running `WSAPoll` on
/// the sockets and then posting the events to the IOCP.
/// AFD instances can be keyed to an unlimited number of sockets. However, each AFD instance
/// polls their sockets linearly. Therefore, it is best to limit the number of sockets each AFD
/// instance is responsible for. The limit of 32 is chosen because that's what `wepoll` uses.
/// Weak references are kept here so that the AFD handle is automatically dropped when the last
/// associated socket is dropped.
afd: Mutex<Vec<Weak<Afd<Packet>>>>,
/// The state of the sources registered with this poller.
/// Each source is keyed by its raw socket ID.
sources: RwLock<HashMap<RawSocket, Packet>>,
/// The state of the waitable handles registered with this poller.
waitables: RwLock<HashMap<RawHandle, Packet>>,
/// Sockets with pending updates.
/// This list contains packets with sockets that need to have their AFD state adjusted by
/// calling the `update()` function on them. It's best to queue up packets as they need to
/// be updated and then run all of the updates before we start waiting on the IOCP, rather than
/// updating them as we come. If we're waiting on the IOCP updates should be run immediately.
pending_updates: ConcurrentQueue<Packet>,
/// Are we currently polling?
/// This indicates whether or not we are blocking on the IOCP, and is used to determine
/// whether pending updates should be run immediately or queued.
polling: AtomicBool,
/// The packet used to notify the poller.
/// This is a special-case packet that is used to wake up the poller when it is waiting.
notifier: Packet,
unsafe impl Send for Poller {}
unsafe impl Sync for Poller {}
impl Poller {
/// Creates a new poller.
pub(super) fn new() -> io::Result<Self> {
// Make sure AFD is able to be used.
if let Err(e) = afd::NtdllImports::force_load() {
return Err(crate::unsupported_error(format!(
"Failed to initialize unstable Windows functions: {}\nThis usually only happens for old Windows or Wine.",
// Create and destroy a single AFD to test if we support it.
Afd::<Packet>::new().map_err(|e| crate::unsupported_error(format!(
"Failed to initialize \\Device\\Afd: {}\nThis usually only happens for old Windows or Wine.",
let port = IoCompletionPort::new(0)?;
tracing::trace!(handle = ?port, "new");
Ok(Poller {
port: Arc::new(port),
afd: Mutex::new(vec![]),
sources: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
waitables: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
pending_updates: ConcurrentQueue::bounded(1024),
polling: AtomicBool::new(false),
notifier: Arc::pin(
PacketInner::Wakeup {
_pinned: PhantomPinned,
/// Whether this poller supports level-triggered events.
pub(super) fn supports_level(&self) -> bool {
/// Whether this poller supports edge-triggered events.
pub(super) fn supports_edge(&self) -> bool {
/// Add a new source to the poller.
/// # Safety
/// The socket must be a valid socket and must last until it is deleted.
pub(super) unsafe fn add(
socket: RawSocket,
interest: Event,
mode: PollMode,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let span = tracing::trace_span!(
handle = ?self.port,
sock = ?socket,
ev = ?interest,
let _enter = span.enter();
// We don't support edge-triggered events.
if matches!(mode, PollMode::Edge | PollMode::EdgeOneshot) {
return Err(io::Error::new(
"edge-triggered events are not supported",
// Create a new packet.
let socket_state = {
// Create a new socket state and assign an AFD handle to it.
let state = SocketState {
base_socket: base_socket(socket)?,
interest_error: true,
afd: self.afd_handle()?,
waiting_on_delete: false,
status: SocketStatus::Idle,
// We wrap this socket state in a Packet so the IOCP can use it.
Arc::pin(IoStatusBlock::from(PacketInner::Socket {
packet: UnsafeCell::new(AfdPollInfo::default()),
socket: Mutex::new(state),
// Keep track of the source in the poller.
let mut sources = lock!(self.sources.write());
match sources.entry(socket) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
Entry::Occupied(_) => {
return Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists));
// Update the packet.
/// Update a source in the poller.
pub(super) fn modify(
socket: BorrowedSocket<'_>,
interest: Event,
mode: PollMode,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let span = tracing::trace_span!(
handle = ?self.port,
sock = ?socket,
ev = ?interest,
let _enter = span.enter();
// We don't support edge-triggered events.
if matches!(mode, PollMode::Edge | PollMode::EdgeOneshot) {
return Err(io::Error::new(
"edge-triggered events are not supported",
// Get a reference to the source.
let source = {
let sources = lock!(self.sources.read());
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound))?
