Commit Graph

12125 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Arlo Siemsen 50ce64191c Set cargo --version git short hash length to 9 2022-04-18 19:53:59 -05:00
bors 1d9ded94fd Auto merge of #10577 - epage:add-complete, r=ehuss
Completion support for `cargo-add`

### What does this PR try to resolve?

cargo-add's PR was minimal to ensure we had settled on the CLI before
adding references to the CLI and have cascading churn.  This updates
bash and zsh completion to include cargo-add.

### How should we test and review this PR?

I am unsure how to handle testing of completions, so this is a
best-effort from looking at other completions and the docs.

### Additional information

To keep the PRs focused, I am submitting completions separate from documentation updates so one does not get blocked on the other and its easier to see all relevant parts and sign off on them.
2022-04-18 23:05:29 +00:00
Ed Page d0aa75ebde Completion support for `cargo-add`
cargo-add's PR was minimal to ensure we had settled on the CLI before
adding references to the CLI and have cascading churn.  This updates
bash and zsh completion to include cargo-add.

I am unsure how to handle testing of completions, so this is a
best-effort from looking at other completions and the docs.
2022-04-18 14:13:50 -05:00
bors 25cc78e2c6 Auto merge of #10492 - hi-rustin:rustin-patch-timings, r=ehuss
Add a link to the document in the timings report

### What does this PR try to resolve?


Add a link to the document in the header of timings report.

### How should we test and review this PR?

`cargo build --timings`

2022-04-18 19:12:59 +00:00
bors 6a4d98d232 Auto merge of #10472 - epage:add, r=ehuss
feat: Import cargo-add into cargo

### Motivation

The reasons I'm aware of are:
- Large interest, see #5586
- Make it easier to add a dependency when you don't care about the version (instead of having to find it or just using the major version if thats all you remember)
- Provide a guided experience, including
  - Catch or prevent errors earlier in the process
  - Bring the Manifest format documentation into the terminal via `cargo add --help`
  - Using `version` and `path` for `dependencies` but `path` only for `dev-dependencies` (see crate-ci/cargo-release#288 which led to killercup/cargo-edit#480)

### Drawbacks

1. This is another area of consideration for new RFCs, like rust-lang/rfcs#3143 (this PR supports it) or rust-lang/rfcs#2906 (implementing it will require updating `cargo-add`)

2. This is a high UX feature that will draw a lot of attention (ie Issue influx)

- killercup/cargo-edit#521
- killercup/cargo-edit#126
- killercup/cargo-edit#217

We've tried to reduce the UX influx by focusing the scope to preserving semantic information (custom sort order, comments, etc) but being opinionated on syntax (style of strings, etc)

### Behavior

Help output

$ cargo run -- add --help
cargo-add                                                                                                                                  [4/4594]
Add dependencies to a Cargo.toml manifest file

    cargo add [OPTIONS] <DEP>[`@<VERSION>]` ...
    cargo add [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> ...
    cargo add [OPTIONS] --git <URL> ...

    <DEP_ID>...    Reference to a package to add as a dependency

        --no-default-features     Disable the default features
        --default-features        Re-enable the default features
    -F, --features <FEATURES>     Space-separated list of features to add
        --optional                Mark the dependency as optional
    -v, --verbose                 Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/ output)
        --no-optional             Mark the dependency as required
        --color <WHEN>            Coloring: auto, always, never
        --rename <NAME>           Rename the dependency
        --frozen                  Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date
        --manifest-path <PATH>    Path to Cargo.toml
        --locked                  Require Cargo.lock is up to date
    -p, --package <SPEC>          Package to modify
        --offline                 Run without accessing the network
        --config <KEY=VALUE>      Override a configuration value (unstable)
    -q, --quiet                   Do not print cargo log messages
        --dry-run                 Don't actually write the manifest
    -Z <FLAG>                     Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for
    -h, --help                    Print help information

        --path <PATH>        Filesystem path to local crate to add
        --git <URI>          Git repository location
        --branch <BRANCH>    Git branch to download the crate from
        --tag <TAG>          Git tag to download the crate from
        --rev <REV>          Git reference to download the crate from
        --registry <NAME>    Package registry for this dependency

        --dev                Add as development dependency
        --build              Add as build dependency
        --target <TARGET>    Add as dependency to the given target platform

  $ cargo add regex --build
  $ cargo add trycmd --dev
  $ cargo add --path ./crate/parser/
  $ cargo add serde serde_json -F serde/derive


