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The nRF52 Development Kit is a board designed by Nordic Semiconductor to evaluate
the nRF52832 chip. This chip has an Arm Cortex-M4F core and an integrated multi-
protocol 2.4GHz radio. You can get it for most large distributors including:
- [Digikey (US)](
- [Digikey (CA)](
- [Farnell (UK/EU)](
# How to setup the Ada development environment for the Micro:Bit
You can use GNAT FSF arm-elf and GPRbuild releases from the Alire project,
download [here](
A public release of GNAT Studio is also available
## pyOCD programmer
The nRF52 DK comes with a Segger J-Link embedded
programming/debugging. You can use the J-Link tools to program the board.
A better option is a build of the
[DAPLink]( firmware implementing
protocol defined by ARM that can be written over the JLink firmware.
The binary and the instructions for programing the firmware over USB
can be found on the [DAPLink release
site]( by searching for `Nordic-nRF52-DK`
## Open one of example projects and build it
Start GNAT Programming studio (GPS) and open the micro:bit example project:
- [Buttons](buttons/)
- [Digital Output](digital_out/)
- [BLE beacon](BLE_beacon/)
Press F4 and then press Enter to build the project.
## Program the board
In the GPS toolbar, click on the "flash to board" button to program the
nRF52 DK.
After a few seconds, you should be able to interact with the example
application as specified in the project's file.