// Set the new event.
if source.as_ref().set_events(interest, mode) {
// The packet needs to be updated.
/// Delete a source from the poller.
pub(super) fn delete(&self, socket: BorrowedSocket<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
let span = tracing::trace_span!(
handle = ?self.port,
sock = ?socket,
let _enter = span.enter();
// Remove the source from our associative map.
let source = {
let mut sources = lock!(self.sources.write());
match sources.remove(&socket.as_raw_socket()) {
Some(s) => s,
None => {
// If the source has already been removed, then we can just return.
return Ok(());
// Indicate to the source that it is being deleted.
// This cancels any ongoing AFD_IOCTL_POLL operations.
/// Add a new waitable to the poller.
pub(super) fn add_waitable(
handle: RawHandle,
interest: Event,
mode: PollMode,
) -> io::Result<()> {
"add_waitable: handle={:?}, waitable={:p}, ev={:?}",
// We don't support edge-triggered events.
if matches!(mode, PollMode::Edge | PollMode::EdgeOneshot) {
return Err(io::Error::new(
"edge-triggered events are not supported",
// Create a new packet.
let handle_state = {
let state = WaitableState {
port: Arc::downgrade(&self.port),
status: WaitableStatus::Idle,
Arc::pin(IoStatusBlock::from(PacketInner::Waitable {
handle: Mutex::new(state),
// Keep track of the source in the poller.
let mut sources = lock!(self.waitables.write());
match sources.entry(handle) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
Entry::Occupied(_) => {
return Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists));
// Update the packet.
/// Update a waitable in the poller.
pub(crate) fn modify_waitable(
waitable: RawHandle,
interest: Event,
mode: PollMode,
) -> io::Result<()> {
"modify_waitable: handle={:?}, waitable={:p}, ev={:?}",
// We don't support edge-triggered events.
if matches!(mode, PollMode::Edge | PollMode::EdgeOneshot) {
return Err(io::Error::new(
"edge-triggered events are not supported",
// Get a reference to the source.
let source = {
let sources = lock!(self.waitables.read());
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound))?
// Set the new event.
if source.as_ref().set_events(interest, mode) {
/// Delete a waitable from the poller.
pub(super) fn remove_waitable(&self, waitable: RawHandle) -> io::Result<()> {
tracing::trace!("remove: handle={:?}, waitable={:p}", self.port, waitable);
// Get a reference to the source.
let source = {
let mut sources = lock!(self.waitables.write());
match sources.remove(&waitable) {
Some(s) => s,
None => {
// If the source has already been removed, then we can just return.
return Ok(());
// Indicate to the source that it is being deleted.
// This cancels any ongoing AFD_IOCTL_POLL operations.
/// Wait for events.
pub(super) fn wait(&self, events: &mut Events, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> io::Result<()> {
let span = tracing::trace_span!(
handle = ?self.port,
let _enter = span.enter();
// Make sure we have a consistent timeout.
let deadline = timeout.and_then(|timeout| Instant::now().checked_add(timeout));
let mut notified = false;
loop {
let mut new_events = 0;
// Indicate that we are now polling.
let was_polling = self.polling.swap(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
// Even if we panic, we want to make sure we indicate that polling has stopped.
let guard = CallOnDrop(|| {
let was_polling = self.polling.swap(false, Ordering::SeqCst);
// Process every entry in the queue before we start polling.
// Get the time to wait for.
let timeout = deadline.map(|t| t.saturating_duration_since(Instant::now()));
// Wait for I/O events.
let len = self.port.wait(&mut events.completions, timeout)?;
handle = ?self.port,
res = ?len,
"new events");
// We are no longer polling.
// Process all of the events.
for entry in events.completions.drain(..) {
let packet = entry.into_packet();
// Feed the event into the packet.
match packet.feed_event(self)? {
FeedEventResult::NoEvent => {}
FeedEventResult::Event(event) => {
new_events += 1;
FeedEventResult::Notified => {
notified = true;
// Break if there was a notification or at least one event, or if deadline is reached.
let timeout_is_empty =
timeout.map_or(false, |t| t.as_secs() == 0 && t.subsec_nanos() == 0);
if notified || new_events > 0 || timeout_is_empty {
tracing::trace!("wait: no events found, re-entering polling loop");
/// Notify this poller.
pub(super) fn notify(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
// Push the notify packet into the IOCP.
self.port.post(0, 0, self.notifier.clone())
/// Push an IOCP packet into the queue.
pub(super) fn post(&self, packet: CompletionPacket) -> io::Result<()> {
self.port.post(0, 0, packet.0)
/// Run an update on a packet.
fn update_packet(&self, mut packet: Packet) -> io::Result<()> {
loop {
// If we are currently polling, we need to update the packet immediately.
if self.polling.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
return Ok(());
// Try to queue the update.
match self.pending_updates.push(packet) {
Ok(()) => return Ok(()),
Err(p) => packet = p.into_inner(),
// If we failed to queue the update, we need to drain the queue first.