Example commands
cargo add regex
cargo add regex serde
cargo add regex@1
cargo add regex@~1.0
cargo add --path ../dependency
For an exhaustive set of examples, see [tests]( and associated snapshots

Particular points
- Effectively there are two modes
  - Fill in any relevant field for one package
  - Add multiple packages, erroring for fields that are package-specific (`--rename`)
  - Note that `--git` and `--path` only accept multiple packages from that one source
- We infer if the `dependencies` table is sorted and preserve that sorting when adding a new dependency
- Adding a workspace dependency
  - dev-dependencies always use path
  - all other dependencies use version + path
- Behavior is idempotent, allowing you to run `cargo add serde serde_json -F serde/derive` safely if you already had a dependency on `serde` but without `serde_json`
- When a registry dependency's version req is unspecified, we'll first reuse the version req from another dependency section in the manifest.  If that doesn't exist, we'll use the latest version in the registry as the version req

### Additional decisions

Accepting the proposed `cargo-add` as-is assumes the acceptance of the following:
- Add the `-F` short-hand for `--features` to all relevant cargo commands
- Support ``@`` in pkgids in other commands where we accept `:`
- Add support for `<name>`@<version>`` in more commands, like `cargo yank` and `cargo install`

### Alternatives

- Use `:` instead of ``@`` for versions
- Flags like `--features`, `--optional`, `--no-default-features` would be position-sensitive, ie they would only apply to the crate immediate preceding them
  - This removes the dual-mode nature of the command and remove the need for the `+feature` syntax (`cargo add serde -F derive serde_json`)
  - There was concern over the rarity of position-sensitive flags in CLIs for adopting it here
- Support a `--sort` flag to sort the dependencies (existed previously)
  - To keep the scope small, we didn't want general manifest editing capabilities
- `--upgrade <POLICY>` flag to choose constraint (existed previously)
  - The flag was confusing as-is and we feel we should instead encourage people towards `^`
- `--allow-prerelease` so a `cargo add clap` can choose among pre-releases as well
  - We felt the pre-release story is too weak in cargo-generally atm for making it first class in `cargo-add`
- Offer `cargo add serde +derive serde_json` as a shorthand
- Infer path from a positional argument

### Prior Art

- *(Python)* [poetry add](
  - `git+` is needed for inferring git dependencies, no separate  `--git` flags
  - git branch is specified via a URL fragment, instead of a `--branch`
- *(Javascript)* [yarn add](
  - `name@data` where data can be version, git (with fragment for branch), etc
  - `-E` / `--exact`, `-T` / `--tilde`, `-C` / `--caret` to control version requirement operator instead of `--upgrade <policy>` (also controlled through `defaultSemverRangePrefix` in config)
  - `--cached` for using the lock file (killercup/cargo-edit#41)
  - In addition to `--dev`, it has `--prefer-dev` which will only add the dependency if it doesn't already exist in `dependencies` as well as `dev-dependencies`
  - `--mode update-lockfile` will ensure the lock file gets updated as well
- *(Javascript)* [pnpm-add](
- *(Javascript)* npm doesn't have a native solution
  - Specify version with ``@<version>``
  - Also overloads `<name>[`@<version>]`` with path and repo
    - Supports a git host-specific protocol for shorthand, like `github:user/repo`
    - Uses fragment for git ref, seems to have some kind of special semver syntax for tags?
  - Only supports `--save-exact` / `-E` for operators outside of the default
- *(Go)* [go get](
  - Specify version with ``@<version>``
  - Remove dependency with ``@none``
- *(Haskell)* stack doesn't seem to have a native solution
- *(Julia)* [pkg Add](
- *(Ruby)* [bundle add](
  - Uses `--version` / `-v` instead of `--vers` (we use `--vers` because of `--version` / `-V`)
  - `--source` instead of `path` (`path` correlates to manifest field)
  - Uses `--git` / `--branch` like `cargo-add`
- *(Dart)* [pub add](
  - Uses `--git-url` instead of `--git`
  - Uses `--git-ref` instead of `--branch`, `--tag`, `--rev`

