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2020-03-20 22:49:03 +00:00
layout: post
title: "Reclaiming Story Points"
- featured
- agile
team: Technical Project Management
author: lbuschbaum
Scribd has been in an agile transition for two years now and as we iterate and
improve with company growth we have needed to reevaluate a number of practices
such as utilizing **story points**.
[Story points]( in agile are a way of estimating how much work something is. They
are deliberately _not_ exact functions of difficulty and time. You will never
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know all the complications when you start a project. Even something as simple
as making dinner can get tripped up by a missing ingredient or a dirty pot, so
too can software projects. Our first foray into story points was done with a
small group of folks who had a good understanding of the practice and its
implementation. When rolling story points out across the broader organization
we made a couple mistakes, namely that we didn't socialize that change both
across the organization and _upwards_.
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It can be very easy to say "oh, that's 8 points" in a planning meeting, but
that's hard to translate into a meeting where we cover **all** the projects
currently in flight, especially when trying to arrive at a target and actual
done date for the project or task. We had a tendency to get attached
to those dates, making plans across the organization. Then when a team would
slip on that translated schedule, everybody would get upset!
The team would be upset because they _knew_ that "8 points" was an estimate
that accommodated their internal understanding of a period of time. Management
would be upset because things slipped from their translated schedule which was
itself based on a global translation of story points into time.
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<img src="/post-images/2020-03-story-points/stop.png" alt="Stop!" align="center"/>
(<em><a href="" target="_blank">source</a></em>)
So..story points got banned from the management meeting. Project managers could
then only speak to deadline dates and added language that mentioned things like
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'best estimate' and 'could slip' to hedge around the fact that software
development isn't an exact science. We still talked in story points in our team
meetings but it was a verboten term outside that space which led to its own
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One of the other reasons story points got banned was the nature of the
imprecision. _Yes_, points should be specific to the team but our velocity was
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completely unpredictable from team to team. Sometimes it would be 20 points and
others 50. Regression passes were sometimes included and pointed, sometimes
they weren't. It started with a team of more junior developers and QA that had
one of the aforementioned velocity issues. We asked them how big a 3/5/8 was
and got a different answer from each of them. We had found the underlying
problem that had given story points a bad name!
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It was time to go back to basics. We had a "story pointing workshop" with that
team. The team already had strong communication and had a safe space, a
retrospective, to talk through the issue of why their understanding was all
over the map.
Some of it was because
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they were more junior and were less likely to know where the problems were in
the code base, but some of it was because we had just assumed that everyone knew
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what a 5 might entail. An hour later we had a white-board covered in notes with
items under each number in the Fibonnaci sequence. Items that included things
from each of the developers, QA and the squad lead (in this case a senior
developer). We did it again with the entire mobile QA team, sharing
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some of the findings after we first did the brainstorm fresh, sharing where
that team had seen points falling. It turned into a wiki page that was shared
within the project management team, and it spread from there.
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<img src="/post-images/2020-03-story-points/efforts.png" alt="Different efforts are different!" align="center"/>
(<em><a href="" target="_blank">source</a></em>)
We were clear throughout this process that points were still team specific and
that none of this was to be taken as hard and fast rules but it gave teams a
place in which to start the conversation and have common ground. We don't want
to make it sound like all the teams were terrible at making story point
estimates, or bad having reliable velocity, but the variability often exceeded
10%. Larger variance made it hard for management to show trust in our date
estimates. With some common guidelines, it became easier for teams to have more
accuracy, which led to more trust in deadlines, which ultimately gave us a way
to talk about story points again.
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When the deadlines shifted to being reliable within a day or two, the
conversation wasn't as charged since somebody could show the
good breakdown on the
work, which was also reflected in Jira. We operate a project lifecycle that
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starts with a product brief, goes through design iterations, and then goes into
story breakdown and sizing. Only after those steps are done do we "put hands on
keyboard" and start writing software, usually with pretty solid estimates. **It
turns out people really do need time to think through the problem before
solving it!**
Our approach isn't perfect of course. We still have spots of tech debt and
brittle code. We will always have people who under or over estimate work, but
that's why we use story points.
The initial reaction to story points was justifiable, but we continued to
iterate on the problems we ran into with the original implementation of story
points. Finally, by bringing up the concept of "velocity" and demonstrating how teams
were getting more reliable in their estimates with story points, we were able
to show management that the method was worth trusting.
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