// Loop back and try again.
/// Drain the update queue.
fn drain_update_queue(&self, limit: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
// Determine how many packets to process.
let max = if limit {
// Only drain the queue's capacity, since this could in theory run forever.
} else {
// Less of a concern if we're draining the queue prior to a poll operation.
.try_for_each(|packet| packet.update())
/// Get a handle to the AFD reference.
/// This finds an AFD handle with less than 32 associated sockets, or creates a new one if
/// one does not exist.
fn afd_handle(&self) -> io::Result<Arc<Afd<Packet>>> {
const AFD_MAX_SIZE: usize = 32;
// Crawl the list and see if there are any existing AFD instances that we can use.
// While we're here, remove any unused AFD pointers.
let mut afd_handles = lock!(self.afd.lock());
let mut i = 0;
while i < afd_handles.len() {
// Get the reference count of the AFD instance.
let refcount = Weak::strong_count(&afd_handles[i]);
match refcount {
0 => {
// Prune the AFD pointer if it has no references.
refcount if refcount >= AFD_MAX_SIZE => {
// Skip this one, since it is already at the maximum size.
i += 1;
_ => {
// We can use this AFD instance.
match afd_handles[i].upgrade() {
Some(afd) => return Ok(afd),
None => {
// The last socket dropped the AFD before we could acquire it.
// Prune the AFD pointer and continue.
// No available handles, create a new AFD instance.
let afd = Arc::new(Afd::new()?);
// Register the AFD instance with the I/O completion port.
self.port.register(&*afd, true)?;
// Insert a weak pointer to the AFD instance into the list for other sockets.
impl AsRawHandle for Poller {
fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
impl AsHandle for Poller {
fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
/// The container for events.
pub(super) struct Events {
/// List of IOCP packets.
packets: Vec<Event>,
/// Buffer for completion packets.
completions: Vec<OverlappedEntry<Packet>>,
unsafe impl Send for Events {}
impl Events {
/// Creates an empty list of events.
pub fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Events {
Events {
packets: Vec::with_capacity(cap),
completions: Vec::with_capacity(cap),
/// Iterate over I/O events.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event> + '_ {
/// Clear the list of events.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
/// The capacity of the list of events.
pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
/// Extra information about an event.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct EventExtra {
/// Flags associated with this event.
flags: AfdPollMask,
impl EventExtra {
/// Create a new, empty version of this struct.
pub fn empty() -> EventExtra {
EventExtra {
flags: AfdPollMask::empty(),
/// Is this a HUP event?
pub fn is_hup(&self) -> bool {
/// Is this a PRI event?
pub fn is_pri(&self) -> bool {
/// Set up a listener for HUP events.
pub fn set_hup(&mut self, active: bool) {
self.flags.set(AfdPollMask::ABORT, active);
/// Set up a listener for PRI events.
pub fn set_pri(&mut self, active: bool) {
self.flags.set(AfdPollMask::RECEIVE_EXPEDITED, active);
/// A packet used to wake up the poller with an event.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CompletionPacket(Packet);
impl CompletionPacket {
/// Create a new completion packet with a custom event.
pub fn new(event: Event) -> Self {
Self(Arc::pin(IoStatusBlock::from(PacketInner::Custom { event })))
/// Get the event associated with this packet.
pub fn event(&self) -> &Event {
let data = self.0.as_ref().data().project_ref();
match data {
PacketInnerProj::Custom { event } => event,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// The type of our completion packet.
/// It needs to be pinned, since it contains data that is expected by IOCP not to be moved.
type Packet = Pin<Arc<PacketUnwrapped>>;
type PacketUnwrapped = IoStatusBlock<PacketInner>;
pin_project! {
/// The inner type of the packet.
#[project_ref = PacketInnerProj]
#[project = PacketInnerProjMut]
enum PacketInner {
// A packet for a socket.
