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post Outside-in for Operations

Update: I've posted the update to this post here which contains some code and more fully fleshed out ideas

I have been thinking a lot about "outside-in" developement for operations as of late, primarily focusing on how Cucumber might fit into the equation.

cucumber-puppet reached its "end-of-life" recently as the developer can no longer provide the tender love and code (TLC) that the project requires. I don't particularly like the way cucumber-puppet works but at the same time, I've been faced with more and more questions about how to bridge into, or out of, rspec-puppet.

As a development tool rspec-puppet is quite handy, but at the end of the day, Puppet manifests should be run in an actual Puppet environment on real or virtualized hardware before they get shipped off to the production site.

What does that look like?

Before you answer that, I think it is important to answer "who are the stake-holders?" for the work that operations is doing?

Developers as Stake Holders

Let's say I'm developing an application called "PentaGram", this is a simple Rails application that will help Satan worshippers upload evil photos and share them with their fellow demonic friends.

To host PentaGram, I'm going to need a web server, an Oracle database (this application is evil, after all) and memcached. I think for now I'll just break up my Cucumber .feature files into machine types (web, db, cache).

For this post, i'll focus on featurees/apphost.feature:

Feature: Serve the PentaGram web application
  In order to serve up the PentaGram to millions of devil worshippers
  As a developer
  Web hosts should be configured to run the application

I think this makes sense as an 'introduction' to the feature, I need web hosts to serve my web application.

Feature: Serve the PentaGram web application

  Scenario: Provision a fresh web host
    Given an empty host
    And the host is of type "pentagram-app"
    When I provision the host
    Then it should be running a web server
    And it should be responding to web requests

Alright, I'm not supremeley thrilled with this approach, one such example is that "pentagram-app" is a Puppet module, and I'm not very comfortable with that leaky of an abstraction. So I'm going to reword it to: And the host is a PentaGram app host and start to define a vocabulary between my stake-holders instead of letting Puppet module names leak upwards into Cucumber.

The more I think about it, I'm not sure "developers" or even product-owners are the stake holders to address with these features. As a developer, I care very little about the operational details, so long as PentaGram works!

Operations is its own compelling stake-holder, but that presents a complication of making "outside-in" features such as these too leaky in terms of abstractions and not very descriptive.

Operations as Stake Holders

That web host you provisioned above is nice and fancy and all that, but as far as I am concerned (being a fellow Ops engineer), there's a lot more to an app host than just running the web server.

Feature: Serve the PentaGram web application

  Scenario: Add app hosts into the load balancer
    Given a load balancer with a pool for app hosts
    And an empty PentaGram app host
    When I provision the host
    Then it should be added to the load balancer
    And it should be receiving requests from the load balancer

I'm reasonably pleased with this, I'm going to pretend writing all these step definitions is going to be rather easy to write, and forge ahead writing out more Scenarios.

  Scenario: Create the appropriate firewall rules
    Given an empty PengtaGram app host
    When I provision the host
    Then traffic should be allowed to port 80
    And traffic should be allowed to port 443

  Scenario: Nagios checks for app hosts
    Given a Nagios server
    And an empty PentaGram app host
    When I provision the host
    Then Nagios HTTP checks should be added for the host
    And Nagios HTTPs checks should be added for the host

At this point I've not written any step definitions or Ruby code to run these Cucumber features, but I think this enumerates what I want out of a PentaGram app host.

I know the following things are needed for an app host, just by reading apphost.feature:

  • A web server should be running (but how do we know it's not "It Works!" coming from Apache instead of the PentaGram app?)
  • The app host should be added to the load balancer's app-host pool when it is provisioned
  • The app host should port 80 and 443 open, ostensibly because Apache is listening on those ports (we didn't say that it should be though! should we?)
  • When the app host comes online, it should have Nagios checks added for its service running on port 80 and port 443 (again, this doesn't verify the PentaGram app is actually running there).

I am not sure if this is the best approach, or even an approach that doesn't suck, this entire blog post has been me riffing on what outside-in might look like for Operations.

In my next post on the subject, I should have some example code available with fleshed out step definitions and some valid/passing scenarios.