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Core Platform

Our massive data pipeline has helped us process enormous amounts of information over the past decade, all to help us help our users discover, read, and learn. In this blog series, I will share how we're upgrading the pipeline to give internal customers faster and more reliable results.

The data pipeline is currently managed using a home grown workflow orchestration system written in Ruby called "Datapipe." The first commit of our data pipeline repo dates all the way back to 2010. We created it around the time when everybody else was building their own orchestration tools, such as Pinterest's Pinball, Spotify's Luigi, or AirBnB's Airflow. These tools all perform the same basic function: process and execute a directed-acyclic-graph (DAG) of "work", typically associated with a ETL data pipelines.

Today, we have 1500+ tasks and 14 DAGs, with the majority of tasks globbed together in one giant DAG containing more than 1400 tasks:

It's a large DAG

Datapipe has served us well and brought the company to where it is today. However, it has been in maintenance mode for some time. As a result, it's struggling to meet the needs of Scribd's fast growing engineering team,. Since Scribd is moving more and more into the cloud, we decided that now is a good time for us to step back and redesign the system for the future.

We need a modernized workflow orchestration system to help drastically improve productivity and unlock the capability to build new product features that were not previously possible.

Opportunity for improvement

Here are some of the areas we think would result in big impacts to the organization:

Flexibility: The in house system can only setup run schedule at the granularity of one day, which sets a limit on freshness of our data. To unlock new applications, we need to let engineers to define schedules with more flexibility and granularity.

Productivity: Culturally, we would like to shift from mono-repo to multi-repo. Needless to say, putting all the workflow definitions in a single file is not scalable. Our workflow config today already contains 6000 lines of code and is still growing. By building tooling to support multi-repo setup, we hope to reduce coupling and speed up development cycles.

Ownership: Today, we have dedicated engineers keeping eyes on nightly runs to notify workflow owners if anything goes wrong. The web UI doesn't support some of the common maintenance actions like killing a running tasks. This, combined with lack of built-in monitoring and alerting support within the orchestration system, means even if workflow owners want to take full ownership of their tasks, there is no easy way to accomplish it. We need to flip this around and empower workflow owners to take care of their own tasks end to end. This is the only scalable way going forward.

Scalability and availability: The orchestration system should be able to handle the scale of data pipeline for many years to come. It should also be highly available and function without issue when a minority of the cluster goes down.

Operability: Minor failures in the pipeline should not impact the rest of the pipeline. Recovering failed tasks should be easy and fully self-serviced.

Extensibility: It's not surprising that after many years of development, the in house system comes with many unique and useful features like cross date dependencies. It should be easy to develop and maintain custom features for the new system.

Cloud native: As we migrate its infrastructure from a datacenter to the cloud, the new system will need to be able to run smoothly in the cloud and integrate nicely with various software-as-a-service offerings like Datadog, Pagerduty and Sentry.

We basically had two options: retrofit Datapipe or pick a well maintained open source project as the building block. After lots of prototyping and careful evaluation, we decided to adopt Apache Airflow.

Super-charging Airflow

I wish adopting Airflow is just as simple as doing a pip install and pointing the config to a RDS endpoint. It turns out we had to do a lot of preparation work to make it meet all our requirements. Just to name a few:

  • Implement scalable and highly available setup leveraging both ECS and EKS
  • Write tooling to support defining DAGs in multiple repositories
  • Scale Airflow to handle one of our gigantic DAG
  • Create custom Airflow plugins to replicate some of the unique features from the in house system
  • Build DAG delivery pipeline with a focus on speed and separation of environments
  • Monitor Airflow itself as well as DAGs and tasks with Datadog, Pagerduty and Sentry.
  • Execute multi-stage workflow migration from the in house system

Each one of the above items warrants a blog post of its own. We will be sharing what we have learned in more detail throughout this series of blog posts.

At Scribd, we embrace open source and try to contribute back to the community as much as we can. Since the start of this internal project, we have contributed more than 20 patches upstream to Airflow including EKS support, Pagerduty hooks, many bug fixes and performance improvements. We hope to continue this trend and contribute more as the project progresses.

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