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Index should be split into Index and IndexMut.


Currently, the Index trait is not suitable for most array indexing tasks. The slice functionality cannot be replicated using it, and as a result the new Vec has to use .get() and .get_mut() methods.

Additionally, this simply follows the Deref/DerefMut split that has been implemented for a while.

Detailed design

We split Index into two traits (borrowed from @nikomatsakis):

// self[element] -- if used as rvalue, implicitly a deref of the result
trait Index<E,R> {
    fn index<'a>(&'a self, element: &E) -> &'a R;

// &mut self[element] -- when used as a mutable lvalue
trait IndexMut<E,R> {
    fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, element: &E) -> &'a mut R;


  • The number of lang. items increases.

  • This design doesn't support moving out of a vector-like object. This can be added backwards compatibly.

  • This design doesn't support hash tables because there is no assignment operator. This can be added backwards compatibly.


The impact of not doing this is that the [] notation will not be available to Vec.

Unresolved questions

None that I'm aware of.