### Future Possibilities

- Update lock file accordingly
- Exploring the idea of a [`--local` flag](
- Take the MSRV into account when automatically creating version req (
- Integrate rustsec to report advisories on new dependencies (
- Integrate with licensing to report license, block add, etc (e.g.
- Pull version from lock file (
- Exploring if any vendoring integration would be beneficial (currently errors)
- Upstream `cargo-rm` (#10520), `cargo-upgrade` (#10498), and `cargo-set-version` (in that order of priority)
- Update with `cargo add` snippets in addition to or replacing the manifest snippets

For more, see

### How should we test and review this PR?

This is intentionally broken up into several commits to help reviewing
1. Import of production code from cargo-edit's `merge-add` branch, with only changes made to let it compile (e.g. fixing up of `use` statements).
2. Import of test code / snapshots.  The only changes outside of the import were to add the `snapbox` dev-dependency and to `mod cargo_add` into the testsuite
3. This extends the work in #10425 so I could add back in the color highlighting I had to remove as part of switching `cargo-add` from direct termcolor calls to calling into `Shell`

Structure-wise, this is similar to other commands
- `bin` only defines a CLI and adapts it to an `AddOptions`
- `ops` contains a focused API with everything buried under it

The "op" contains a directory, instead of just a file, because of the amount of content.  Currently, all editing code is contained in there.  Most of this will be broken out and reused when other `cargo-edit` commands are added but holding off on that for now to separate out the editing API discussions from just getting the command in.

Within the github UI, I'd recommend looking at individual commits (and the `merge-add` branch if interested), skipping commit 2.  Commit 2 would be easier to browse locally.

`cargo-add` is mostly covered by end-to-end tests written using `snapbox`, including error cases.

There is additional cleanup that would ideally happen that was excluded intentionally from this PR to keep it better scoped, including
- Consolidating environment variables for end-to-end tests of `cargo`
- Pulling out the editing API, as previously mentioned
  - Where the editing API should live (`cargo::edit`?)
  - Any more specific naming of types to reduce clashes (e.g. `Dependency` or `Manifest` being fairly generic).
- Possibly sharing `SourceId` creation between `cargo install` and `cargo edit`
- Explore using `snapbox` in more of cargo's tests

Implementation justifications:
- `dunce` and `pathdiff` dependencies: needed for taking paths relative to the user and make them relative to the manifest being edited
- `indexmap` dependency (already a transitive dependency): Useful for preserving uniqueness while preserving order, like with feature values
- `snapbox` dev-dependency: Originally it was used to make it easy to update tests as the UX changed in prep for merging but it had the added benefit of making some UX bugs easier to notice so they got fixed.  Overall, I'd like to see it become the cargo-agnostic version of `cargo-test-support` so there is a larger impact when improvements are made
- `parse_feature` function: `CliFeatures` forces items through a `BTreeSet`, losing the users specified order which we wanted to preserve.

### Additional Information

See also [the internals thread](

Fixes #5586
2022-04-18 18:26:12 +00:00
bors b75281bee3 Auto merge of #10568 - Muscraft:rfc2906-part8, r=epage
Part 8 of RFC2906 - Keep `InheritableFields` in a `LazyCell` inside `…

Tracking issue: #8415
RFC: rust-lang/rfcs#2906

Part 1: #10497
Part 2: #10517
Part 3: #10538
Part 4: #10548
Part 5: #10563
Part 6: #10564
Part 7: #10565

This PR focuses on optimizations surrounding `InheritabeFields` and searching for a `WorkspaceRootConfig`:
- Keep `InheritableFields` in a `LazyCell` inside `to_real_manifest` so we only search for a workspace root once per `to_real_manifest`
- Changed calls for getting a workspace root to use `inherit_cell.try_borrow_with()`

[Testing Framework](
Test Results:
nest=1, runs=7, members=75, step=25
- 25 Members:
  - Optimized: 0.145s
  - Not Optimized: 0.181s
  - Normal: 0.141s
  - Percent change from Normal: 2.837%

- 50 Members
  - Optimized: 0.152s
  - Not Optimized: 0.267s
  - Normal: 0.141s
  - Percent change from Normal: 7.801%

nest=2, runs=7, members=75, step=25
- 25 Members
  - Optimized: 0.147s,
  - Not Optimized: 0.437s
  - Normal: 0.14s
  - Percent change from Normal: 5.0%

- 50 Members
  - Optimized: 0.159s
  - Not Optimized: 1.023s
  - Normal: 0.141s
  - Percent change from Normal: 12.766%

Using a `LazyCell` for `InheritableFields` brought down runtimes to more acceptable levels. It is worth noting that this is a very harsh test case and not one that represents real-world scenarios. That being said there are still some optimizations that could be done if we need to. The biggest one is making sure we only parse a `Cargo.toml` once.

Remaining implementation work for the RFC
- `cargo-add` support, see [epage's comment](
- More optimizations, as needed
2022-04-14 21:46:12 +00:00
Scott Schafer 125c274b0a Part 8 of RFC2906 - Keep `InheritableFields` in a `LazyCell` inside `to_real_manifest` so we only search for a workspace root once per package 2022-04-14 15:49:18 -05:00
bors ec83f8d5e1 Auto merge of #10565 - Muscraft:rfc2906-part7, r=epage
Part 7 of RFC2906 - Add support for inheriting `exclude` and `include`

Tracking issue: #8415
RFC: rust-lang/rfcs#2906

Part 1: #10497
Part 2: #10517
Part 3: #10538
Part 4: #10548
Part 5: #10563
Part 6: #10564

This PR focuses on adding support for inheriting `include` and `exclude`. While they were not in the original RFC it was decided that they should be added per [epage's comment](
- Changed `include` and `exclude` into `Option<MaybeWorkspace<Vec<String>>>` inside `TomlProject`
- Added `include` and `exclude` to `InheritbaleFields`
- Updated tests to verify `include` and `exclude` are inheriting correctly

Remaining implementation work for the RFC
- `cargo-add` support, see [epage's comment](
- Optimizations, as needed
2022-04-14 01:14:24 +00:00
Scott Schafer 114f1e53f7 Part 7 of RFC2906 - Add support for inheriting `exclude` and `include` 2022-04-13 18:32:53 -05:00
bors dba5baf434 Auto merge of #10564 - Muscraft:rfc2906-part6, r=epage
Part 6 of RFC2906 - Switch the inheritance source from `workspace` to…

Tracking issue: #8415
RFC: rust-lang/rfcs#2906

Part 1: #10497
Part 2: #10517
Part 3: #10538
Part 4: #10548
Part 5: #10563

This PR focuses on switching the inheritance source from `workspace` to `workspace.package`. The RFC specified `workspace` but it was decided that it should be changed to `workspace.package` per [epage's comment](
- Moved fields that can be inherited to ` package: Option<InheritableFields>` in `TomlWorkspace`
  - Making `package` `Option<InheritableFields>` was done to remove duplication of types and better signify what fields you can inherit from in one place
- Added `#[serde(skip)]` to `ws_root` and `dependencies` in `InheritableFields` since they will never be present when deserializing and we don't want them present when serializing
- Added a method to update `ws_root` and `dependencies` in `InheritableFields`
  - Added for `ws_root` since it will never be present in a `Cargo.toml` and is needed to resolve relative paths
  - Added for `dependencies` since they are under `workspace.dependencies` not `workspace.package.dependencies`
- `workspace.dependencies` was left out of `workspace.package` to better match `package` and `package.dependencies`
- Updated error messages from `workspace._` to `workspace.package._`
- Updated `` to reflect change to `workspace.package`
- Updated tests to use `workspace.package`

Remaining implementation work for the RFC
- Add `include` and `exclude` now that `workspace.package` is done, see [epage's comment](
- `cargo-add` support, see [epage's comment](
- Optimizations, as needed
2022-04-13 21:58:27 +00:00
Scott Schafer 494eb293ff Part 6 of RFC2906 - Switch the inheritance source from `workspace` to `workspace.package` 2022-04-13 15:22:38 -05:00
bors de4bd685c9 Auto merge of #10563 - Muscraft:rfc2906-part5, r=epage
Part 5 of RFC2906 - Add support for inheriting `rust-version`

Tracking issue: #8415
RFC: rust-lang/rfcs#2906

Part 1: #10497
Part 2: #10517
Part 3: #10538
Part 4: #10548

This PR focuses on adding support for inheriting `rust-version`. While this was not in the original RFC it was decided that it should be added per [epage's comment](
- Changed `rust-version` to `Option<MaybeWorkspace<String>>` in `TomlProject`
- Added `rust-version` to `TomlWorkspace` to allow for inheritance
- Added `rust-version` to `InheritableFields1 and a method to get it as needed
- Updated tests to include `rust-version`