Socket {
// The AFD packet state.
packet: UnsafeCell<AfdPollInfo>,
// The socket state.
socket: Mutex<SocketState>
/// A packet for a waitable handle.
Waitable {
handle: Mutex<WaitableState>
/// A custom event sent by the user.
Custom {
event: Event,
// A packet used to wake up the poller.
Wakeup { #[pin] _pinned: PhantomPinned },
unsafe impl Send for PacketInner {}
unsafe impl Sync for PacketInner {}
impl fmt::Debug for PacketInner {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Wakeup { .. } => f.write_str("Wakeup { .. }"),
Self::Custom { event } => f.debug_struct("Custom").field("event", event).finish(),
Self::Socket { socket, .. } => f
.field("packet", &"..")
.field("socket", socket)
Self::Waitable { handle } => {
f.debug_struct("Waitable").field("handle", handle).finish()
impl HasAfdInfo for PacketInner {
fn afd_info(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Pin<&UnsafeCell<AfdPollInfo>> {
match self.project_ref() {
PacketInnerProj::Socket { packet, .. } => packet,
_ => unreachable!(),
impl PacketUnwrapped {
/// Set the new events that this socket is waiting on.
/// Returns `true` if we need to be updated.
fn set_events(self: Pin<&Self>, interest: Event, mode: PollMode) -> bool {
match self.data().project_ref() {
PacketInnerProj::Socket { socket, .. } => {
let mut socket = lock!(socket.lock());
socket.interest = interest;
socket.mode = mode;
socket.interest_error = true;
// If there was a change, indicate that we need an update.
match socket.status {
SocketStatus::Polling { flags } => {
let our_flags = event_to_afd_mask(socket.interest, socket.interest_error);
our_flags != flags
_ => true,
PacketInnerProj::Waitable { handle } => {
let mut handle = lock!(handle.lock());
// Set the new interest.
handle.interest = interest;
handle.mode = mode;
// Update if there is no ongoing wait.
_ => true,
/// Update the socket and install the new status in AFD.
/// This function does one of the following:
/// - Nothing, if the packet is waiting on being dropped anyways.
/// - Cancels the ongoing poll, if we want to poll for different events than we are currently
/// polling for.
/// - Starts a new AFD_POLL operation, if we are not currently polling.
fn update(self: Pin<Arc<Self>>) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut socket = match self.as_ref().data().project_ref() {
PacketInnerProj::Socket { socket, .. } => lock!(socket.lock()),
PacketInnerProj::Waitable { handle } => {
let mut handle = lock!(handle.lock());
// If there is no interests, or if we have been cancelled, we don't need to update.
if !handle.interest.readable && !handle.interest.writable {
return Ok(());
// If we are idle, we need to update.
if !handle.status.is_idle() {
return Ok(());
// Start a new wait.
let packet = self.clone();
let wait_handle = WaitHandle::new(
move || {
let mut handle = match packet.as_ref().data().project_ref() {
PacketInnerProj::Waitable { handle } => lock!(handle.lock()),
_ => unreachable!(),
// Try to get the IOCP.
let iocp = match handle.port.upgrade() {
Some(iocp) => iocp,
None => return,
// Set us back into the idle state.
handle.status = WaitableStatus::Idle;
// Push this packet.
if let Err(e) = iocp.post(0, 0, packet) {
tracing::error!("failed to post completion packet: {}", e);
// Set the new status.
handle.status = WaitableStatus::Waiting(wait_handle);
return Ok(());
_ => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "invalid socket state")),
// If we are waiting on a delete, just return, dropping the packet.
if socket.waiting_on_delete {
return Ok(());
// Check the current status.
match socket.status {
SocketStatus::Polling { flags } => {
// If we need to poll for events aside from what we are currently polling, we need
// to update the packet. Cancel the ongoing poll.
let our_flags = event_to_afd_mask(socket.interest, socket.interest_error);
if our_flags != flags {
return self.cancel(socket);
// All events that we are currently waiting on are accounted for.
SocketStatus::Cancelled => {
// The ongoing operation was cancelled, and we're still waiting for it to return.
// For now, wait until the top-level loop calls feed_event().
SocketStatus::Idle => {
// Start a new poll.
let mask = event_to_afd_mask(socket.interest, socket.interest_error);
let result = socket.afd.poll(self.clone(), socket.base_socket, mask);
match result {
Ok(()) => {}
if err.raw_os_error() == Some(ERROR_IO_PENDING as i32)
|| err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock =>
// The operation is pending.
Err(err) if err.raw_os_error() == Some(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE as i32) => {
// The socket was closed. We need to delete it.
// This should happen after we drop it here.
Err(err) => return Err(err),
// We are now polling for the current events.
socket.status = SocketStatus::Polling { flags: mask };
/// This socket state was notified; see if we need to update it.
/// This indicates that this packet was indicated as "ready" by the IOCP and needs to be
/// processed.
fn feed_event(self: Pin<Arc<Self>>, poller: &Poller) -> io::Result<FeedEventResult> {
let inner = self.as_ref().data().project_ref();
let (afd_info, socket) = match inner {
PacketInnerProj::Socket { packet, socket } => (packet, socket),
PacketInnerProj::Custom { event } => {
// This is a custom event.
return Ok(FeedEventResult::Event(*event));
PacketInnerProj::Wakeup { .. } => {
// The poller was notified.
return Ok(FeedEventResult::Notified);
PacketInnerProj::Waitable { handle } => {
let mut handle = lock!(handle.lock());
let event = handle.interest;
// Clear the events if we are in one-shot mode.
if matches!(handle.mode, PollMode::Oneshot) {
handle.interest = Event::none(handle.interest.key);
// Submit for an update.
return Ok(FeedEventResult::Event(event));
let mut socket_state = lock!(socket.lock());
let mut event = Event::none(socket_state.interest.key);
// Put ourselves into the idle state.
socket_state.status = SocketStatus::Idle;
// If we are waiting to be deleted, just return and let the drop handler do their thing.
if socket_state.waiting_on_delete {
return Ok(FeedEventResult::NoEvent);
unsafe {
// SAFETY: The packet is not in transit.
let iosb = &mut *self.as_ref().iosb().get();
// Check the status.
match iosb.Anonymous.Status {
// Poll request was cancelled.
status if status < 0 => {
// There was an error, so we signal both ends.
event.readable = true;
event.writable = true;
_ => {
// Check in on the AFD data.
let afd_data = &*afd_info.get();
// There was at least one event.
if afd_data.handle_count() >= 1 {
let events = afd_data.events();
// If we closed the socket, remove it from being polled.
if events.intersects(AfdPollMask::LOCAL_CLOSE) {
let source = lock!(poller.sources.write())
return source.begin_delete().map(|()| FeedEventResult::NoEvent);
// Report socket-related events.
let (readable, writable) = afd_mask_to_event(events);
event.readable = readable;
event.writable = writable;
event.extra.flags = events;
// Filter out events that the user didn't ask for.
event.readable &= socket_state.interest.readable;
event.writable &= socket_state.interest.writable;
// If this event doesn't have anything that interests us, don't return or
// update the oneshot state.
let return_value = if event.readable
|| event.writable
|| event
// If we are in oneshot mode, remove the interest.
if matches!(socket_state.mode, PollMode::Oneshot) {
socket_state.interest = Event::none(socket_state.interest.key);
socket_state.interest_error = false;
} else {
// Put ourselves in the update queue.
// Return the event.
/// Begin deleting this socket.
fn begin_delete(self: Pin<Arc<Self>>) -> io::Result<()> {
// If we aren't already being deleted, start deleting.
let mut socket = match self.as_ref().data().project_ref() {
PacketInnerProj::Socket { socket, .. } => lock!(socket.lock()),
PacketInnerProj::Waitable { handle } => {
let mut handle = lock!(handle.lock());
// Set the status to be cancelled. This drops the wait handle and prevents
// any further updates.
handle.status = WaitableStatus::Cancelled;
return Ok(());
_ => panic!("can't delete packet that doesn't belong to a socket"),
if !socket.waiting_on_delete {
socket.waiting_on_delete = true;
if matches!(socket.status, SocketStatus::Polling { .. }) {
// Cancel the ongoing poll.
// Either drop it now or wait for it to be dropped later.
fn cancel(self: &Pin<Arc<Self>>, mut socket: MutexGuard<'_, SocketState>) -> io::Result<()> {
assert!(matches!(socket.status, SocketStatus::Polling { .. }));
// Send the cancel request.
unsafe {
// Move state to cancelled.
socket.status = SocketStatus::Cancelled;
/// Per-socket state.
struct SocketState {
/// The raw socket handle.
socket: RawSocket,
/// The base socket handle.
base_socket: RawSocket,
/// The event that this socket is currently waiting on.
interest: Event,
/// Whether to listen for error events.
interest_error: bool,
/// The current poll mode.
mode: PollMode,
/// The AFD instance that this socket is registered with.
afd: Arc<Afd<Packet>>,
/// Whether this socket is waiting to be deleted.
waiting_on_delete: bool,
/// The current status of the socket.
status: SocketStatus,
/// The mode that a socket can be in.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum SocketStatus {
/// We are currently not polling.
