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post Jenkins Pipeline ♥ Docker

As the number of different ways to configure Jenkins approaches infinity, I have come to appreciate one pattern in particular as generally good. When I first started the draft of this blog post, three years ago (!), I wanted to share that by coupling Jenkins and Docker together I finally had the CI/CD server I had been waiting for. In the past few years, Docker has increasingly become the default environment for Jenkins, and rightfully so. In my previous post I mentioned some of the security pitfalls of using Docker in an untrusted CI/CD context, like that which we have in the Jenkins project. Regardless of trusted or untrusted workloads, I still think Docker is a key piece of our CI/CD story, and here I would like to outline why we need Docker in the first place.

To understand Docker's popularity, it's important to consider the problems which Docker solves. Some of the things I have historically found difficult around designing and implementing CI/CD processes have been:

  • Managing environmental dependencies: for various Ruby, Python and other non-JVM-based workloads there have always been system dependencies that build machines have needed. One build needs libxml2-dev while another needs zlib-dev while another requires a specific Linux and OpenSSL version combination. Some dependencies like nokogiri try to hand-wave these dependencies away by embedding the compilation of these system libraries into their installation process. For CI, this not only introduces another set of build-time variables to concern yourself with, but a myriad of security concerns. At a previous employer who will remain nameless, we ended up having to split our entire Jenkins agent pool because we had one subset of projects which depended on MySQL 5.1 and another which needed MySQL 5.5. Since we did not have the tooling to move the dependencies closer to the applications, we had to manage these system dependencies in the release engineering team. Suffice it to say, this was an unpleasant state of affairs. A problem which is virtually nonexistent with Docker-based environments.
  • Managing service dependencies: many of the workloads I have worked with in the past have been web applications. These services invariably need a Redis, a Memcached or a MySQL running around in the background to execute tests of any non-trivial scope. As time wears on, services (for better or worse) end up relying on version-specific installations of these background processes. To complicate matters more, each build must have a pristine state in these background processes. In some cases this might mean no state whatsoever, in others it might mean some "fixtures" pre-loaded into the database(s). This is also one area where docker-compose is absolutely stellar, and should be used gratuitously to incorporate external service dependencies into the build process directly.
  • Managing performance: ideally, as an application grows, more test cases get added. More test cases mean longer build times which can lead to developer frustration, or worse, developers attempting to circumvent or reduce reliance on the CI/CD server. With automation servers like Jenkins, one might have a large pool of machines waiting idle for workloads, but the challenge is mapping a project's test execution to that pool of machines. By utilizing Docker for the execution environment, I have found it much easier to build out a large homogenous pool of agents which can be ready for highly parallelizable workloads, without running into too much trouble from an administration standpoint. Quickly getting back to a pristine state typically involves simply stopping and restarting a container. With container orchestrators like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, AWS Elastic Container Service, or Azure Container Instances, it's possible (and really cool!) to enable huge amounts of auto-scaled compute for CI/CD workloads. Which, by their very nature are very elastic, especially just before lunch time and the end of the day!

This tutorial has a quick Node-based Jenkins Pipeline example, but below I've included a very simple example of how easy incorporating Docker into a Pipeline can be:

pipeline {
    agent {
        docker {
            image 'node:9-alpine' 
            args '-p 3000:3000' 
    stages {
        stage('Build') { 
            steps {
                sh 'npm install' 
        stage('Test') { 
            steps {
                sh 'npm run test' 

While there are a number of CI/CD workloads where Docker containers might not be helpful: mobile build/test, embedded, or for non-Linux based applications. But should your workload be Docker-compatible, I cannot highly recommend using Docker with Jenkins Pipeline!