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== Getting Started
=== Compatibility
This plugin requires link::http://gradle.org[Gradle] 4.9 or better
=== Installing
[source, groovy]
buildscript {
repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies {
/* check jruby-gradle.org for the latest release */
classpath "com.github.jruby-gradle:jruby-gradle-jar-plugin:[1.1.4,2.0)"
apply plugin: 'com.github.jruby-gradle.jar'
==== Implicitly loaded plugins
Currently, the `jar` plugin only depends on the link:/base/[base] plugin of the
same version as the jar plugin and the `java-base` plugin included with your
version of Gradle.
== Tasks
=== JRubyJar
[source, gradle]
jrubyJar {
/* All methods and properties from `Jar` */
from 'app'
==== Types of jars
* <<library>>
* <<runnable>>
== Runnable Jars
[source, gradle]
jrubyJar {
// tell the plugin to pack a runnable jar
initScript runnable()
// Use the default bootstrap class (can be omitted)
// Make the JAR executable by supplying your own main class
mainClass 'my.own.main'
== Library Jars
A library jar isn't really much more than a container which includes the
configured gems and jar dependencies inside of the packaged `.jar` file.
[source, gradle]
jrubyJar {
// tell the plugin to pack a runnable jar (no bootstrap script)
initScript library()