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post Local SQL querying in Jupyter Notebooks

Designing, working with, or thinking about data consumes the vast majority of my time these days, but almost all of that has been "in the cloud" rather than locally. I recently watched this talk about SQLite and Go which served as a good reminder that I have a pretty powerful computer at my fingertips, and that perhaps not all my workloads require a big Spark cluster in the sky. Shortly after watching that video I stumbled into a small (200k rows) data set which I needed to run some queries against, and my first attempt at auto-ingesting it into a Delta table in Databricks failed, so I decided to launch a local Jupyter notebook and give it a try!

My originating data set was a comma-separated values file (CSV) so my first intent was to just load it into SQLite using the .mode csv command in the CLI, but I found that to be a bit restrictive. Notebooks have incredible utility for incrementally working on data. Unfortunately Jupyter doesn't have a native SQL interface, instead everything has to run through Python. Through my work with delta-rs I am somewhat familar with Pandas for processing data in Python, so my first attempts where using the Pandas data frame API to munge through my data.

import pandas

df = pandas.read_csv('data/2021_05-2022_04.csv')

I could be dense, but I find SQL to be a pretty understandable tool in comparison to data frames, so I needed to find some way to get the data into a SQL interface. The solution that I ended up with was to create an in-memory SQLite database and use Pandas to query it, which works okay enough to where I continued working and didn't bother thinking too much about how to optimize the approach further:

import sqlite3
import pandas

# Loading everything into a SQLite memory database because I hate data frames and SQL is nice
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
df = pandas.read_csv('data/2021_05-2022_04.csv')
r = df.to_sql('usage', conn, if_exists='replace', index=False)
# useful little helper
sql = lambda x: pandas.read_sql_query(x, conn)

# Show some sample data
sql('SELECT * FROM usage LIMIT 3')

The benefit of this approach is that I can create additional tables in the SQLite database with static data sets, or other CSVs. Since I'm also just doing some simple ad-hoc analysis, I can skip writing anything to disk and keep things snappy in memory.

I created the little sql lambda to make the notebook a bit more understandable, and to get out of exposing the cursor or database connection to every single cell, meaning that most of my cells in the notebook are simply just sql('SELECT * FROM foo') statments with some documentation surrounding them.

Fairly simple, easy enough to play with data quickly on my local machine without invoking all the infinite cosmic powers the cloud provides!