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# Input format
This chapter describes how a source file is interpreted as a sequence of tokens.
See [Crates and source files] for a description of how programs are organised into files.
## Source encoding
Each source file is interpreted as a sequence of Unicode characters encoded in UTF-8.
It is an error if the file is not valid UTF-8.
## Byte order mark removal
If the first character in the sequence is `U+FEFF` ([BYTE ORDER MARK]), it is removed.
## CRLF normalization
Each pair of characters `U+000D` (CR) immediately followed by `U+000A` (LF) is replaced by a single `U+000A` (LF).
Other occurrences of the character `U+000D` (CR) are left in place (they are treated as [whitespace]).
## Shebang removal
If the remaining sequence begins with the characters `#!`, the characters up to and including the first `U+000A` (LF) are removed from the sequence.
For example, the first line of the following file would be ignored:
<!-- ignore: tests don't like shebang -->
#!/usr/bin/env rustx
fn main() {
As an exception, if the `#!` characters are followed (ignoring intervening [comments] or [whitespace]) by a `[` token, nothing is removed.
This prevents an [inner attribute] at the start of a source file being removed.
> **Note**: The standard library [`include!`] macro applies byte order mark removal, CRLF normalization, and shebang removal to the file it reads. The [`include_str!`] and [`include_bytes!`] macros do not.
## Tokenization
The resulting sequence of characters is then converted into tokens as described in the remainder of this chapter.
[`include!`]: ../std/
[`include_bytes!`]: ../std/
[`include_str!`]: ../std/
[inner attribute]:
[Crates and source files]: