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Azure tooling setup

This document is meant to outline how you can set up your local environment for hacking on the Azure tooling for the Jenkins project infrastructure.

All examples below for setting up Azure resources are done with the azure-cli.

Setting up Terraform

Terraform can be used via the AzureRM provider which comes built in with recent versions of Terraform.

In order to authenticate against Azure, you must create some Azure Active Directory and other related authentication and authorization objects.

Generate an authentication token

openssl rand -base64 24

This will be needed later, so dont lose it!

Creating an OAuth Application

az ad app create --display-name jenkins-terraform \
                    --homepage \
                    --identifier-uris \
                    --password $GENERATED_TOKEN

We can then retrieve the Applications ID via:

az ad app list -o tsv --query "[?displayName=='jenkins-terraform'].appId"`

Since permissions cannot be directly granted to an application, we must create a Service Principle associated with the application and grant permissions to that.

Creating a Service Principle

az ad sp create --id $(az ad app list -o tsv --query "[?displayName=='jenkins-terraform'].appId"`)

Once a Service Principle exists, we can grant the permissions on it:

az role assignment create --assignee \
                            --role Owner \
                            --scope /subscriptions/be53081d-a3a2-499c-b355-8f5c3d4126e5

Creating the variables file

Create .azure-terraform.json in the root directory of this repository containing:

    "prefix"          : "yourusername",
    "subscription_id" : "",
    "client_id"       : "",
    "client_secret"   : "",
    "tenant_id"       : ""

Where (assuming your subscription is named "Pay-As-You-Go"):

  • prefix is your username, or some unique token to avoid namespace collisions in Azure

  • subscription_id is the output of: az account list -o tsv --query "[?name=='Pay-As-You-Go'].id"

  • client_id is the output of: az ad app list -o tsv --query "[?displayName=='jenkins-terraform'].appId"

  • client_secret is the $GENERATED_TOKEN you created with openssl previously

  • tenant_id is the output of: az account list -o tsv --query "[?name=='Pay-As-You-Go'].tenantId"
