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# Version 2.2.2
- Fix a typo in the docs for `ChildStdin`. (#76)
# Version 2.2.1
- Fix a compilation error for 32-bit operating systems by using a 32-bit zombie counter. (#75)
# Version 2.2.0
- Port Linux to a new backend that tries to use `pidfd` if it is available. (#68)
# Version 2.1.0
- Update `event-listener` to v5.1.0. (#67)
# Version 2.0.1
- Update `event-listener` to v4.0.0. (#64)
- Update `windows-sys` to v0.52.0. (#65)
# Version 2.0.0
- **Breaking:** Remove the `pre_exec` extension function on Unix. It is still available through the `From<std::process::Command>` implementation on `Command`. (#54)
- Add the `driver()` function, which allows the processes to be driven without a separate thread. (#52)
- Bump `async-io` to v2.0.0 and `async-channel` to v2.0.0. (#60)
# Version 1.8.1
- Bump `async-signal` to v0.2.3. (#56)
# Version 1.8.0
- Move from `signal-hook` to the `async-signal` crate. (#42)
- Reorganize the internals of this crate to be more coherent. (#46)
- Bump to `event-listener` v3.0.0. (#43)
# Version 1.7.0
- Replace direct dependency on libc with rustix. (#31)
- Reduce the number of syscalls used in the `into_stdio` method. (#31)
- Add windows::CommandExt::raw_arg on Rust 1.62+. (#32)
- Update windows-sys to 0.48. (#39)
# Version 1.6.0
- Switch from `winapi` to `windows-sys` (#27)
- Remove the dependency on the `once_cell` crate to restore the MSRV (#26)
- Fix build failure with minimal-versions (#28)
# Version 1.5.0
- Implement `AsRawFd` for `ChildStd*` on Unix (#23)
- Implement I/O safety traits on Rust 1.63+ on Unix (#23)
# Version 1.4.0
- `Command::spawn` and `Command::output` no longer unconfigure stdio streams (#20)
- Implement `From<std::process::Command>` for `Command` (#21)
# Version 1.3.0
- Improve debug implementation of `Command` (#18)
# Version 1.2.0
- Implement `AsRawHandle` on `Child` on `Windows` (#17)
# Version 1.1.0
- Add `into_stdio` method to `ChildStdin`, `ChildStdout`, and `ChildStderr`. (#13)
# Version 1.0.2
- Use `kill_on_drop` only when the last reference to `ChildGuard` is dropped.
# Version 1.0.1
- Update `futures-lite`.
# Version 1.0.0
- Update dependencies and stabilize.
# Version 0.1.3
- Update dependencies.
# Version 0.1.2
- Add Unix and Windows extensions.
- Add `Command::reap_on_drop()` option.
- Add `Command::kill_on_drop()` option.
# Version 0.1.1
- Initial version