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post 5 tips for traveling with Tux
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After running a Linux laptop for a number of years and having mostly negative travel experiences from messing something up along the way, this holiday season I think I've finally figured out how to optimally travel with a Linux notebook. The following tips are some of the lessons I've had to learn the hard way through trial and error over the course of countless flights spanning a few years.

Purchase a small laptop or netbook

Far and away the best thing I've done for my travel experience thus far has been the purchase of my new Thinkpad X200 (12.1"). My previous laptops include a MacBook Pro (15"), a Thinkpad T43 (14") and a Thinkpad T64 (14"). Invariably I have the same problems with all larger laptops, their size is unwieldy in economy class and their power consumption usually allows me very little time to get anything done while up in the air. Being 6'4" and consistently cheap, I'm always in coach, quite often on redeye flights where the passenger in front of me invariably leans their seat back drastically reducing my ability to open a larger laptop and see the screen. With a 12" laptop or a netbook (I've traveled with an Eee PC in the past as well) I'm able to open the screen enough to see it clearly and actually type comfortbaly on it. Additionally, the smaller screen and size of the laptop means less power consumption, allowing me to use it for extended periods of time.

Use a basic window manager

Personally, I prefer XMonad, but I believe any simplistic window manager will save a noticable number of cycles compared to the Gnome and KDE "desktop environments." Unlike Gnome, for example, XMonad does not run a number of background daemons to help provide a "nice" experience in the way of applets, widgets, panels and menus.

Disable unneeded services and hardware

Reducing power consumption is a pretty important goal for me while traveling with a Linux laptop, I love it when I have sufficient juice to keep myself entertained for an entire cross-country flight. Two of the first things I disable before boarding a plane are Wireless and Bluetooth via the NetworkManager applet that I run. If I'm on a redeye, I'll also set my display as dark as possible which not only saves power but also eye strain. It's also important to make sure your laptop is running its CPU in "power-save" mode, which means the clockspeed of the chip is reduced, allowing you to save even more power. Finally I typically take a look at htop(1) to see if there are any unneeded processes taking up cycles/memory that I either don't need or don't intend to use for the flight. The flight I'm currently on (Miami to San Francisco) I discovered that Chrome was churning some unnecessary cycles and killed it (no web browsing on American Airlines).

Use an external device for music/video

If you're like me, you travel with a good pair of headphones and a desire to not listen to babies crying on the plane. I find a dedicated device purely for music can help avoid wasting power on music since most devices can play for 12-40 hours depending on the device. It's generally better (in my opinion) to use your $100 iPod for music and your $2000 computer for computing, that might just be personal bias though.

Load applications you'll need ahead of time

I generally have an idea of what I want to do before I board a plane, I have a project that I'd like to spend some time hacking on or something I want to write out or experiment with. Having a "game plan" before I get onto the plane means I can load up any and all applications while plugged in at the airport. This might be a minor power saver but after I've lowered the CPU clockspeed and disabled some services, I certainly don't want to wait around for applications to load up while I sit idly in coach.

Update: As Etni3s from reddit points out, powertop(1) is a pretty handy utility for watching power consumption.

As I write this article, I'm probably an hour into my five and half hour flight and the battery monitor for my X200 is telling me I have an estimated eight hours of juice left.

I'm proud to say, Tux is my copilot.