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post First London, then to Brussels

It's that time again! FOSDEM 2015 is quickly approaching and just like last year I'm thrilled to be going again. This year I will be making a stop-over for a few days in London (Jan 24-28th) to visit the Lookout London office before heading towards Brussels. If you're interested in drinking a beer in either location, ping me via twitter or email.

I did the math in my head yesterday and this year will be the fifth year that I've attended FOSDEM: 2005, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. This will be my fourth year helping organize a Jenkins stand, my third year organizing the Testing and Automation devroom and my first year organizing a Ruby devroom.

Between the schedules for the Testing/Automation and the Ruby devroom, I am thrilled with the amount of great content that I've been able to help bring to FOSDEM. But that just covers two rooms, between the main tracks and 40 devrooms, words cannot describe the sheer volume of great content and great people who will be present.

If you're not able to make it to FOSDEM, has most of last year's talks and will have archived recordings of the 2015 talks as well.

If you can make it to FOSDEM, come say hello!