Remaining implementation work for the RFC
- Switch the inheritance source from `workspace` to `workspace.package`, see [epage's comment](
- Add `include` and `exclude` now that `workspace.package` is done, see [epage's comment](
- `cargo-add` support, see [epage's comment](
- Optimizations, as needed
2022-04-13 17:56:06 +00:00
Scott Schafer 327976f36a Part 5 of RFC2906 - Add support for inheriting `rust-version` 2022-04-13 12:03:40 -05:00
hi-rustin 4a12569d95 Switch to the next line
Signed-off-by: hi-rustin <>
2022-04-13 20:33:48 +08:00
bors 403c6bd257 Auto merge of #10486 - Urgau:check-cfg-well-known, r=weihanglo
Add support for rustc --check-cfg well known names and values

This pull-request add support for `rustc` `--check-cfg` well known names and values.

### What does this PR try to resolve?

This pull-request add support for `rustc` `--check-cfg` well known names and values:

- `-Z check-cfg-well-known-names`: `--check-cfg names()` well known names
- `-Z check-cfg-well-known-values`: `--check-cfg values()` well known values

### How should we test and review this PR?

#### Testing

`cargo check -Z check-cfg-well-known-names` and
`cargo check -Z check-cfg-well-known-values`

#### Review

This PR contains one commit that split `features_args` into `check_cfg_args`, add the well known support in it, adds call to that new function and add documentation and test for those new flags.

### Additional information

This was implemented as two new additional flags because it's most likely that these flags will not be stabilize at the same time and also because some of these flags may become the default.

`-Z check-cfg-features`:
`cargo doc` support:
2022-04-12 14:36:40 +00:00
bors 50d52ebf0e Auto merge of #10551 - jeremyBanks:Cargo.toml.orig, r=weihanglo
Reserve filename `Cargo.toml.orig` in `cargo package`

### What does this PR try to resolve?

_([previously discussed on Zulip](

Currently, `cargo package` will detect if there is an existing file named `.cargo_vcs_info.json` in the project folder and raise an error. This is to avoid collisions with the file it generates of the same name.

However, there is no such logic for the other file it generates, `Cargo.toml.orig`. If such a file exists in the project folder, instead of an error, or one file taking precedence, cargo will generate a tarball containing two files with the same name. For example, from a package I uploaded as a test:

curl -L | gunzip | tar -tv
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0           8 29 Nov  1973 a--0.0.0--a-/.gitignore
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0         150 31 Dec  1969 a--0.0.0--a-/Cargo.lock
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0         641 31 Dec  1969 a--0.0.0--a-/Cargo.toml
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0         160 29 Nov  1973 a--0.0.0--a-/Cargo.toml.orig <-- generated
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0          14 29 Nov  1973 a--0.0.0--a-/Cargo.toml.orig <-- existing
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0          45 29 Nov  1973 a--0.0.0--a-/src/

This PR is a two-line change to add this filename to the existing check for `.cargo_vcs_info.json`.

### How should we test and review this PR?

I have added a unit test to verify that the expected error is produced, copying the existing unit test for `.cargo_vcs_info.json`. I have manually tested the change locally and confirmed that it raises an error if the file exists, and has no effect if it does not. Given the small size of this change, I think this is sufficient, but please let me know if anything else is expected.

### Additional information

This raises a separate question of whether Cargo or should prohibit tarballs with duplicate filenames. It seems like most (all?) `tar` implementations will give precedence to the last file (which will be the existing copy here, not the generated one), but I don't believe this is specified behaviour, and it's possible that scripts scanning through tarballs directly (without first extracting to the filesystem) may not handle this case correctly. For example, I was working on a rough script to compare packaged libraries to their corresponding Git commits where possible, and this wasn't a case I had anticipated.

In any case, it seems like preventing such tarballs from being created by accident (this PR) is a good place to start.
2022-04-11 23:33:24 +00:00
Jeremy Banks e71fb813f2 const ORIGINAL_MANIFEST_FILE: &str = "Cargo.toml.orig"; 2022-04-11 15:39:20 -04:00
Ed Page a970bfc11c fix(add): Restore highlights lost when switching to Shell 2022-04-11 13:09:53 -05:00
Ed Page 6ec86fc47b test(add): Import cargo-add tests
This is a fork of
at d561719161ed5564111ff2152ff206463ec24cef
2022-04-11 13:09:40 -05:00
Ed Page 5ca5f2f157 feat: Add `add` cargo subcommand
This is a fork of
at d561719161ed5564111ff2152ff206463ec24cef
2022-04-11 13:06:10 -05:00
bors 1073915930 Auto merge of #10546 - weihanglo:issue-10381-rustc-argfile, r=epage
Retry command invocation with argfile

### What does this PR try to resolve?

Fixes #10381

The goal is to invoke `rustc` and `rustdoc` with ``@path`` arg file as a fallback.