/// We are currently polling these events.
Polling {
/// The flags we are currently polling for.
flags: AfdPollMask,
/// The last poll operation was cancelled, and we're waiting for it to
/// complete.
/// Per-waitable handle state.
struct WaitableState {
/// The handle that this state is for.
handle: RawHandle,
/// The IO completion port that this handle is registered with.
port: Weak<IoCompletionPort<Packet>>,
/// The event that this handle will report.
interest: Event,
/// The current poll mode.
mode: PollMode,
/// The status of this waitable.
status: WaitableStatus,
enum WaitableStatus {
/// We are not polling.
/// We are waiting on this handle to become signaled.
/// This handle has been cancelled.
impl WaitableStatus {
fn is_idle(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, WaitableStatus::Idle)
/// The result of calling `feed_event`.
enum FeedEventResult {
/// No event was yielded.
/// An event was yielded.
/// The poller has been notified.
/// A handle for an ongoing wait operation.
struct WaitHandle(RawHandle);
impl Drop for WaitHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
UnregisterWait(self.0 as _);
impl WaitHandle {
/// Wait for a waitable handle to become signaled.
fn new<F>(
handle: RawHandle,
callback: F,
timeout: Option<Duration>,
long_wait: bool,
) -> io::Result<Self>
F: FnOnce() + Send + Sync + 'static,
// Make sure a panic in the callback doesn't propagate to the OS.
struct AbortOnDrop;
impl Drop for AbortOnDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe extern "system" fn wait_callback<F: FnOnce() + Send + Sync + 'static>(
context: *mut c_void,
_timer_fired: BOOLEAN,
) {
let _guard = AbortOnDrop;
let callback = Box::from_raw(context as *mut F);
// We executed without panicking, so don't abort.
let mut wait_handle = MaybeUninit::<RawHandle>::uninit();
let mut flags = WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE;
if long_wait {
let res = unsafe {
handle as _,
Box::into_raw(Box::new(callback)) as _,
timeout.map_or(INFINITE, dur2timeout),
if res == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
let wait_handle = unsafe { wait_handle.assume_init() };
/// Translate an event to the mask expected by AFD.
fn event_to_afd_mask(event: Event, error: bool) -> afd::AfdPollMask {
event_properties_to_afd_mask(event.readable, event.writable, error) | event.extra.flags
/// Translate an event to the mask expected by AFD.
fn event_properties_to_afd_mask(readable: bool, writable: bool, error: bool) -> afd::AfdPollMask {
use afd::AfdPollMask as AfdPoll;
let mut mask = AfdPoll::empty();
if error || readable || writable {
mask |= AfdPoll::ABORT | AfdPoll::CONNECT_FAIL;
if readable {
mask |=
if writable {
mask |= AfdPoll::SEND;
/// Convert the mask reported by AFD to an event.
fn afd_mask_to_event(mask: afd::AfdPollMask) -> (bool, bool) {
use afd::AfdPollMask as AfdPoll;
let mut readable = false;
let mut writable = false;
if mask.intersects(
) {
readable = true;
if mask.intersects(AfdPoll::SEND) {
writable = true;
if mask.intersects(AfdPoll::ABORT | AfdPoll::CONNECT_FAIL) {
readable = true;
writable = true;
(readable, writable)
// Implementation taken from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/db5476571d9b27c862b95c1e64764b0ac8980e23/src/libstd/sys/windows/mod.rs
fn dur2timeout(dur: Duration) -> u32 {
// Note that a duration is a (u64, u32) (seconds, nanoseconds) pair, and the
// timeouts in windows APIs are typically u32 milliseconds. To translate, we
// have two pieces to take care of:
// * Nanosecond precision is rounded up
// * Greater than u32::MAX milliseconds (50 days) is rounded up to INFINITE
// (never time out).
.and_then(|ms| ms.checked_add((dur.subsec_nanos() as u64) / 1_000_000))
.and_then(|ms| {
if dur.subsec_nanos() % 1_000_000 > 0 {
} else {
.and_then(|x| u32::try_from(x).ok())
struct CallOnDrop<F: FnMut()>(F);
impl<F: FnMut()> Drop for CallOnDrop<F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {