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The dipstick handbook

This handbook's purpose is to get you started instrumenting your apps and give an idea of what's possible. It is not a full-on cookbook (yet) - some reader experimentation may be required!


Dipstick is a structured metrics library that allows to combine, select from, and switch between multiple metrics backends. Counters, timers and gauges declared in the code are not tied to a specific implementation. This has multiple benefits.

  • Simplified instrumentation: For example, a single Counter instrument can be used to send metrics to the log and to a network aggregator. This prevents duplication of instrumentation which in turn prevents errors.

  • Flexible configuration: Let's say we had an application defining a "fixed" metrics stack on initialization. We could upgrade to a configuration file defined metrics stack without altering the instruments in every module. Or we could make the configuration hot-reloadable, suddenly using different output formats.

  • Easier metrics testing: For example, using a compile-time feature switch, metrics could be collected directly to hash map at test time but be sent over the network and written to a file at runtime, as described by external configuration.

API Overview

Dipstick's API is split between input and output layers. The input layer provides named metrics such as counters and timers to be used by the application. The output layer controls how metric values will be recorded and emitted by the configured backend(s). Input and output layers are decoupled, making code instrumentation independent of output configuration. Intermediates can also be added between input and output for specific features or performance characteristics.

Although this handbook covers input before output, implementation of metrics can certainly be performed the other way around.

For more details, consult the docs.

Metrics Input

A metrics library first job is to help a program collect measurements about its operations.

Dipstick provides a restricted but robust set of four instrument types, taking a stance against an application's functional code having to pick what statistics should be tracked for each defined metric. This helps to enforce contracts with downstream metrics systems and keeps code free of configuration elements.


Count number of elements processed, e.g. number of bytes received. Only accepts positive amounts.


A monotonic counter. e.g. to record the processing of individual events. Default aggregated statistics for markers are not the same as those for counters. Value-less metric also makes for a safer API, preventing values other than 1 from being passed.


Measure an operation's duration. Usable either through the time! macro, the closure form or explicit calls to start() and stop(). While timers internal precision are in nanoseconds, their accuracy depends on platform OS and hardware. Timer's default output format is milliseconds but is scalable up or down.

let app_metrics = Stream::to_stdout().metrics();
let timer =  app_metrics.timer("my_timer");
time!(timer, {/* slow code here */} );
timer.time(|| {/* slow code here */} );

let start = timer.start();
/* slow code here */



Relative quantity counter. Accepts positive and negative cumulative values. If aggregated, observed minimum and maximum track the sum of values rather than individual values as for Counter.


An instant observation of a resource's value (positive or negative, but non-cumulative). The observation of Gauges is not automatic and must be performed programmatically as with other metric types.


Each metric must be given a name upon creation. Names are opaque to the application and are used only to identify the metrics upon output.

Names may be prepended with a namespace by each configured backend. Aggregated statistics may also append identifiers to the metric's name.

Names should exclude characters that can interfere with namespaces, separator and output protocols. A good convention is to stick with lowercase alphanumeric identifiers of less than 12 characters.

let app_metrics = Stream::to_stdout().metrics();
let db_metrics = app_metrics.named("database");
let _db_timer = db_metrics.timer("db_timer");
let _db_counter = db_metrics.counter("db_counter");


Some backends (such as Prometheus) allow "tagging" the metrics with labels to provide additional context, such as the URL or HTTP method requested from a web server. Dipstick offers the thread-local ThreadLabel and global AppLabel context maps to transparently carry metadata to the backends configured to use it.

Notes about labels:

  • Using labels may incur a significant runtime cost because of the additional implicit parameter that has to be carried around.
  • Labels runtime costs may be even higher if async queuing is used since current context has to be persisted across threads.
  • While internally supported, single metric labels are not yet part of the input API. If this is important to you, consider using dynamically defined metrics or open a GitHub issue!

Static vs dynamic metrics

Metric inputs are usually setup statically upon application startup.

metrics!("my_app" => {
    COUNTER_A: Counter = "counter_a";

fn main() {

The static metric definition macro is just lazy_static! wrapper.

Dynamic metrics

If necessary, metrics can also be defined "dynamically". This is more flexible but has a higher runtime cost, which may be alleviated with the optional caching mechanism.

let user_name = "john_day";
let app_metrics = Log::to_log().cached(512).metrics();
app_metrics.gauge(&format!("gauge_for_user_{}", user_name)).value(44);

Alternatively, you may use Labels to output context-dependent metrics.

Metrics Output

A metrics library's second job is to help a program emit metric values that can be used in further systems.

Dipstick provides an assortment of drivers for network or local metrics output. Multiple outputs can be used at a time, each with its own configuration.


These output type are provided, some are extensible, you may write your own if you need to.


Write values to any Write trait implementer, including files, stderr and stdout.


Write values to the log using the log crate.


Insert metric values in a map.


Send metrics to a remote host over UDP using the statsd format.


Send metrics to a remote host over TCP using the graphite format.

TODO Prometheus

Send metrics to a Prometheus "PushGateway" using the Prometheus 2.0 text format.


Attributes change the outputs behavior.


Outputs can be given Prefixes. Prefixes are prepended to the Metrics names emitted by this output. With network outputs, a typical use of Prefixes is to identify the network host, environment and application that metrics originate from.


Stream and Log outputs have configurable formatting that enables usage of custom templates. Other outputs, such as Graphite, have a fixed format because they're intended to be processed by a downstream system.


Most outputs provide optional buffering, which can be used to optimized throughput at the expense of higher latency. If enabled, buffering is usually a best-effort affair, to safely limit the amount of memory that is used by the metrics.


Some outputs such as statsd also have the ability to sample metrics. If enabled, sampling is done using pcg32, a fast random algorithm with reasonable entropy.

let _app_metrics = Statsd::send_to("server:8125")?.sampled(Sampling::Random(0.01)).metrics();



Because the input's actual implementation depends on the output configuration, it is necessary to create an output channel before defining any metrics. This is often not possible because metrics configuration could be dynamic (e.g. loaded from a file), which might happen after the static initialization phase in which metrics are defined. To get around this catch-22, Dipstick provides a Proxy which acts as intermediate output, allowing redirection to the effective output after it has been set up.


Another intermediate output is the Bucket, which can be used to aggregate metric values. Bucket-aggregated values can be used to infer statistics which will be flushed out to

Bucket aggregation is performed locklessly and is very fast. Count, Sum, Min, Max and Mean are tracked where they make sense, depending on the metric type.

Preset bucket statistics

Published statistics can be selected with presets such as all_stats, summary, average.

Custom bucket statistics

For more control over published statistics, you can provide your own strategy. Consult the custom_publish example to see how this can be done.

Scheduled publication

Buffered and aggregated (bucket) metrics can be scheduled to be periodically published as a background task. The schedule runs on a dedicated thread and follows a recurrent Duration. It can be cancelled at any time using the CancelHandle returned by the flush_every() method.


Just like Constructicons, multiple metrics channels can assemble, creating a unified facade that transparently dispatches metrics to every constituent.

This can be done using multiple inputs or multiple outputs

Asynchronous Queue

Metrics can be collected asynchronously using a queue. The async queue uses a Rust channel and a standalone thread. If the queue ever fills up under heavy load, it reverts to blocking (rather than dropping metrics). I'm sure an example would help.

This is a tradeoff, lowering app latency by taking any metrics I/O off the thread but increasing overall metrics reporting latency. Using async metrics should not be required if using only aggregated metrics such as an AtomicBucket.