Since the `-Zcheck-cfg-features`[^1] has already been implemented, in the foreseeable future cargo will probably hit the “**command line too big**” more often on Windows. `rustdoc` and `rustc` both support ``@path`` argfile [^2][^3], so we can leverage the feature for the fallback logic.

The idea behind this PR is that we put the **retry logic** in `ProcessBuilder::exec*` functions and reuse them as much as possible.

### How should we test and review this PR?

Review it commit by commit is recommended.

Argfile fallback is hard to tested with integration tests, so I added some unit tests for `cargo_util::ProcessBuilder` and `cargo::ops::fix::FixArgs`.

If you do want to test the support of argfile manually, a new environment variable `__CARGO_TEST_FORCE_ARGFILE` is added for the sake of forcing cargo to use argfile for rustc invocations. For example, `__CARGO_TEST_FORCE_ARGFILE cargo test --test testsuite -- fix::` is usually a good start to test this feature.

2022-04-11 14:57:46 +00:00
Weihang Lo 275b0c68d4
CI: force using argfile to test againg `cargo fix` 2022-04-10 22:40:26 +08:00
Weihang Lo d813739c76
test: make tests compatible when force using argfile 2022-04-10 22:23:20 +08:00
Weihang Lo 7146111afe
Close tempfile explicitly after the command to exist 2022-04-10 22:23:20 +08:00
Weihang Lo 5e8827f26e
Debug assertion for rustc argfile invocations 2022-04-10 22:23:19 +08:00
Weihang Lo 3f749f615b
Ensure non-UTF8 compatibility of argfile arg 2022-04-10 21:46:43 +08:00
Weihang Lo 9155c0062b
Ensure that temporary argfile lives longer them command execution 2022-04-10 21:46:43 +08:00
Weihang Lo 8e0e68e647
Avoid collect args from `env::args in proxy mode
cargo in fix-proxy-mode might read `@path` argfile as what rustc does.
Therefore, we should collect info from `ProcessBuilder::get_args()`.
2022-04-10 21:46:43 +08:00
Weihang Lo 877c0add35
State that arg in argfile must not contain newlines 2022-04-10 21:46:42 +08:00
bors f51e799636 Auto merge of #10236 - theo-lw:master, r=weihanglo
Add a progress indicator for `cargo clean`


Cleaning the entire `target` directory:

[![Cleaning `target`](](

Cleaning some packages:

[![Cleaning a few packages](](
2022-04-10 07:06:32 +00:00
bors 5f400f098b Auto merge of #10549 - willcrichton:fix-issue-10535, r=ehuss
Ensure host units don't depend on Docscrape units, fixes #10545

### What does this PR try to resolve?

This PR fixes issue #10545. The root cause was:
* Cargo workspace contains a host-type crate (e.g. a proc macro).
* `unit_dependencies` attempts to add `Docscrape` units as dependencies of the host-type crate.
* `activated_features` attempts to lookup `(dep, Host)` in the feature map, but only `(dep, NotHost)` exists.

The fix is to ensure that host-type crates do not have Docscrape units added as dependencies.

### How should we test and review this PR?

The added test `scrape_examples_issue_10545` provides a minimal example that fails before this fix, and succeeds after.
2022-04-09 18:30:09 +00:00
Jeremy Banks 42424065f6 Add test to confirm that Cargo.toml.orig files are reserved. 2022-04-09 14:03:09 -04:00
bors 4777c22168 Auto merge of #10550 - phil-opp:bindeps-doc-fix, r=weihanglo
Fix docs: Bindeps env vars are passed to build script at runtime

The environment variables are not available through the `env!` macro. Instead, they are passed by cargo when the build script is invoked.

