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rtyler edited this page 2012-09-03 14:56:36 -07:00

Welcome to the blimpy wiki!

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In order to use Blimpy, you will need a ~/.fog file properly set up, e.g.:

  :aws_access_key_id: [YOUR AWS KEY ID]
  :aws_secret_access_key: [YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY]

If you would like to use Blimpy's AWS and OpenStack support, then your ~/.fog should look like this:

  :aws_access_key_id: [YOUR AWS KEY ID]
  :aws_secret_access_key: [YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY]
  :openstack_api_key: [OPENSTACK PASSWORD]
  :openstack_username: [OPENSTACK USERNAME]
  :openstack_auth_url: http://openstack-cluster.lan:5000/v2.0/tokens
  :openstack_tenant: [OPENSTACK TENANT]