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post They will blame you

Over the past decade two things have become increasingly clear: practically every modern industry is part of "the software industry," in one way or another, and "the software industry" is rife with shortcuts and technical debt. Working in an Operations or Systems Administration capacity provides a front-row seat to many of these dysfunctional behaviors. But it's not just sysadmins, many developers are also called to engage in or allow: half-baked product launches, poor-quality code deployments, or subpar patch lifecycle management.

Make no mistake, if something goes wrong, they will blame you.

Just yesterday, I was working on my truck in the driveway and a neighbor struck up a conversation about diesel engines. The conversation naturally led to a discussion about Volkswagen's massive diesel emissions scandal. I mentioned to my neighbor how infuriated I was that Volkswagen executives blamed developers for the scandal. Prior to that news story, I naively assumed that executives took ultimate responsibility for the successes, and failures, of their organizations.

As the sun set, I wrapped up my work and came back inside to see this story from Engadget wherein former Equifax CEO blamed IT staff for the failure. The Equifax breach was made possible because of an out-of-date Apache Struts dependency.

Setting aside for a moment that personal-identifying information should never be a single vulnerability away from exposure. Setting aside for a moment that the majority of the Equifax business relies on trust, and should have therefore been subject to vigorous and regular third-party security audits. Setting aside for a moment that information security relies on defense in depth, which is an organization-wide practice. The former CEO blamed underlings, rather than leadership for the systemic failures of Equifax to secure highly sensitive personal information.

Make no mistake, if something goes wrong, they will blame you.

Before I dropped out of college, while I was still pretending to study Computer Engineering, I took an Engineering Ethics course. We discussed Space Shuttle disasters, bridge failures, and other calamities, at length. One recurring theme from many of the incidents was management ignoring or covering up expert advice, or concerns, by engineering staff. The conclusion drawn, for the auditorium of young engineering students, was that it was our responsibility as "Professional Engineers" to ensure the safety and quality of our work, and make sure that we had solid documentation for any safety concerns we raise, otherwise we could be held liable.

I am starting to believe that, before the decade is over, we will start to see developers and systems administrators held civilly liable for failures in systems we create and for which we are responsible.

It is up to you to advocate for good patch lifecycle management practices. It is up to you to build systems which prevent poor-quality code deployments. It is up to you to advocate for well-designed products which defend user privacy and personally-identifiable information. Because make no mistake, if something goes catastrophically wrong, they will blame you.