//! Async I/O. use std::future::Future; use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs, UdpSocket}; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; #[cfg(unix)] use std::{ os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd}, os::unix::net::{SocketAddr as UnixSocketAddr, UnixDatagram, UnixListener, UnixStream}, path::Path, }; #[cfg(windows)] use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawSocket, FromRawSocket, RawSocket}; use futures::future; use futures::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}; use futures::stream::{self, Stream}; use socket2::{Domain, Protocol, Socket, Type}; use crate::reactor::{Reactor, Source}; use crate::task::Task; /// Async I/O. /// /// TODO /// TODO: suggest using Shared to split /// TODO: suggest using Lock if Async is not splittable #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Async { /// A source registered in the reactor. source: Arc, /// The inner I/O handle. io: Option>, } #[cfg(unix)] impl Async { /// Converts a non-blocking I/O handle into an async I/O handle. /// /// TODO: explain AsRawFd and AsRawSocket /// TODO: **warning** for unix users: the I/O handle must be compatible with epoll/kqueue! /// Most notably, `File`, `Stdin`, `Stdout`, `Stderr` will **not** work. pub fn new(io: T) -> io::Result> { Ok(Async { source: Reactor::get().insert_io(io.as_raw_fd())?, io: Some(Box::new(io)), }) } } #[cfg(unix)] impl AsRawFd for Async { fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd { self.source.raw } } #[cfg(windows)] impl Async { /// Converts a non-blocking I/O handle into an async I/O handle. /// /// TODO pub fn new(io: T) -> io::Result> { Ok(Async { source: Reactor::get().insert_io(io.as_raw_socket())?, io: Some(Box::new(io)), }) } } #[cfg(windows)] impl AsRawSocket for Async { fn as_raw_socket(&self) -> RawSocket { self.source.raw } } impl Async { /// Gets a reference to the inner I/O handle. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("")?; /// let inner = listener.get_ref(); /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &T { self.io.as_ref().unwrap() } /// Gets a mutable reference to the inner I/O handle. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let mut listener = Async::::bind("")?; /// let inner = listener.get_mut(); /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { self.io.as_mut().unwrap() } /// Unwraps the inner non-blocking I/O handle. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("")?; /// let inner = listener.into_inner()?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn into_inner(mut self) -> io::Result { let io = *self.io.take().unwrap(); Reactor::get().remove_io(&self.source)?; Ok(io) } /// TODO pub async fn with(&self, op: impl FnMut(&T) -> io::Result) -> io::Result { let mut op = op; let mut io = self.io.as_ref().unwrap(); let source = &self.source; future::poll_fn(|cx| source.poll_io(cx, || op(&mut io))).await } /// TODO pub async fn with_mut(&mut self, op: impl FnMut(&mut T) -> io::Result) -> io::Result { let mut op = op; let mut io = self.io.as_mut().unwrap(); let source = &self.source; future::poll_fn(|cx| source.poll_io(cx, || op(&mut io))).await } } impl Drop for Async { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.io.is_some() { // Deregister and ignore errors because destructors should not panic. let _ = Reactor::get().remove_io(&self.source); // Drop the I/O handle to close it. self.io.take(); } } } /// Pins a future and then polls it. fn poll_future(cx: &mut Context<'_>, fut: impl Future) -> Poll { futures::pin_mut!(fut); fut.poll(cx) } impl AsyncRead for Async { fn poll_read( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut [u8], ) -> Poll> { poll_future(cx, self.with_mut(|io| io.read(buf))) } } impl AsyncRead for &Async where for<'a> &'a T: Read, { fn poll_read( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut [u8], ) -> Poll> { poll_future(cx, self.with(|io| (&*io).read(buf))) } } impl AsyncWrite for Async { fn poll_write( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8], ) -> Poll> { poll_future(cx, self.with_mut(|io| io.write(buf))) } fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { poll_future(cx, self.with_mut(|io| io.flush())) } fn poll_close(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { self.poll_flush(cx) } } impl AsyncWrite for &Async where for<'a> &'a T: Write, { fn poll_write( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8], ) -> Poll> { poll_future(cx, self.with(|io| (&*io).write(buf))) } fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { poll_future(cx, self.with(|io| (&*io).flush())) } fn poll_close(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { self.poll_flush(cx) } } impl Async { /// Creates a TCP listener bound to the specified address. /// /// Binding with port number 0 will request an available port from the OS. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("")?; /// println!("Listening on {}", listener.get_ref().local_addr()?); /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn bind(addr: A) -> io::Result> { let addr = addr .to_string() .parse::() .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?; Ok(Async::new(TcpListener::bind(addr)?)?) } /// Accepts a new incoming TCP connection. /// /// When a connection is established, it will be returned as a TCP stream together with its /// remote address. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("")?; /// let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().await?; /// println!("Accepted client: {}", addr); /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn accept(&self) -> io::Result<(Async, SocketAddr)> { let (stream, addr) = self.with(|io| io.accept()).await?; Ok((Async::new(stream)?, addr)) } /// Returns a stream of incoming TCP connections. /// /// The stream is infinite, i.e. it never stops with a [`None`] item. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use futures::prelude::*; /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("")?; /// let mut incoming = listener.incoming(); /// /// while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await { /// let stream = stream?; /// println!("Accepted client: {}", stream.get_ref().peer_addr()?); /// } /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn incoming(&self) -> impl Stream>> + Send + Unpin + '_ { Box::pin(stream::unfold(self, |listener| async move { let res = listener.accept().await.map(|(stream, _)| stream); Some((res, listener)) })) } } impl Async { /// Creates a TCP connection to the specified address. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpStream; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let stream = Async::::connect("example.com:80").await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn connect(addr: A) -> io::Result> { let addr = addr.to_string(); let addr = Task::blocking(async move { addr.to_socket_addrs()?.next().ok_or_else(|| { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "could not resolve the address") }) }) .await?; // Create a socket. let domain = if addr.is_ipv6() { Domain::ipv6() } else { Domain::ipv4() }; let socket = Socket::new(domain, Type::stream(), Some(Protocol::tcp()))?; // Begin async connect and ignore the inevitable "not yet connected" error. socket.set_nonblocking(true)?; let _ = socket.connect(&addr.into()); let stream = Async::new(socket.into_tcp_stream())?; // Returns the peer address, or `WouldBlock` if not connected. let peer_addr = |stream: &TcpStream| match stream.peer_addr() { Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotConnected => { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock, "")) } res => res, }; // Wait until there is a peer address. stream.with(|io| peer_addr(io)).await?; Ok(stream) } /// Reads data from the stream without removing it from the buffer. /// /// Returns the number of bytes read. Successive calls of this method read the same data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::TcpStream; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let stream = Async::::connect("").await?; /// /// let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; /// let len = stream.peek(&mut buf).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn peek(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { self.with(|io| io.peek(buf)).await } } impl Async { /// Creates a UDP socket bound to the specified address. /// /// Binding with port number 0 will request an available port from the OS. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::UdpSocket; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("")?; /// println!("Bound to {}", socket.get_ref().local_addr()?); /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn bind(addr: A) -> io::Result> { let addr = addr .to_string() .parse::() .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?; Ok(Async::new(UdpSocket::bind(addr)?)?) } /// Receives a single datagram message. /// /// Returns the number of bytes read and the address the message came from. /// /// This method must be called with a valid byte slice of sufficient size to hold the message. /// If the message is too long to fit, excess bytes may get discarded. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::UdpSocket; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("")?; /// /// let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; /// let (len, addr) = socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn recv_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<(usize, SocketAddr)> { self.with(|io| io.recv_from(buf)).await } /// Receives a single datagram message without removing it from the queue. /// /// Returns the number of bytes read and the address the message came from. /// /// This method must be called with a valid byte slice of sufficient size to hold the message. /// If the message is too long to fit, excess bytes may get discarded. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::UdpSocket; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("")?; /// /// let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; /// let (len, addr) = socket.peek_from(&mut buf).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn peek_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<(usize, SocketAddr)> { self.with(|io| io.peek_from(buf)).await } /// Sends data to the specified address. /// /// Returns the number of bytes writen. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::UdpSocket; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("")?; /// /// let msg = b"hello"; /// let addr = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 8000); /// let len = socket.send_to(msg, addr).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn send_to>(&self, buf: &[u8], addr: A) -> io::Result { let addr = addr.into(); self.with(|io| io.send_to(buf, addr)).await } /// Receives a single datagram message from the connected peer. /// /// Returns the number of bytes read. /// /// This method must be called with a valid byte slice of sufficient size to hold the message. /// If the message is too long to fit, excess bytes may get discarded. /// /// The [`connect`][`UdpSocket::connect()`] method connects this socket to a remote address. /// This method will fail if the socket is not connected. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::UdpSocket; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("")?; /// socket.get_ref().connect("")?; /// /// let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; /// let len = socket.recv(&mut buf).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn recv(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { self.with(|io| io.recv(buf)).await } /// Receives a single datagram message from the connected peer without removing it from the /// queue. /// /// Returns the number of bytes read and the address the message came from. /// /// This method must be called with a valid byte slice of sufficient size to hold the message. /// If the message is too long to fit, excess bytes may get discarded. /// /// The [`connect`][`UdpSocket::connect()`] method connects this socket to a remote address. /// This method will fail if the socket is not connected. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::UdpSocket; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("")?; /// socket.get_ref().connect("")?; /// /// let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; /// let len = socket.peek(&mut buf).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn peek(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { self.with(|io| io.peek(buf)).await } /// Sends data to the connected peer. /// /// Returns the number of bytes written. /// /// The [`connect`][`UdpSocket::connect()`] method connects this socket to a remote address. /// This method will fail if the socket is not connected. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::net::UdpSocket; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("")?; /// socket.get_ref().connect("")?; /// /// let msg = b"hello"; /// let len = socket.send(msg).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn send(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.with(|io| io.send(buf)).await } } #[cfg(unix)] impl Async { /// Creates a UDS listener bound to the specified path. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("/tmp/socket")?; /// println!("Listening on {:?}", listener.get_ref().local_addr()?); /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn bind>(path: P) -> io::Result> { let path = path.as_ref().to_owned(); Ok(Async::new(UnixListener::bind(path)?)?) } /// Accepts a new incoming UDS stream connection. /// /// When a connection is established, it will be returned as a stream together with its remote /// address. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("/tmp/socket")?; /// let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().await?; /// println!("Accepted client: {:?}", addr); /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn accept(&self) -> io::Result<(Async, UnixSocketAddr)> { let (stream, addr) = self.with(|io| io.accept()).await?; Ok((Async::new(stream)?, addr)) } /// Returns a stream of incoming UDS connections. /// /// The stream is infinite, i.e. it never stops with a [`None`] item. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use futures::prelude::*; /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixListener; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let listener = Async::::bind("")?; /// let mut incoming = listener.incoming(); /// /// while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await { /// let stream = stream?; /// println!("Accepted client: {:?}", stream.get_ref().peer_addr()?); /// } /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn incoming( &self, ) -> impl Stream>> + Send + Unpin + '_ { Box::pin(stream::unfold(self, |listener| async move { let res = listener.accept().await.map(|(stream, _)| stream); Some((res, listener)) })) } } #[cfg(unix)] impl Async { /// Creates a UDS stream connected to the specified path. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let stream = Async::::connect("/tmp/socket").await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn connect>(path: P) -> io::Result> { // Create a socket. let socket = Socket::new(Domain::unix(), Type::stream(), None)?; // Begin async connect and ignore the inevitable "not yet connected" error. socket.set_nonblocking(true)?; let _ = socket.connect(&socket2::SockAddr::unix(path)?); let stream = Async::new(socket.into_unix_stream())?; // Returns the peer address, or `WouldBlock` if not connected. let peer_addr = |stream: &UnixStream| match stream.peer_addr() { Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotConnected => { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock, "")) } res => res, }; // Wait until there is a peer address. stream.with(|io| peer_addr(io)).await?; Ok(stream) } /// Creates an unnamed pair of connected UDS stream sockets. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let (stream1, stream2) = Async::::pair()?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn pair() -> io::Result<(Async, Async)> { let (stream1, stream2) = UnixStream::pair()?; Ok((Async::new(stream1)?, Async::new(stream2)?)) } } #[cfg(unix)] impl Async { /// Creates a UDS datagram socket bound to the specified path. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("/tmp/socket")?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn bind>(path: P) -> io::Result> { let path = path.as_ref().to_owned(); Ok(Async::new(UnixDatagram::bind(path)?)?) } /// Creates a UDS datagram socket not bound to any address. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::unbound()?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn unbound() -> io::Result> { Ok(Async::new(UnixDatagram::unbound()?)?) } /// Creates an unnamed pair of connected Unix datagram sockets. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let (socket1, socket2) = Async::::pair()?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub fn pair() -> io::Result<(Async, Async)> { let (socket1, socket2) = UnixDatagram::pair()?; Ok((Async::new(socket1)?, Async::new(socket2)?)) } /// Receives data from the socket. /// /// Returns the number of bytes read and the address the message came from. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("/tmp/socket")?; /// /// let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; /// let (len, addr) = socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn recv_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<(usize, UnixSocketAddr)> { self.with(|io| io.recv_from(buf)).await } /// Sends data to the specified address. /// /// Returns the number of bytes written. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::unbound()?; /// /// let msg = b"hello"; /// let addr = "/tmp/socket"; /// let len = socket.send_to(msg, addr).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn send_to>(&self, buf: &[u8], path: P) -> io::Result { self.with(|io| io.send_to(buf, &path)).await } /// Receives data from the connected peer. /// /// Returns the number of bytes read and the address the message came from. /// /// The [`connect`][`UnixDatagram::connect()`] method connects this socket to a remote address. /// This method will fail if the socket is not connected. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("/tmp/socket1")?; /// socket.get_ref().connect("/tmp/socket2")?; /// /// let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; /// let len = socket.recv(&mut buf).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn recv(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { self.with(|io| io.recv(buf)).await } /// Sends data to the connected peer. /// /// Returns the number of bytes written. /// /// The [`connect`][`UnixDatagram::connect()`] method connects this socket to a remote address. /// This method will fail if the socket is not connected. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use smol::Async; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// # smol::run(async { /// let socket = Async::::bind("/tmp/socket1")?; /// socket.get_ref().connect("/tmp/socket2")?; /// /// let msg = b"hello"; /// let len = socket.send(msg).await?; /// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) }); /// ``` pub async fn send(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.with(|io| io.send(buf)).await } }