The current test suite confirms this:

fc5035d698/tests/testsuite/ (L524-L548)
2022-04-09 10:48:19 +00:00
Philipp Oppermann 90f6a99b8b Fix docs: Bindeps env vars are passed to build script at runtime
The environment variables are not available through the `env!` macro. Instead, they are passed by cargo when the build script is invoked.
2022-04-09 11:16:00 +02:00
Jeremy Banks e4c725110b
Reserve filename Cargo.toml.orig 2022-04-08 22:39:07 -04:00
Will Crichton 642ca5491a Ensure host units don't depend on Docscrape units, fixes #10535 2022-04-08 15:01:01 -07:00
bors fc5035d698 Auto merge of #10548 - Muscraft:rfc2906-part4, r=epage
Part 4 of RFC2906 - Add support for inheriting `readme`

Tracking issue: #8415
RFC: rust-lang/rfcs#2906

[Part 1](
[Part 2](
[Part 3](

This PR focuses on adding support for inheriting `readme`:
- Added adjusting of a `readme` path when it is outside of the `package_root`
  - Copied from `license-file`'s implementation in `toml::prepare_for_publish()`
- Added copying of a `readme` file when it is outside of the `package_root` for publishing
  - Copied from `license-file`'s implementation in `cargo_package::build_ar_list()`
- Merged copying of a file outside of a `package_root` to reduce duplicated code and allow for other files in the future to be copied in a similar way

Remaining implementation work for the RFC
- Path dependencies infer version directive
- Lock workspace dependencies and warn when unused
- Optimizations, as needed
- Evaluate any new fields for being inheritable (e.g. `rust-version`)
2022-04-08 21:08:19 +00:00
Scott Schafer 3bbb781ae7 Part 4 of RFC2906 - Add support for inheriting `readme` 2022-04-08 15:18:48 -05:00
Scott Schafer 4ea1228bc9 Make copying of a `license-file` that exists outside a package into function that can be used by other files 2022-04-08 15:11:51 -05:00
bors b36cc6ed41 Auto merge of #10538 - Muscraft:rfc2906-part3, r=epage
Part 3 of RFC2906 - Add support for inheriting `license-path`, and `depednency.path`

Tracking issue: #8415
RFC: rust-lang/rfcs#2906

[Part 1](
[Part 2](

This PR focuses on adding support for inheriting `license-path`, and `depednency.path`:
- To adjust the relative paths from being workspace-relative to package-relative, we use `pathdiff` which `cargo-add` is also going to be using for a similar purpose
- `ws_path` was added to `InheritableFields` so we can resolve relative paths from  workspace-relative to package-relative
- Moved `resolve` for toml dependencies from `TomlDependency::<P>` to `TomlDependency`
  - This was done since resolving a relative path should be a string
  - You should never inherit from a `.cargo/config.toml` which is the reason `P` was added

Remaining implementation work for the RFC
- Relative paths for `readme`
- Path dependencies infer version directive
- Lock workspace dependencies and warn when unused
- Optimizations, as needed
- Evaluate any new fields for being inheritable (e.g. `rust-version`)
2022-04-08 15:38:07 +00:00
Weihang Lo beaaefd90a
Use `CargoResult` pervasively 2022-04-08 15:39:37 +08:00
Weihang Lo fc052776fc
Retry with argfile for cargo in rustc fix-proxy-mode 2022-04-08 15:39:37 +08:00
Weihang Lo 832274d3a2
Retry with argfile for rustc/rustdoc 2022-04-08 15:39:37 +08:00
Weihang Lo c832a7a9a4
Avoid calling `build_command` in `cargo fix` 2022-04-08 15:39:36 +08:00
Weihang Lo 734569ce25
Avoid calling `build_command` in `fn cached_output` 2022-04-08 15:39:36 +08:00
Weihang Lo 4f6a2ec28b
Bump cargo-util to 0.1.3 2022-04-08 15:39:36 +08:00
Weihang Lo b788e52246
Retry with argfile if hitting "command line too big" error
- Add `ProcessBuilder::output` and ProcessBuilder::status`, which are
  unopinionated version of `exec_*` (won't error out when exitcode > 0)
- Add `ProcessBuilder::retry_with_argfile` to enable trying with argfile
  when hitting the "command line too big" error.
2022-04-08 15:39:36 +08:00
Weihang Lo c9d443a063
Separate command wrappers from command arguments 2022-04-08 13:38:14 +08:00
bors ede78751d2 Auto merge of #10544 - ehuss:version-bump, r=epage
Bump to 0.63.0, update changelog
2022-04-08 00:40:26 +00:00
Eric Huss 333f32c766 Update changelog for 1.61 2022-04-07 15:37:16 -07:00