//! Uses the `uds_windows` crate to simulate Unix sockets on Windows. //! //! Run with: //! //! ``` //! cargo run --example windows-uds //! ``` #[cfg(windows)] fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { use std::ops::Deref; use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawSocket, AsSocket, BorrowedSocket}; use std::path::PathBuf; use smol::{future, prelude::*, Async, Unblock}; use std::io; use tempfile::tempdir; // n.b.: notgull: uds_windows does not support I/O safety yet, hence the wrapper types struct UnixListener(uds_windows::UnixListener); impl From for UnixListener { fn from(ul: uds_windows::UnixListener) -> Self { Self(ul) } } impl Deref for UnixListener { type Target = uds_windows::UnixListener; fn deref(&self) -> &uds_windows::UnixListener { &self.0 } } impl AsSocket for UnixListener { fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> { unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) } } } struct UnixStream(uds_windows::UnixStream); impl From for UnixStream { fn from(ul: uds_windows::UnixStream) -> Self { Self(ul) } } impl Deref for UnixStream { type Target = uds_windows::UnixStream; fn deref(&self) -> &uds_windows::UnixStream { &self.0 } } impl AsSocket for UnixStream { fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> { unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) } } } impl io::Read for UnixStream { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { io::Read::read(&mut self.0, buf) } } impl io::Write for UnixStream { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { io::Write::write(&mut self.0, buf) } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { io::Write::flush(&mut self.0) } } unsafe impl async_io::IoSafe for UnixStream {} async fn client(addr: PathBuf) -> io::Result<()> { // Connect to the address. let stream = Async::new(UnixStream::from(uds_windows::UnixStream::connect(addr)?))?; println!("Connected to {:?}", stream.get_ref().peer_addr()?); // Pipe the stream to stdout. let mut stdout = Unblock::new(std::io::stdout()); futures_lite::io::copy(stream, &mut stdout).await?; Ok(()) } let dir = tempdir()?; let path = dir.path().join("socket"); future::block_on(async { // Create a listener. let listener = Async::new(UnixListener::from(uds_windows::UnixListener::bind(&path)?))?; println!("Listening on {:?}", listener.get_ref().local_addr()?); future::try_zip( async { // Accept the client. let (stream, _) = listener.read_with(|l| l.accept()).await?; println!("Accepted a client"); // Send a message, drop the stream, and wait for the client. Async::new(UnixStream::from(stream))? .write_all(b"Hello!\n") .await?; Ok(()) }, client(path), ) .await?; Ok(()) }) } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn main() { println!("This example works only on Windows!"); }