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Evergreen User Guide

Thank you for installing Jenkins Evergreen!

Jenkins Evergreen is an automatically updating rolling distribution system for Jenkins It consists of server-side, and client-side components to support a Chrome-like upgrade experience for Jenkins users.



This built-in documentation is still a work in progress and can be improved by contributing to the Evergreen GitHub repository or by suggesting edits to this document.


For Existing Jenkins Users

Managing Plugins

Evergreen is a curated distribution of a large collection of useful features provided by Evergreen, Jenkins core, and plugins. This entire distribution is tested and deployed together as a cohesive artifact.

To ensure the stability of the instance, Evergreen intentionally disables the ability to install or remove additional plugins to the instance.

Configuring Tools

Jenkins Evergreen is designed for Jenkins Pipeline first and foremost, including the built-in Docker support which makes using custom tools for a Pipeline much easier, for example:

pipeline {
    agent {
        docker { image 'node:7-alpine' }
    stages {
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                sh 'node --version'

Accordingly, configuring legacy "Tools" in Jenkins has been disabled.
