(04:25:26 PM) rtyler: kohsuke: so `blimpy ssh` is going to return immediately now?
(04:25:41 PM) kohsuke: yes, it fails if ssh fails
(04:26:09 PM) ***rtyler is a bit confused
(04:26:14 PM) rtyler: this seems like a big UX change then
(04:26:21 PM) ***rtyler should read more carefully
(04:27:13 PM) kohsuke: Yes, modifying a test case made me wonder if there's a better way to do it
(04:28:00 PM) kohsuke: (though in practice you wouldn't see any change as "blimpy provision" does wait for ssh to come online)
(04:28:13 PM) rtyler: but a `blimpy ssh` won't log me into the machine?
(04:28:51 PM) kohsuke: I think just reporting ">> Connecting: SHIPNAME..." if the first attempt fails would be sufficient
(04:29:25 PM) kohsuke: The "gotcha" that made me write that patch is that my first attempt to use blimpy failed miserably at "blimpy ssh"
(04:29:51 PM) kohsuke: because it was trying a wrong user name, and I couldn't Ctrl+C it because of another bug that since then I fixed
(04:30:11 PM) rtyler: with aws and openstack it connects multiple times, usually the machine isn't accepting ssh connections right away
(04:30:14 PM) rtyler: especially on a fresh image
(04:30:25 PM) kohsuke: yes, I understand why you wrote it the way you did the first place
(04:31:17 PM) rtyler: heh
(04:31:21 PM) rtyler: alright
(04:32:05 PM) kohsuke: Let me change it to ">> Connecting: user@SHIPNAME:port" with dots added over time,
(04:32:15 PM) kohsuke: and if it's killed by SIGINT I'll run ssh one last time but without -q
(04:32:22 PM) kohsuke: so you see the error message
(04:32:41 PM) kohsuke: does that sound OK to you?
(04:34:30 PM) rtyler: that does sound good

It turns out some mode of failure includes ssh hanging (such as trying a
wrong port), so silently re-running SSH again wasn't very wise. Instead,
show the command line needed to let the user run the ssh command by
This commit is contained in:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi 2013-03-29 16:59:43 -07:00
parent a62c24afe2
commit c3fe15ff2c
2 changed files with 22 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -197,11 +197,15 @@ module Blimpy
def ssh_commands(*args)
['ssh', '-o', 'PasswordAuthentication=no',
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-p', (ssh_port||22).to_s,
'-l', username, dns, *args]
def ssh_into(*args)
run_command('ssh', '-o', 'PasswordAuthentication=no',
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-p', ssh_port||22.to_s,
'-l', username, dns, *args)
def scp_file(filename, directory='', *args)
@ -240,10 +244,20 @@ module Blimpy
until @ssh_connected
# Run the `true` command and exit
@ssh_connected = ssh_into('-q', 'true')
# if SSH is killed (such as Ctrl+C), abort right away
raise Exception, "ssh was killed: #{$?.exitstatus}" if $?.exitstatus>128 && $?.exitstatus<200
# if SSH is killed, don't repeat
if $?.signaled?
if $?.termsig==2
# if Ctrl+C, report what we were doing
puts "Failed to connect. To try it yourself:\n#{ssh_commands('-v','true').join(' ')}"
raise Exception, "ssh was killed: #{$?}"
unless @ssh_connected
if !need_nl
p = ssh_port.nil? ? "" : ":#{ssh_port}"
print ">> Connecting #{username}@#{name}#{p}"
if (Time.now.to_i - start) < 60
print '.'
need_nl = true

View File

@ -143,31 +143,8 @@ end
box.ssh_into *args
desc 'wait_for_ssh', 'Wait for SSHD to come online'
def wait_for_ssh(name=nil, *args)
unless name.nil?
box = box_by_name(name)
if box.nil?
puts "Could not find a blimp named \"#{name}\""
exit 1
blimps = current_blimps
unless blimps
puts "No Blimps running!"
exit 1
blimps.each do |blimp, data|
next unless data[:name]
box = box_by_name(data[:name])
box.ssh_into *args
desc 'scp BLIMP_NAME FILE_NAME', 'Securely copy FILE_NAME into the blimp'
@ -178,6 +155,7 @@ end
puts "Could not find a blimp named \"#{name}\""
exit 1
# Pass any extra commands along to the `scp` invocation
box.scp_file(filename, '', *ARGV[3..-1])