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post Generating pre-signed S3 URLs in Rust

Creating Pre-signed S3 URLs in Rust took me a little more brainpower than I had anticipated, so I thought I would share how to generate them using Rusoto. Pre-signed URLs allow the creation of purpose built URLs for fetching or uploading objects to S3, and can be especially useful when granting access to S3 objects to mobile or web clients. In my use-case, I wanted the clients of my web service to be able to access some specific objects from a bucket.

Rusoto supports the creation of pre-signed URLs via the PreSignedRequest which is implemented for GetObjectRequest, PutObjectRequest, etc. The trait exposes a simple method get_presigned_url which returns a String with all the query parameters to allow for a pre-signed request. Unfortunately however, these GetObjectRequest structs don't really blend easily with an existing S3Client and need to be constructed with the appropriate region and credentials whenever you want to use them.

Starting with the region, I re-use some code we have in delta-rs for identifying the region in a way that allows testing with localstack or minio via the AWS_ENDPOINT_URL environment variable:

use rusoto_core::Region;

let region = if let Ok(url) = std::env::var("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL") {
    Region::Custom {
        name: std::env::var("AWS_REGION").unwrap_or_else(|_| "custom".to_string()),
        endpoint: url,
} else {

For most users, this code doesn't really do much, but if you've got a custom AWS_REGION or AWS_ENDPOINT_URL, you need to properly construct a custom Region in order for Rusoto to work.

The next important argument that get_presigned_url requires is an AwsCredentials provider, which I was originally quite worried about hacking into place. Once again I went looking at the delta-rs codebase for inspiration and noticed our use of ChainProvider which tries its best to find the right AWS credentials given the user's environment:

use rusoto_credential::ChainProvider;
use rusoto_credential::ProvideAwsCredentials;

let provider = ChainProvider::new();
let credentials = provider.credentials().await?;

With those two pieces in place, I could finally construct the URL!

use rusoto_s3::GetObjectRequest;
use rusoto_s3::util::{PreSignedRequest, PreSignedRequestOption};

let options = PreSignedRequestOption {
    expires_in: std::time::Duration::from_secs(300),
let req = GetObjectRequest {
    bucket: "my-bucket".to_string(),
    key: "secret.txt".to_string(),
let url = req.get_presigned_url(&region, &credentials, &options);

Of course, in your application you might find the structure of managing a shared credentials provider or region to change the structure of the code. However you manage them, as long as you can plug a reference to either into the get_presigned_url function, you can generate useful pre-signed URLs for S3, Minio, etc.